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Breakthrough The Myth Of Self-Denial – With Zimmaron Zsido

Written by: Edit B Kiss, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Edit B Kiss

Zimmaron is not an ordinary person. You can sense his presence from afar. His appearance is literally angelic. His challenging and adventurous life journey across continents since birth allowed him to cultivate the personal strength needed to transform his belief about love and acceptance at a higher level. If you are looking for answers about the power of self-love and the true connection to the divine, he is the best person to turn to.

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I feel so excited to be able to introduce you to my readers. Would you be so kind as to let us know where are you from and how that shaped your future?

I was born and raised in Australia as an immigrant, with roots in Eastern Europe. I always felt a sense of insecurity, fear, and alienation which was amplified by my personal health challenges and general inability to relate to the world around me.

This early disconnect and difficulty fueled my desire to understand the human condition, pushing me to search for deeper meaning and connection. I could not comprehend how humans could do non-loving acts to one another. This troubled me greatly. Eventually, as a young adult, I dropped out of university and quit my job at the time and embarked on a transformative journey of self-discovery.

I traveled the world, lived in and out of ashrams, and immersed myself in various cultures and philosophies. To fund my lifestyle, I produced pilgrimages and events all over the world taking groups of people to exotic locations such as Egypt, India, Kenya, Tanzania, New Zealand, and Outback Safari’s as I emersed myself in ancient metaphysical teachings and seeking out my own experiences. It was during this time that I met my Guru.

Truth be told, the difficulties and challenges I faced turned out to be my greatest blessings, and dare I say, I did discover the meaning of life. All my deepest questions were answered from a direct experience of my divinity and became the foundation in shaping my own personal mission.

I am always amazed by this story. Thank you for sharing. What was the point that made you join the first Ashram of many and what kept you there for 20 years?

To me, learning about myself and diving into all my fears, insecurities, and perceived limitations, was always my highest priority, and being around a community of like-minded people only made it that much easier.

Whilst I did have some success in business, which supported my minimalist and humble lifestyle, the trappings of the material world was not my focus, nor was it important. When one realizes that everything you could ever want or dream of is already inside of you, it is easy to detach from all the white noise in the world around you.

In that state of consciousness, nothing owns you and can have any real power over you. You know that you are the source of everything in your life and you see everything for what it truly is… ultimately, an aspect of yourself. That is empowering. That becomes the foundation for true freedom and the discovery of a love for oneself, and others, that is unconditional.

Don’t get me wrong. During my training, I was humbled many a time. I went through excruciating mental and emotional anguish, and the pain that I had to face, to let go of my inner demons, was quite literally a hell I would not ever wish upon anyone.

Most of the world has no concept of just how deep the rabbit hole really goes. Nor do they even come close to understanding the tremendous power of love that resides inside of them. If they did, the world would be a very different place. None of what I say is just a concept or theory. So as far as I was concerned, where else would I want to be?

I can imagine the hustle that came with it. I would love to know that as a Breakthrough specialist, how do you support others?

I teach people how to foster the most important relationship that has ever existed on this planet. The relationship with Self. You are the source of every aspect of your entire reality. Again, this is not just a concept.

If you learn to connect with, and work in tandem with, your superconscious Self, your God Self, the Quantum Field, whatever label you prefer, then you can move mountains in your life, and quite literally overcome anything. But even better than that.

If you learn the lessons that life gifts you with, then you can actually stop creating painful and difficult circumstances in your life. Everything becomes easier and more graceful and more magical.

My only goal for my clients is to empower them to have the full experience of who they truly are and who they were born to be. Because when concept becomes reality, then that is something that no one can ever take from you, and it changes everything.

It is like having your own personal and private concierge at your side 24/7, helping you and assisting you, transforming you from the inside out. Imagine having a genie in a bottle but with infinite wishes. (laughs) That is not an exaggeration either.

What are you working on now and what is your bigger vision?

Right now, I am working on sharing this process with large groups of people, live online or from stage. I want to do free Reclaiming Sessions where open people up to this reality and to help them befriend and start working with their superconscious selves and eventually become superconscious.

I also have 6-week program to complement that, it delves much deeper into that process, and then a 6-month coaching program that may or may not include certification as part of it. I just want to reach as many people as I possibly can.

I want to empower as many people as I can to take back sovereignty over themselves. To help them master their reality and to harness the power inside to live with their hearts filled with a love that no words can and ever will be able to describe.

Thank you so much, Zimmaron, for your time!

As always, thank you Edit. I am very grateful and appreciate the amazing work that you do.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Edit B Kiss Brainz Magazine

Edit B Kiss, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Edit B Kiss is a holistic mentor, success habit coach, 1 best-selling author, Humanitarian Award winner and international speaker. She helps her clients to get healed from running mind, insomnia to gain more focus and fill the void in their hearts by raising their frequency and getting them aligned with their true self so they can stand the storms and live their life joyfully and reinvent themselves to the next level.



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