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Discover The 'WORKBEING' Philosophy For Healthier Lives At Work & Beyond – Interview With Timo Topp

Timo Topp is a world leader in the wellbeing space with 30 years of experience, working as a coach, author and speaker. It his purpose and passion to help people to live healthier, happier lives. Timo is the creator of 'WORKBEING' a workplace wellbeing philosophy that empowers busy professional people to live healthier lives at work so that businesses can thrive. He is also the author of the book EAT, MOVE, LIVE – An authentic approach to look and feel your best for life. Timo’s philosophy to optimal well-being is based on ‘simplicity, sustainability, success’ so you can look, feel and perform at your best, for life.

photo of Timo Topp

Timo Topp, Wellbeing Coach, Author and Speaker

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

I'm Timo Topp, and yes, that's my real name! I only say that because it is what everyone I meet for the first time asks me. In business people think it is a brand name I created. It is actually a Finnish name because my mum is from Finland. I was born in England and now call Australia home. My life has been shaped by a passion for travel and adventure. I've ticked off some remarkable experiences, like learning to scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef, learning to fly a plane, trekking to Everest base camp and swimming with Great White sharks (well, I was in a cage, of course so as not to get eaten!). I also have a deep love for 1980s movies, which led me to create my own unique range of custom t-shirts with iconic movie quotes that I sell. And my best buddie is my Dachshund, Frank.

What inspired you to enter the wellbeing space and how became a coach, author, and speaker?

How I ended up in the wellbeing space as a coach, author and speaker, is s a unique journey. Believe it or not, I actually had no initial intention of pursuing a career in wellbeing. In fact nothing could be further from the truth because at school I was unfit, out of shape, not that great academically at English and painfully shy. The whole concept of one day standing on stage in-front of hundreds of people was never on the radar. It all started in my bedroom.

As a teenager I knew I needed to do something about my ‘weedy’ physique if I was going to have any luck getting a girlfriend. So, inspired by Arnold Schwarzenegger I began working out in my bedroom with his home weights kit because I was too intimated to join a gym with all those good looking people. I did a degree in Biological Sciences at University.

Afterwards, I was finding it hard to get a job in my field of expertise so since I was enjoying so much fitness training by then I thought ‘I might as well get a job in a gym’ and so my career was inadvertently born. Later, I ventured to Australia, where I continued in the fitness industry, expanding my interests to encompass holistic wellbeing, including mindset and spirituality. This transformation led to me write my book, "EAT, MOVE, LIVE," and becoming a speaker to share my message to more people by delivering workshops and conference keynotes. My journey has been an evolution of both my personal and professional life, one filled with unexpected opportunities and growth. I would like add, so much focus is given for people to know what they want and relentlessly pursue it. My journey has been a natural evolution of growth and opportunities, many of which I never would of imagined.

Tell us about your 'WORKBEING' workplace wellbeing philosophy and how it empowers professionals to live healthier lives at work?

‘Work should not make us sick, tired and overly stressed’

Unfortunately with the high demands placed upon everyone: from employees, business owners to executives personal wellbeing can take an unfortunate back seat to business priorities and outcomes leading to burnout and rising mental health issues.

I truly believe working practises and wellbeing habits should not be mutually exclusive, in fact, they should co-exist. It's necessary to bridge the gap between the both and that is what WORKBEING is all about: Harmonizing WORK and well-BEING, creating a mutually beneficial approach where people and businesses thrive. It is a simple:

"Healthy people make for healthy business."

When you are well, you are more energised, more resilient to stress, more motivated and mentally focussed and think more creatively. What business would not want an army of employees with these qualities turning up everyday?

What are some practical steps or tips you recommend for people looking to lead healthier, happier lives, both at work and in their personal lives?

When it comes to leading healthier, happier lives, whether at work or in personal life, I believe in mastering the fundamentals. When you learn martial arts your first lesson is not the flying roundhouse kick, you start with basic blocks and strikes. Michael Jordan did not start his basketball career by learning the slam dunk, his coach got him to shoot basic hoop shots a thousand times until he could do it in his sleep. The lesson:

“Master the fundamentals and everything you do will rise” Michael Jordan

Better (more conscious) deeper breathing, drinking more water, eating more greens and less processed ‘crap’, moving more, getting to bed on time and being thankful. If you regularly practise and master these, you will be well on your way to living a healthy, vibrant life. It’s not sexy but they are timeless and work.

These fundamental strategies are the basis of my WORKBEING method, and they can be seamlessly integrated into even the busiest schedules. Simplicity is the key to success, and it's not about following the latest fads or trends but rather embracing timeless, proven practices.

Of course the philosophy goes deeper than that to explore how to eat well, move (and exercise) more, stress less and sleep well – all with a busy professional life but these are topics for other articles.

In your experience, what are the most common challenges that individuals face when trying to improve their wellbeing, and how does your approach address these challenges?

The most common challenge individuals face when improving their wellbeing is the constant juggling act of work and life. The demands of work, deadlines, meetings, and stress often take precedence making it challenging to maintain health. People don’t need more information on ‘what’ to do, they need more strategies on to how to do it around a busy schedule. This is where WORKBEING steps in, offering simple strategies that busy professionals can effortlessly incorporate into their daily routines. By keeping it simple, these habits become sustainable, leading to better health and happiness.

What’s the biggest mistake you see people with their wellbeing?

The most significant mistake people make in their wellbeing journey is being inconsistent, setting unrealistic goals and lacking support. Consider New Year’s resolutions, the most common one being wanting to get fit and lose weight. So many people crash and burn because they take on extreme changes that are unsustainable. To succeed, one needs to start with manageable, personalized habits and have a support system in place, such as a friend, partner, or coach. As I have said, simplicity is the key to building lasting, healthy habits but so is appropriateness and having support.

What is your vision for the future?

Looking ahead, my vision is to see wellbeing practices become as integral as health and safety policies in all workplaces and businesses. Wellbeing should not be a mere ‘nice to have’ or practises adopted by forward thinking innovative companies but a mandatory part of business practices. It's a win-win situation, as I have said: healthy employees lead to healthy businesses. It results in increased productivity, performance, and profits and people who actually enjoy coming to work as they feel valued and cared for.

Beyond the corporate world, I hope for a society where people truly value their health as their most significant asset. Health really is the foundation for living a successful and enjoyable life. It allows you to be a better parent, enjoy the sports and activities you love

and even enhances relationships – it allows you to be your best self. And it’s so much easier than people think. All it takes is more consistent commitment to simple things that really do not require a huge amount of extra effort (other than exercise but even that can be made more time effective) As I have said, drink more water, eat more greens and less processed food, get your steps up, prioritise sleep and be thankful. It’s not rocket science but it will launch you to greater heights for living your best life, doing what you love and need to do better and for longer.

illustration of WORKBEING

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