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3 Tips On How To Manage Anxiety

Written by: Gary Napier, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Do we choose to worry or is anxiety the sign of current times? Anxiety is not prejudiced; anyone can be affected. It can occur during any life events or situations. Life is complicated and sometimes circumstances can be overwhelming. It is normal to have a certain amount of stress and pressure in our daily lives, which can make us feel nervous and concerned. However, if you are finding that anxiety is becoming an issue and stopping you from your everyday activities; it is perhaps time to seek additional support.

I’m sure many of us hadn’t realised just how important mental health was, until the pandemic hit, with restrictions that traded the freedom we were used to. Many of us found it hard to cope with staying in and not being able to see friends or loved ones. Covid-19 had such a detrimental effect on our well-being, people who had never experienced panic attacks, phobias or anxiety, were now consulting their doctors with these newfound fears. Whilst the figures soared during the pandemic, anxiety has always been in our society and perhaps we are now just understanding how debilitating it can be on a person’s life.

So, what exactly is anxiety? It can come in many forms such as General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), this is when a person has uncontrollable worries about many different things in their life; Social Anxiety Disorder, where a person experiences extreme fear in social settings; Phobias, such as Claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), where the person has encountered a traumatic situation and finds it hard to function after the event.

In general, anxiety is a feeling of unease and can range from mild to severe symptoms. Symptoms are different for every person, which is why sometimes it can be hard to diagnose. Symptoms include but are not exclusive of; feeling restless or worried, trouble concentrating or sleeping, feeling dizzy and having heart palpitations.

Whilst this article is not meant to be absolute in anxiety, there are many ways in which we can all stop and pause to see how to handle this uneasiness. If you are suffering from any kind of anxiety disorder, my top three tips would be:

Tip 1: Seek Support

Talking about it can really help. A lot of our worries and concerns can bring on anxiety, just by being in our thoughts. Sometimes speaking to someone, can help clear the clutter in our minds. It is important that the person we speak to is someone we trust; it can be a family member, friend or professional counsellor.

One of my clients said this about their counselling sessions:

“(the sessions) allowed me to tackle problems that were weighing me down, from the beginning. I felt like I was talking to a friend that gave out the best advice”

Tip 2: Physical Health

When our minds are stressed, one of the best actions is to take action! Getting some gentle exercise, like taking a walk, listening to music while doing housework, or putting on a YouTube video to undertake some moderate workout, is a good way to release the tension.

Also getting enough sleep is extremely important, it can affect how we view the whole day. If we haven’t slept enough because we have stayed up late the night before, it can be a real struggle in the morning. Our brains are tired and therefore we tend to be more emotion-driven. So, if you are someone who needs eight hours a night, try looking at your bedtime routine. Are you on social media, or watching movies late into the night? Switch off technology an hour before you plan to sleep and make a hot drink to wind you down. An Irish proverb says:

"A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book."

Tip 3: Journaling

Writing it down, can help. Life can be so busy that we forget what we live through. By writing down the times when we are anxious, we can track back and see if there are any patterns of behaviour or triggers that may have caused the anxiety. In addition, write down the good things that happen too. When we read them again, we can see that life has it’s ups and downs. We do not live on a constant line of stress and nor do we live in a continuous state of happiness. By journaling your day, you can see what you have overcome and that you are able to handle challenging situations.

“Journaling helps you to remember how strong you truly are within yourself.” – Asad Meah

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, do not suffer alone, anxiety is more common than you think.

If you would like to talk or see if I can help, then please contact me via email:

The Gap Counselling: Helping you to move forward!


Gary Napier, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

As an Accredited Counsellor and Qualified Life Coach, Gary Napier’s, main passion in life is to bring freedom to others. His role as a counsellor, is to come alongside people and help them overcome their ‘pain,’ so they may have a ‘hope’ and ‘purpose’ for their life. Gary’s counselling sessions offer a ‘safe’ space, whereby clients feel comfortable to share openly without any fear of feeling judged, criticised, or ashamed. His non-judgmental attitude, natural warmth, and empathetic listening skills, make Gary one of the top counsellors to work with. He specialises in couple counselling, anxiety, anger management, and self-esteem. The Gap Counselling has seen a substantial increase in demand, especially over the last two years, during the pandemic.

“People are really struggling. They often come just to be heard. It is an enormously powerful thing to be listened to” Gary Napier

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