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Will The Way You Help Others Make You Bitter As You Age?

Written by: Aryana K. Rollins, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Giving and supporting others is natural to the human spirit.

But it is not authentic giving when we help while secretly hoping for someone to recognize our generosity or expect them to help us back.

When you do something expecting someone to appreciate your gift, support, and encouragement, you create an energy cord between yourself and the person. That cord has the title "investment," as you would with any investment, you expect a return (ROI). These strings attached will come to haunt you.

Here's why.

Each intention and every energy expenditure you make you hope provides a positive return. Your unconscious mind tracks each of those investments like you might tend a garden. You tend to your seedlings, put them in the sun, give them water and encourage their growth. The same thing happens when you help someone. Your unconscious mind pays attention to your efforts and where the energy is going and hopes for something back.

Over time, each gift you give and each helpful hand you lend grows expectations. The unconscious mind holds these mind patterns and holds on to that experience, and energetically hopes to be "paid back."

Whether we are conscious of it or not, we all do it, helping when we don't want to, quietly longing for reciprocal help, unconscious to the attachment and the energy cost.

How does this harm you?

Unless there is conscious awareness and an attitude of "giving without counting the cost," seeds of resentment are planted in your unconscious mind. This seed of resentment gets watered each time you see the person or recall your generosity.

No matter your age right now, you can shift your attitude to avoid loneliness and a bitter heart.

Have you have noticed bitterness and resentment as people age? This person's bitter state of mind comes from giving and becoming attached to their giving. And without an attitude adjustment, the irritation will grow seeds of discontent and make them lonely.

Being generous is very healthy and creates well-being. We have to give from the right place AND have to expectations. Harder said than done for most of us.

Consider this to reset this pattern. When you give, you are giving to the whole of humanity. When you receive from someone, you are receiving from the whole of humanity.

In a sense, humanity is one mind, like a beehive. If we have that view, we can receive support from any human. Giving to one person gives to all. Receiving from one person receives from the whole. That means when you help one person, the reciprocal help can come from someone you have not even met yet. Maintaining a generous spirit keeps the body nourished and cleansed like breathing in and out.

When you practice giving without counting the cost, notice how things come to you in the most unusual ways over time. You will see your return doesn't have to come back from the person you helped. It WILL come back to you, and when it does, celebrate.

If you'd like support in getting what you want without expecting where it will come from, request your gift, How to Manifest Without Force, or Frustration audio and eBook.

Want to learn more from Aryana? Follow her on Facebook, Youtube, Linkedin and visit her website.


Aryana K. Rollins, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Aryana K. Rollins is gifted in helping people connect to their True Self and manifest their personal, professional, and spiritual intentions. Clearing blocks from the unconscious mind to genuinely succeed is foundational to her success with clients.

One of her specialties is working with entrepreneurs on a spiritual path as an Intuitive Guide, so they can build businesses that make a positive contribution to the world. Clients find that Aryana walks her talk in all ways. She is an internationally recognized facilitator of Cybernetic Transposition since 2005. Aryana is the founder of Higher True Self, offering unique, original programs and resources like “Align with True Self,” “Manifesting Guide for Intuitive People,” eBooks, podcasts, and blogs. Her expertise comes from her intuition and life experiences, including management consulting in Europe and South America, a psychology degree from Rutgers, and over 40 years of extensive human development knowledge.


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