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Advocating For Animals Through Energy, Compassion, And Community – Interview With Emma Liston

Emma Liston is a passionate advocate for animals, combining healing and interspecies communication to create meaningful change. Together with her global community, she facilitates worldwide healing events for animals affected by war, natural disasters, and other crises. Her unwavering belief in the magic that surrounds us, drives her to inspire a global shift in the way we care for all living beings—one animal, one human, and one act of kindness at a time.

photo of Emma Jayne Liston

Emma Liston, Energy Healer

Please introduce yourself and share a little more about you and your life.

If I’m honest, I’ve always felt a little alien to this world; even throughout my career, as I didn’t care for the conventional things. 

I’m highly sensitive to the suffering and pain of others, and I didn’t appreciate my empathy until much later in life. Growing up, I found it very hard to relate to people, and built my deepest friendships with animals. I’m different from most people in that I believe that magic is real and exists all around us. I had dragons keeping me company as a child, and even as I grew up, they stayed in my awareness. It took time for me to become aware of the ‘spiritual team' that accompany each one of us throughout our lives; never mind that this team can include dragons!

Since I can remember, I’ve been interested in all things esoteric, having purchased my first tarot deck as a young teen, as well as collecting dragon books and ornaments, and crystals. I’m fascinated by astrology, quantum physics and wiccan practices.

After school, I started off in graphic design, had a signage business, moved into logistics, and ended up in project planning, but none of these really satisfied my soul. What kept me going were my creative interests, which included a kiddies clothing line! Since both my daughters were born premature, and are highly sensitive, they couldn’t wear store bought clothing, and I had to find a solution. I began making their clothes, which other mothers soon became interested in, and I did this for a few years alongside my 'day job'.

What inspired you to create Being Magic, and how has your journey unfolded over the years?

Although I’ve had several jobs, it’s always been my dream to work with animals, but I didn’t want to be a veterinarian. To me, it felt very restrictive, and I envisioned myself healing in a different way. However, at the time nothing else that I found piqued my interest, so I put my dream to the side.

That changed after two really pivotal moments the first being a serious car accident in 2000, which changed the trajectory of my life, ultimately leading me to take my first reiki course.  The second was the quantum hypnotherapy course I took several years ago.  This course shifted my consciousness in a huge way, and made me realise that my intention to be a healer was not just a dream, but rather a soul calling I could no longer ignore.

My hubby has been instrumental as I’ve walked my path, because even though he has a science background, and finds some of what I do a bit 'woo-woo', he’s always been my greatest supporter. He’s always there to bounce ideas off, he encourages me when I’m having doubts, and even though we operate in fields that can be viewed as polar opposites, we’re comfortable with having quite different opinions. 

In following my soul’s calling, I can be a voice for the animals, and I love seeing the healing that occurs for both animals and their human companions. This is what I can do to make the world a better place.

photo of Emma Jayne Liston

‘Energy healing’ is a term we are seeing more often nowadays, but a lot of people still seem to grapple with this concept.  Can you explain this a bit more and how you’ve made an entire business of it?

Yes, we are physical beings, but we are also emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic beings; something which many people are only just becoming aware of.  The energy body, which some refer to as the aura, is in fact the largest part of us, and it actually protects the physical body.  But because we live in a world where unless we can see it, we don’t believe it exists, it can be hard to wrap your head around at first.

Our physical ailments can come from any one of these unseen layers, and are normally caused by being in resistance to things in one’s life, traumas, stuck energy (energy that has become compacted), etc.  We are ONE system; we function as a whole, and therefore we need to heal ourselves holistically.  You cannot treat illnesses / conditions in isolation, and much like all naturopathic practices, energy work addresses the root cause, not just the symptoms, so you can heal / resolve / unblock permanently. It’s important to note that an energy healer doesn’t actually heal, but rather creates the space and conditions so that one can heal themselves.

We’ve also been led to believe that our bodies are these failing 'suits' that get all kinds of externally triggered diseases, and that we’re stuck with what we’re genetically predisposed to, and I simply don’t believe that anymore!  The body is a brilliant self-tuning, self-healing piece of technology, and given the right conditions and guidance, it can heal from anything. Very simply, our body is communicating to us all the time, and when the flow of energy is interrupted or blocked, it manifests as an ailment or condition. I see the positive impact that energy work has on all beings (whether they have come to me or other practitioners), be these physical, mental, or emotional conditions, and it’s why I love what I do.

