Written by Natasha Bazilevych Speaker and Business Trainer
Natasha Bazilevych is an international speaker and business trainer. She teaches business owners, top manager and entrepreneurs to give powerful presentations and reach audacious goals.

Have you ever read or listened to somebody's message and thought: "What does she REALLY mean? What did he want to say by that? I kind of understand. But not 100% sure." Well, if anybody in your audience has such a reaction to your message… it's a PUBLIC SPEAKING SUICIDE.

You just failed to grab their attention, lost their interest, and your speech will vanish into thin air. Let’s make sure it never happens. There’re seven easy tips I’d like to share with you.
1. Make a plan before you speak.
Even if it's a 3-5 min live, MAKE A PLAN!!! Respect your audience enough to spend a couple minutes jotting down 3 points on a piece of paper. It will help you have clarity in your mind and not just ramble on camera.
2. Make sure your plan has logic and consistency.
Remember, your points are clear to YOU. They may sound logical in your head. But your audience doesn't have all the information and can't read your mind. So, make sure you don't lose your train of thought and present it concisely and logically.
3. Make ONE big point. Everything else is supporting it.
Don’t try to pour all your knowledge on the audience and drown them in it. Choose one point, one key takeaway you want people to leave with. And unfold it in your message. You’ll have other chances to share the rest of your thoughts.
4. Write like you speak.
If you’re writing the whole speech before giving it, make sure you use a conversational style. Avoid passive voice as much as possible. Create simple, short sentences with a comprehensible structure. Don’t lose your style and your personality. Let it shine through your words.
5. Hold your audience in mind.
Your every thought must be said with your people in mind. Ask yourself: Would they understand this word? Do they use these phrases? Or is it just industry jargon? Am I trying to appear sophisticated by using such constructions, or will they benefit from it?
6. Speak the language of your audience.
If you don’t know what words and phrases your people mostly use, join Facebook or LinkedIn groups where they hang out. Communicate, read comments, contribute. And pay attention to the way they describe their problems and challenges.
Go to Amazon and read reviews of the books your people read. Create a document in your computer and save specific phrases they use. These are the phrases you want to use in your speeches and messages.
7. Pay attention to your accent, articulation, diction.
No doubt, WHAT we’re saying is more important than HOW we’re saying it. However, if your message is incredibly deep and practical, but people don’t understand a word you’re saying, you lose them and don’t achieve your goal.
Sometimes your accent, your articulation may become your worst enemy. If you’re not sure how to pronounce the word, don’t assume. Ask somebody, check it online, do your research.
Practice tongue twisters and read poems out loud to improve your diction. Do warm-up exercises before speaking to relax your articulation organs. And don’t be in a hurry. Your main goal is not just to say it, but to deliver it in such a way that people understand.
These are just a few tips on how to speak clearly and to the point. Would you like to learn more and practice speaking with confidence in a group of amazing people? Join our FREE Presentation Skills Bootcamp. It started on August 17th and will last till September 6th. https://natashabazilevych.com/presentation-skills-bootcamp/
Looking forward to seeing you there and working with you!
Natasha Bazilevych, Speaker and Business Trainer
Natasha Bazilevych is an international speaker and business trainer. She teaches business owners, top manager and entrepreneurs to give powerful presentations and reach audacious goals. Natasha has been teaching business skills for 13 years, has two bachelor degrees and an MBA. Her signature program “Speak With Power” is a unique experience after which each participant knows how to overcome fear, craft powerful messages and deliver them with confidence.