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Do You Have 5 Minutes?

Written by: Brenda K. Johnson, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Brenda K. Johnson

Jose Silva believed we were sent to the planet for a specific purpose and reason.

Just a girl with goals quote on a black background.

Big goals vs. Little goals

What is a big goal? And what is a little goal? Are they the same? We’ve all been taught to have goals and to write them down. But I think there’s more to it than just that. What if we were doing it all wrong? What if I was doing it all wrong? What if there was a better way to do it to achieve more out of life? Wouldn’t that be great?

The goal journey

Let’s go on a journey together and discover another way. I’ve been writing down goals for years. And some of them I’ve achieved, and some are still lingering. So, it’s not just about writing them down. It’s about them being a burning desire in your heart, knowing exactly what you want to achieve, and never taking your eyes off the road to success.

Little goals. Big goals

But what if the goals were too little to start with? And then, once you reach these little goals, you never make another goal. Or what if they were too big to begin with, and you were disappointed and never achieved them? And then you felt deflated and said this goals thing doesn’t work. I have heard people say that. Have you?

Let’s try this

Write down something that you have a burning desire to achieve. Now, close your eyes, holding the vision of that goal in your mind. Now, see yourself not attaining that goal and where you would be. What it would feel like. What would it be like? See yourself for five minutes, not reaching the goal. Or not having money and or not having a place to live. A car to drive. See your empty bank account. Feel that horrible feeling of what that feels like. Take five minutes to do that. With your eyes closed.

Take 5 more minutes

Now, close your eyes for five more minutes and see yourself achieving that goal. See yourself running through the finish line, running through the tape. See yourself, finishing it, and what it would mean for your life. For the life of your family. For your financial life. Envision your bank account full of money. See all kinds of certificates for achievements you’ve received because you completed your goal. See yourself being able to go anywhere in the world and to all the destinations you’ve ever wanted to go to. See money not being a problem ever again and driving the car of your dreams. You are living in the home of your dreams and in that place, you have always wanted to reach—and living in peace with it.

Repeat three times a day

Take ten minutes every morning, at lunchtime, and before bed. Let’s train our subconscious mind to see the achievement of our burning desires. Your success will become the only thing your subconscious mind dreams about at night. Our subconscious mind will finally obey us rather than the opposite. Before you know it, you can control your subconscious mind. You will become stronger day by day mentally.

Wipe negative thoughts away

I am working on myself while I am writing this story. I want to control my subconscious mind. Ever find yourself having weird and strange dreams that had nothing to do with your thoughts before bed? Me too. So, I knew my subconscious mind was controlling me and not the opposite. Nightly, I am listening to positive training and affirmations about driving my goals in the direction I want them to go and training my subconscious mind to obey me.

I am also fighting negative thoughts, actions, and comments. Being positive all the time is work and a decision. Try taking control over all negative thoughts, dreams, and actions. Only see yourself thriving in having achieved your goals. See where your life would be. I’m joining you in this quest. You are not alone.

Write down when you started this quest and how you’ve changed. Make sure you date each day. Create your feedback loop of how you progressed. How you felt and how it changed you. Journal it. That is what I am doing. And then, provide feedback, If you would like, let me know how it worked for you. And I’ll see you at the end of the goal line. Happy dreams!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Brenda K. Johnson Brainz Magazine

Brenda K. Johnson, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

BRENDA K. JOHNSON is a multi-focused retired U.S. Army Officer and businesswoman who has lived and worked internationally in both beautiful and dangerous locations. Brenda grew up in a single-parent home with a business-owning mother. She has volunteered with many veterans and prison reform organizations and currently is a board member for Keystone College in Pennsylvania. Coaching basketball for girls led to establishing a women’s basketball team for a College in Doha, Qatar. Brenda is a writer and motivational speaker.

Brenda K. Johnson is using her years of experience as a military training officer and business owner to write and share her professional heartfelt experiences as a co-author in Intuitive Living. Her chapter entitled “S + S = Success” elevates women leaders, providing them with the tools to achieve their ambitions. As the founder of the Powerful Women Business Academy, Brenda coaches and mentors women empowering women to live their business dreams and contribute to the world by assisting others.

Jump on your free 20-minute Business Dream Breakthrough Session call today.

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