Written by: William Lee, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
BM: Thank you Dr Lee for sharing your ideas at Brainz Magazine.
WL: It’s my absolute pleasure. Thank you for having me! It’s been fun writing articles and reaching out to many worthy people I’ve never met. It proves that our Wheels of Fortune can all be connected through any of our five senses. In this case, articles publication using the sense of vision.
BM: You mentioned the concept of the “Wheel of Fortune”. Can you expand on it?
WL: We all like to live a happy fortunate life. Don’t we?
However, unless we are extremely lucky, happiness will not last – the things that make us happy, they change eventually. So, we need to know, with clarity, how to be happy, work for it and achieve it. Once we are able to do that consistently, a fortunate feeling follows, and that elevates the happiness to a higher lasting state. Some say, internal peace.
That said, what’s Wheel of Fortune?
As human beings, we all have biological needs as well as emotional needs. And we all are constrained by the physical worlds with limited materials, energies and space.
So, for a natural person, the Wheel of Fortune consists of biological and emotional needs as well as the means to satisfy these needs. All three parts have to come together. One without the other two will not last.
For a legal person, such as a corporation, the three parts are commercial needs that are necessary to keep a body corporate afloat; the emotional needs are individual as well as collective emotions of the relevant stakeholders; and, the means to satisfy these needs include business capabilities, strategies, tasks organisation and performance.
Each (legal) person has their unique Wheel of Fortune. When any parts are missing or worn out, the Wheel moving along the Way of Life or Business will squeak with difficulty.
BM: How do we complete our unique Wheel of Fortune, to make it smooth running?
WL: The short answer is, please refer to the previous 11 chapters of my Brainz Magazine articles. There should be enough hints, if you internalised the information.
The long answer lies within a concept called Dao Fa Zi Ran 道法自然 by an ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu 老子.
When a person makes contact with the external world through the five senses of vision 眼, hearing 耳, smelling 鼻, tasting 舌, and touching 身, a series of chain reactions occur spontaneously inside that person’s mind. The (sub)consciousness 意識then guides how that information collected is emotionalized, internalized, and processed to produce a decision outcome. The whole process, including the effect(s) of that decision outcome, is then stored in our consciousness as memory. When that specific process is repeated often enough, the decision process goes deep into the subconsciousness part of our mind and we may then act unconsciously and still achieve the desired outcome with fluency and skill, facing the same tasks (see Chapter 1 – Born With It All (brainzmagazine.com)).
In other words, our consciousness and/or subconsciousness act like a mental yardstick. Any information collected through our five senses is compared against it. Depending on the subject matter, missing it, meeting it or exceeding it will produce a range of emotions broadly categorised as the Emotions of Seven and Desires of Six (see Chapter 4 — Taichi Fortunate (brainzmagazine.com)), all spontaneously.
Some emotions and desires enable us to do something, while others stop. All we have to do is to just observe, compare against others, and memorise and build our databank. Our minds will react spontaneously thereon.
The way our minds work as described just now, is what I call CentriFused Mind.
BM: Are you saying, how we experience the world through our five senses affects our consciousness and subconsciousness, which in turn affects our emotions, decision-making process and wiliness to act?
WL: Exactly!
If we could feel the world truthfully as it is – what I call a CentriFused Vision – we will react in a way that feels just right for ourselves, spontaneously.
The way we learn a new skill and acquire new knowledge is either by trial-and-error or by observing how others do it, try it ourselves, feel it ourselves, and memorise the whole process as well as the outcome(s) associated with it.
During this learning and decision-making process, if the outcome fell short of our needs or desires, negative emotions could result. This memory then becomes our next mental yardstick. When we encounter the same experience next time, we attach the same negative emotional label to it. We may then find it harder and harder to try again, as the negative emotional feeling builds up.
Conversely, if we had a good experience that is repeatable, we will keep at it until it gets infused into our subconsciousness. And that is what I call CentriFusion.
BM: How do we use CentriFusion in a group setting, for example, running a business?
WL: First, we need to recognise the fact that no one can walk into another person, then feel and act for that person.
The best we can do – and the only way – is to communicate through some kind of medium that is receivable and recognisable by that person. He or she will make his or her own decision.
When the subject matter thus communicated is deemed favourable by the communicatee, the conversation will continue for the better, until CentriFused. If not, the harder the communicator tries, the worse he or she will feel. The person may appear to be in agreement, but deep down, he or she is just not convinced.
So to create buy-in, it is important to first create that connected feeling, through any of the Wheel of Fortune tentacles.
If that person did not have previous experience with a certain subject matter, we need to make extra effort to build that person’s databank – some kind of memory implant or shared experiences through group activities, if you like – to create that connected feeling.
BM: You are talking about engagement.
WL: Yes. Business leaders have been advised to engage with their employees, customers, suppliers and stakeholders. Once that is achieved, they can then be empowered to maximise collective creativity and productivity with effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, coordination and alignment. But the HOW is often missing.
CentriFusion helps to achieve that.
It provides the theoretical backbone for individuals and organisations to proliferate and react spontaneously to countless circumstances based on experiences past, present, East and West, leading to a CentriFused future together – A world with endless possibilities, all for the better.
BM: Thank you for sharing with us!
WL: Thank You, Good Luck to You all and Happy CentriFusion!
William Lee, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine William Lee, a business coach and expert in connecting people’s wheels of fortune together, excels at producing positive results in complex multi-stakeholder engagement, end-to-end customer experience satisfaction, and remote team management. Frustrated by years of conflicts and external negativities, William dug deep to understand how our minds work, how we interact with one another, and how good faith can improve our connected world together. Through a process called CentriFusion, William’s methodology and system provide an easy first step to vastly improve team empathetic capability. With increased presence and engagement, as a result, fertile mental grounds are sown to enable organic and spontaneous growth, aligned to a shared common purpose. William provides the way to attain TRUE and SUSTAINABLE COMFORT in your businesses. Enjoy life without complacency!