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Transforming Sleepless Nights Into Restful Bliss For Tired Parents – Interview With Cátia Pinto

Cátia Pinto is a pediatric sleep coach. She dedicates her life to coaching parents teach their children to develop independent sleep skills, through a gentle and child-friendly approach. Her strategies follow the Sleep Sense system, which has helped over 100.000 families since 2003. Cátia is the founder of My Sweet Dreamer and also the mother of two, so she truly knows how sleep deprivation can negatively affect children and, inevitably, their parents. All the inherent feelings of guilt and tiredness end up preventing them from enjoying parenthood in full. Her mission: Help tired parents recover their well-deserved rested nights.

photo of Cátia Pinto

Cátia Pinto, Pediatric Sleep Coach

Could you share why you decided to become a pediatric sleep coach?

Let me share a story that many parents can relate to. Picture this: I'm a mother of two, and I've had my fair share of sleepless nights with my youngest. I know firsthand how those endless nights can cast a shadow on family well-being, sometimes for not just days or months, but even years.

As a tired parent, I found myself drowning in a sea of conflicting advice on how to get my daughter to sleep through the night. I'd give one method a shot, hoping for a few peaceful nights, only to end up even more frustrated when it failed. I'd try another approach, and yet, the result remained the same – more sleepless nights.

The exhaustion was setting in, and I began to think I might have to make a permanent sacrifice, my own sleep, for the sake of my daughter's. But then, like a glimmer of hope in the darkness, I stumbled upon the Sleep Sense Program. It opened my eyes to the fact that this cycle of sleepless agony was not only unnecessary but also unsafe.

I discovered that there was a solution to our problem. I embarked on the journey of sleep training my daughter, and, incredibly, just four days later, she slept through the night. I couldn't believe it! The relief and happiness I felt were immeasurable. I was utterly amazed by the transformation, and it sparked a desire within me to help other families struggling with their children's sleep.

So, I made the life-changing decision to become a certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant. Today, I'm here to share my knowledge and experience to make sure other families can also find the peace and rest they deserve. If you're ready to bid farewell to those sleepless nights and welcome a brighter, happier future, don't hesitate to get in touch with me today. There's absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. Trust me; you won't regret it!

What makes you different?

I'd like to share with you the six key elements that set me apart:

  1. Personal Support - I don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. With every client, I embark on a personalized journey, offering unwavering support every step of the way. Your success is my mission, and I'm here to guide you with my expertise and understanding.

  2. Trained by the Best! - I've had the privilege of mentoring under Dana Obleman, the genius behind The Sleep Sense Program, which has already transformed the sleep routines of over 108,000 families. The wisdom I've gained from this experience is the secret behind my success

  3. Professional Instruction - I'll leave no room for uncertainty. You'll receive clear and precise instructions on how to nurture your baby's independent sleep skills, paving the way for those blissful nights of uninterrupted sleep. Rest assured, it'll be a gentle and gradual process, ensuring your little one feels loved and secure throughout the journey.

  4. Expert Analysis - Life has its curveballs, and sometimes things don't go as planned. But worry not! When hurdles arise, I'll be right there to dissect the issue and steer you through the necessary adjustments. We're committed to getting it right, no matter what

  5. A Team of Experts - Behind me stands a legion of over 300 pediatric sleep professionals. As a Certified Sleep Sense Consultant, I tap into this extensive network to ensure you receive not only my expertise but the collective knowledge of a team dedicated to your success. You're never alone on this path.

  6. Commitment - Your well-being and your baby's sleep journey are my utmost priorities. I am determined to see you through to success. I stand by your side until we reach your sleep goals, ensuring that everyone in your family is well-rested and thriving.

It's not just about differentiating myself; it's about offering you an exceptional level of care and expertise that guarantees results. Your satisfaction and the peace you deserve are non-negotiable.

How would people describe you?

I'm often described as an incredibly empathetic, kind, and dedicated professional, known for my unwavering support. At the core of my work is the profound connection I forge with my clients. Through this bond of trust, I inspire them to not only believe in me but, more importantly, to believe in themselves as they journey toward success. I empower them to recognize that their inner strength and resilience are the keys to unlocking the results they've longed for.

