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3 Ways To Get Unstuck In Your Coaching Business

Written by: Sara Loureiro, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


We’ve all been stuck in our businesses at one point or another. And rather than give you strategic tips on how to overcome this, I want to reframe what stuck actually means so that it propels you forward. Here’s a results-focused 3 step process to do just that.

Being Stuck Means, You’ve Done Something

People usually don’t say they’re “stuck” when they haven’t even begun. Think about everything you have implemented to get yourself to this point and pat yourself on the back. You’ve worked your way to actually being stuck, which is something most people who dream of starting a coaching business don’t even get to. What can you be proud of yourself for? How can you acknowledge how far you’ve come? Doing this can help to reframe the stuck feeling from a negative to a positive

Get Real with Yourself

When we say we’re stuck, we often think we’ve done everything possible to change our current reality when we’ve often nearly scratched the surface. Have you really done everything it takes? Be honest with yourself. One of my favorite sayings to help me push past a stuck point is that I don’t know what I don’t know. I could learn one new marketing strategy tomorrow that can be life-changing. The world’s top performers don’t complain when they’re stuck and say they’ve tried everything and called it a day. They look for solutions. Understand that being stuck is an opportunity to find new solutions to what you’re dealing with. Whether it’s hiring a new mentor, enrolling in a new program, or even surrendering and taking a break from your business, developing a new plan to move forward is the best thing you can do.

Move Forward Regardless if it Could Be the Wrong Decision

Analysis paralysis will keep you in a place of procrastination, and procrastination is going to hinder your results. Don’t worry about making the wrong decision. The only way you’ll know if it was the best move for you is if you try. Some of my best business moves have been from doing things scared and jumping in. This is the fastest way for you to get unstuck-- just keep moving forward and trust that you’re on the right path.

Remember that as long as you don’t quit, your success is inevitable. Being stuck is often a great place to be because it means you’re about to look for innovative and creative ways to move forward and carve your own path in your industry. The more you implement, the more you grow. So go ahead and get stuck more often!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!


Sara Loureiro, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Sara is a Soulful Business Coach who specializes in helping online service-based entrepreneurs sign on higher-paying clients and hit 6-7 figures through a combination of strategic marketing, neurolinguistic programming, and energetic work. After bringing her own business to 6 figures and quitting her 9-5 to move from Toronto to sunny and tropical Nicaragua, she isn't shy about walking the talk and living a freedom-based life. She is the CEO of and has inspired thousands of women all over the world to quit their 9-5s, step into their leadership, and do purpose-driven work while getting paid abundantly for it through her numerous free training, extensive social media presence, and her work as the host of "The Uplevel Your Online Business Show" podcast. Her mission: to inspire women to take up space, make more money and step into their fullest potential.

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