Can energy work be done in combination with other healing methods, and can it replace or complement more conventional treatments? 

Most definitely. In fact, there are times where I will receive information during a session where other healing approaches may help over and above the energy work, for example acupuncture, massage, or even veterinary treatment for a more urgent need. One just has to think about how as little as 10 years ago, in Western medicine, acupuncture wasn’t as common as it is now, and in some places, it’s now even covered by medical insurance. 

I then share this information I receive in session, with the client, allowing them to decide what they feel is best for their animal. I have also had cases where an animal is receiving energy work, as well as other alternative healing approaches and veterinary care all at the same time. I believe that all these can be complimentary and supportive of one another; delivering a holistic care regimen rather than it being a case of one approach being superior to another. It’s about coming together to do what works to help the animal find its way back to optimal health and wellbeing.  Of course, this same principle applies when I work with people too!

You mentioned the hypnotherapy course being a pivotal moment on your path.  Can you tell us more about this experience and why it had such an impact?

In order to receive this qualification, we had to do 25 swap sessions with other practitioners, by putting ourselves in both the 'client' and the ‘practitioner’ roles. By being the practitioner, I gained much confidence in myself, which is exactly what I needed to turn my childhood dream into a business. However, being in the client role, is where the real magic happened. I lost my fear of death because I started to grasp the fact that I am more than just this human being, and that my consciousness, which is who I really am, is able to travel far and wide beyond this realm. I 'met' other fractals of myself in many other places, and it was hugely expansive and transformative in terms of how I started to understand energy more, and the nature of who we really are as human beings. 

So this experience of being under hypnosis myself, cleared and shifted me in such a huge way, that my healing sessions following the completion of this course, were noticeably different. I feel that the process of repeatedly cycling between client and practitioner provided unique insights and helped me to hone my practice. Additionally, I’ve been able to truly understanding quantum healing at a much deeper level, and it’s transformed my traditional reiki practice into something quite unique.

Please tell us more about how your traditional reiki practice changed, and how it differs now to what it was prior to this transformation.

In the past, when doing remote reiki sessions, I would use a teddy bear as a 'surrogate', as if the animal (or person) was in front of me. I had a pretty standard way in which I would conduct these sessions, and although each one was different, they were similar in structure.  However, now when I work, I no longer use the physical surrogate, but rather envision the client in my mind’s eye like a hologram of sorts, and I now work directly with this 'image'. I also sometimes set up and temporarily keep crystal grids activated, which are a great tool for both amplifying energy and allowing healing to continue after a treatment has ended. I do this when I feel that I want the healing energy to 'run' for a few days afterwards.

Another example, which still amazes me is that in the past, I would have to spend time bringing in energy for my healing sessions. Now, I simply think of healing, and my hands heat up instantly. It’s as if there is more flow, more connection between my thoughts and intentions, and I am able to work more intuitively with my clients.

The other big change is the enhanced connection with my spiritual team, because I started noticing that I was aware of different 'energies' coming into my space, which was entirely new and unexpected. Now, I never know who is going to turn up; from angels to dragons, unicorns and even faeries; I really have absolutely no idea how each session will unfold until I’m immersed in it!

photo of Emma Jayne Liston

Can you share an example of what one of these magical sessions 'looks' like?

Sure.  A good example comes to mind of a lady who contacted me about her dog that had a severe skin condition, that even homeopathic remedies and diet changes weren’t helping. When I went into the session, I felt the need to actually put my hands on the dog’s skin (the hologram, as I was working remotely), which was unusual as I normally work with my hands hovering above the animal. Instead I felt I needed to get under the fur, but to my surprise, one of my spiritual team members arrived and actually separated the fur from the dog’s body! It’s quite hard to explain and sounds wild, but essentially in my minds eye, the hologram became a completely bald dog with the fur floating around the body! This allowed me to place my hands directly onto the skin, and do what I needed to do to treat it. I believe the reason the skin condition cleared within a week, is because the root cause in this case, was an energetic block. It’s a good illustration of a condition which may have remained unhealed using standard veterinary practices.