What's more, my clients frequently highlight my exceptional communication skills, which provide them with a crystal-clear understanding of what to expect on their path and the role they must play in achieving the goals we set from the very outset of the Sleep Program.

Here's a glimpse of what some of my clients have to say:

“Cátia is your go-to sleep consultant! She’s all about being kind, helpful, and super dedicated. Her way of talking is seriously amazing. Just drop her a message, and she'll get back to you in a flash with all the info you need. We really appreciate that about her!"

"Cátia really knows her stuff, and she makes sure everything she explains totally makes sense with solid reasoning. Thanks to her, our quest for better sleep totally clicked!"

“Cátia's super attentive and her way of talking is like, seriously amazing! We parents are just blown away by how caring and understanding she is.”

How would you describe your business, and what services do you offer to your clients?

Imagine a world where sleep is as vital as nourishment, where restful nights are a non-negotiable part of parenting. This is the world I've created for parents who understand the profound importance of quality sleep and have faced the relentless grip of sleep deprivation. Welcome to my Sleep Program, where I offer a lifeline to families who've explored numerous avenues in their quest for peaceful nights but are now ready to embrace new strategies and cultivate independent sleep skills in their little ones. My audience is comprised of parents who are not just ready to make a commitment but eager to embark on their sleep journey with unwavering determination.

Now, why am I more than just a book? Here's the secret sauce:

I dig deep into every aspect of your child’s life, capturing their daily routines, their temperament, and their eating habits. Armed with this comprehensive understanding, I craft a meticulously detailed plan tailored exclusively to your little one.

This plan forms the backbone of our 90-minute consultation, where we dive into strategies, navigate potential challenges, and master the art of addressing bedtime, naptime, night awakenings, or any other specific issues you might be struggling with. It's a collaborative process where your confidence in the methods and strategies I'm proposing is paramount.

But I don't stop there. My secret lies in the unparalleled, personal support I offer to my clients. A whopping 98% of my success is rooted in ongoing follow-up support. We'll stay in touch through follow-up sessions and emails throughout the entire Sleep Program. It's a space to tackle any setbacks, answer your burning questions, and ensure you're on the right path.

Moreover, I provide two to three weeks of unlimited support through text messages or emails, serving as a constant source of guidance and motivation. With this level of commitment, my clients never feel alone on their sleep journey. They're empowered to persevere and not give up because they're not just clients; they're part of a supportive community that's dedicated to better sleep.

How do you approach parents’ anxiety when it comes to their kids’ crying?

I understand that the prospect of listening to your baby's tears can be utterly terrifying. That's why I engage in candid conversations with my clients about this very topic. My sleep plans are meticulously crafted to minimize crying, but here's the truth: immediate results are rarely the case. There will be moments when those little voices express their protest through tears. The key is understanding the purpose behind the cries.

As challenging as it may be to endure, it's crucial to remember that babies have only a handful of ways to communicate. They beam with laughter and smiles when they're delighted, and they cry when they're hungry, upset, tired, uncomfortable, or frustrated. So, let's address the elephant in the room: an hour of crying won't scar your baby emotionally, but prolonged sleep deprivation can have dire consequences on their brain development, physical growth, and immune system. It can even foster feelings of disappointment, resentment, or anger towards your child. Not to mention the strain it can put on your relationship with your partner.

Let's be clear: I'm no advocate of the "cry-it-out" approach to sleep training. I would never suggest leaving your baby to cry alone in their crib if that's something you're uncomfortable with. Instead, I provide an array of alternative solutions for parents to explore with their babies. With time, you'll discover which methods work best for both you and your little one.

It's remarkable how the smallest things can trigger a child's laughter or tears. Many kids have epic meltdowns when something is taken away from them or when their desires go unfulfilled. As parents, we're called to be their guides, a gentle but resolute presence. When your child throws a tantrum because it's time to leave the playground and head home, should their will reign supreme, or should you attempt to reason with them? Granted, infants and toddlers aren't skilled at rational conversation, but as parents, we strike the balance between empathy and firm guidance.

For more info, follow Cátia on Instagram, visit her Website or schedule a Discovery Call with her.


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