What do you think blocks people from appreciating the role of animal healing, and what would help them to overcome this doubt?

In my opinion, this is largely our programming, social conditioning and internal belief systems, a common one being, for example, that animals are inferior to humans and so holistic healing is not applicable to them. There are others such as animals are dumb, less evolved, or that they don’t have souls. I’ve even had people say to me that 'animals don’t matter because they don’t design buildings, create businesses or contribute to the world in any way'. If animals really are 'inferior' to us, how it is that certain animals can regrow limbs, because humans can’t do that? I’m both fascinated and deeply saddened by these limiting and somewhat outdated perceptions.

In essence, everyone perceives their reality through their own filters, programmes and belief systems. Sometimes it pays to be open to the new, to not have to 'know it all', and to see things from a different perspective. I believe this is the start to us all accepting one another, no matter our different opinions.

From a more quantum viewpoint, we are all made up of the same basic 'building blocks', even inorganic objects in our reality.  As Nikola Tesla stated, “Everything is energy, frequency and vibration”, and everything is conscious. Animals are souls having an earthly experience just like us they are just in different bodies. They feel emotion and pain, they love, they grieve, and they have so much to share with us and teach us. They deserve the same respect and love as any human being, and in many cases, they have chosen to come here to help us with our lessons, provide support in some way, and even take on our ailments. They have as much right to be here as we do, and are essential to paving the way to new earth, because their hearts are open and they embody unconditional love.

Are animals different to people when it comes to your work?

Although there are some anatomical differences between animals and people, we all have an energetic and a physical body, and we all have the innate ability to self-heal. A simple example of this is when you cut yourself, your body knows how to close the wound. Additionally, all bodies are intelligent in that they have the ability to move energy to where it’s needed most. 

What is different between working on animals versus people is that animals are so much more receptive to receiving energy.  This is because they are always in the present moment, don’t have an ego to protect and they don’t appear to be stressed like we are.  For a body to be in the 'right space' to heal itself, it needs to be calm and relaxed, in a state of homeostasis.  Animals go into this state very quickly, even if they are stressed. They just allow their bodies to do the work, they don’t try to control the healing, and they are fully present.

Can you tell us more about your aromatherapy products and vibrational elixirs?

The aromatherapy products are made up of essential oils and other natural ingredients, with no artificial additives, and they can be used for conditions such as sinusitis, headaches, pain, etc. At present they are not mass produced but are formulated to address each client’s specific requirements.  In our family, my products have replaced many products bought at the store or pharmacy.

The vibrational elixirs are 'potions' that have been infused with energy, crystals, flower essences and essential oils. They are 'brewed' over a period of several weeks, absorbing sunlight and moonlight, as well as sound frequencies. Examples of my elixirs include my aura spray which can be used to clear a space, much like how one would burn sage, whilst my chakra sprays help to balance, cleanse and clear the chakras.

If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

I find that there are quite rigid rules about how to practice various healing approaches, and that there is a sense of superiority in some of the governing bodies or associations. I’m all in favour of maintaining integrity and high standards, but I believe that every healer should be adapting what they have studied to make it their own, and this is where some flexibility needs to come in.  We all have our own unique energy to bring to what we do, and this should be celebrated and encouraged, rather than all of us being carbon copies of one another. 

Building on the foundations of our studies, we should also be collaborating, rather than being in competition with one another. Who knows what new ways of healing could emerge if we are willing to share ideas and remain open and to new concepts and different ways of doing things. We’re in times of great and rapid change, and I believe being adaptable and fluid, is essential to evolve our practices into something we cannot even begin to comprehend. One of my favourite quotes is: 'If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies', so why would we not want to embrace change?

Do you have any final words for anyone interested in learning more?

When we start to be aware that we are not victims of our ailments, we start to interact with our bodies quite differently and it’s very empowering. Ultimately, only you know what’s best for you; because every being is unique. If you are looking for answers and have exhausted all the conventional avenues, I encourage you to do your research into alternative healing approaches and find something that resonates with you. All you need is an open mind and the intention to heal, and the same applies for your animals and their health. Or perhaps you’re simply curious about why your animal (your pet) is with you and you’d like to explore the deeper reasons for this. There is magic to be found in this life, and I encourage you to seek it out…and then simply open yourself up to receiving it.

Follow me on Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

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