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Why Are We Afraid Of Change? – And How Can We Shift Those Fears?

Royce Morales is a renowned trailblazer and creator of an innovative, spiritually-based approach to inner transformation. Her program, Perfect Life Awakening, emerged from a lifetime of frustration searching for inner work that worked. She discovered that by revealing specific subconscious origins of self-sabotage and removing its persistent influence, life can shift.

Executive Contributor Royce Morales

For the first time in my life, I watched almost the entire Democratic National Convention here in America. I admit, I haven’t been very politically interested until the last few “puzzling” and raucous years.

Man in eye glasses peeking from behind the desk

All the speeches were mindboggling, but there was one that rose above the others. Former House of Representative, Adam Kinzinger, a staunch conservative Republican, spoke brave words that were beyond anything I had anticipated hearing. He even admitted he never thought he'd be there saying those words.

Back a few decades ago, Bob Dylan prophesized that “the times they are a-changin'.”

I do think he was right.

In case you aren’t familiar, Adam is one of few who chose to not side with the former president regarding the January 6th insurrection. He was one of two Republicans who participated in the committee to investigate Trump’s actions.

Speaking truth to power was courageous, and game-changing, especially since he ended up losing his House seat.

During his talk, he explained why he was choosing to support the Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris: “to defend democracy and decency.” He urged others to do the same, to “do the right thing” and “we must put country first!”

How many of us would do that?

Would you change your political allegiance when your side is doing things you don’t agree with, morally or ethically? And then announce it to the world?

Would you cheer for “the other” team if they did something amazing? Or applaud for the antagonist doing a fabulous acting job? Be happy for your ex when they find the Right Person.

Or make a foundational change in how you are living your life?

Change is challenging

In the decades I’ve been teaching my Perfect Life Awakening program, I’ve noticed that some people are able to change readily, while others struggle like their lives depend on staying the same.

Growing up, my outspoken mother tried to change my quiet yet stubborn father every single day for sixty-five years of marriage. I watched her frustration, hearing her mumble under her breath that people never change.

As one who arrived wanting to understand things, I began asking at a young age, Why is that? Can people change?

It became one of my biggest inspirations to do what I do with people – help them change from within.

Perhaps you’ve tried to break old habits or addictions, switch careers, leave a relationship, or move to a different town. Were you able to feel positive and trusting while making big changes? Was it stressful even if the changes were positive and beneficial? Did you worry about what might happen? Or not happen? Did you end up abandoning them and staying ‘comfortable’ instead?

The more I work with others to help their inner transformation, the more I observe how terrifying change is for most. Of all the things that scare people, fear of change holds the top position. It’s probably running your life subconsciously.

Years ago in meditation, I received a ‘vision’ that threw some light on fear. I was shown that humans have six primary fears, remarkably all starting with the letter C.

Fear of change is The Biggy, impacting the other five, fear of commitment, fear of communication, fear of completion, fear of confrontation, fear of connection.

We may claim we want to change, and go through the motions, but when it gets close, fear gets churned up and we do anything to sabotage ourselves. We stop doing the work. Drop out. Make up excuses. Get bored, too busy, too tired, forget. We even blame others.

Change is highly charged; it symbolizes death to your survival-based consciousness. And death is the ultimate change. That fear gets triggered when things happen that force a change of some kind, a change you believe you didn’t sign up for.

Can people change, really?

There’s an ongoing debate among psychologists as to whether someone’s personality can substantially change. Most see personality as fixed, set in stone.

I have a different opinion based on my own experiences. I witness my clients make tremendous changes when their thoughts and inner beliefs transform. Their behaviors change from inner work that shifts their perceptions of themselves, others, and life.

Of course, profound spiritual experiences and/or traumatic events are the biggest change makers. Whatever it takes to awaken change.

Is not changing staying “stable?”

To many, being able to easily change implies ‘instability.’ They are labeled flip-floppers, yo-yoers, wafflers, etc.

To me it means being willing to trust your journey, go with the flow where life leads; not needing to stick with the status quo or blend in; and being open to a life of joyous, playfulness. It means authenticity.

Simultaneously, it means staying committed to what’s important, meaningful, and purposeful. Not giving fear the upper hand.

Needless to say, the more you resolve your fear of death, the less resistance you feel when making, or trying to make, changes.

The more secure you are in who you really are, a spirit inhabiting a body the easier it is to change.

Because life is changing. All. The. Time.

Fear of change from within

It may look like fear of change is from something external like not being able to change jobs due to financial constraints; being powerless to move to a different home when the cost is prohibitive; not leaving a relationship due to the children.

External influences are often used as excuses to cover up that pesky fear of change.

So, ask yourself and tell the truth: Is fear of change the real reason I’m not doing something that I know I need to do? Or is there something wise or intuitive holding me back?

Then, think about Mr. Kinzinger and his bold choice to change everything in his life by listening to his values; his daring willingness to share it with the world in one brilliant truth-filled speech.

You’ve already chosen

It might be scary to step into a life of “unpredictability,” but on a Higher Consciousness level, you arrived here with choices and are simply awakening to them.

However, you must take action to follow them. Knowing you will be supported by the universe helps, that is, if your choice is from a pure, non-ego-attached place.

IMHO, it’s scarier trying to stay the same. Never attempt to reinvent yourself. Living the same routines. Never deviating from the norm or leaving your comfy place. Eating the same thing every single day for breakfast.

It might appear those choices are safer, but are they really? Others might see you as consistent and reliable, but what will be dying inside you? How will it feel on your deathbed to know you took the safe route? How sad to live a life of sameness.

It’s up to you to know when you are buying into fear and letting it manage and control you, keeping you stuck. Fear of change dictates what you should believe based on what happened in the past. It knows nothing about the future.

How to do that?

  • Do some deep discovery work. Sometimes just realizing the subconscious fears controlling you takes away some of their oomph.

  • Dig deeper into their origins. This can neutralize the source of those fears which will allow you to make conscious choices about what, when, and how to make changes. I help with that.

  • Inner work creates internal shifts. That can awaken your wise inner knowing so you trust your wisdom to make a change. Or not.

  • Believe your intuition. It will never lead you astray because it won’t.

Thank you, Adam Kinzinger, for inspiring many to question where their choices are coming from and what’s imperative to value in the world right now. His words may forever change what we know about ourselves and others.

And, as Kamala Harris insists: “We are not going back!”

Nor should you.


Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and visit my website for more info!


Royce Morales, Podcast Host, Speaker & Author

Royce Morales is a renowned trailblazer and creator of an innovative, spiritually-based approach to inner transformation. Her program, Perfect Life Awakening, emerged from a lifetime of frustration searching for inner work that worked. She discovered that by revealing specific subconscious origins of self-sabotage and removing its persistent influence, life can shift.

She developed a clearing technique that releases programmed, false beliefs from this as well as previous lives. Negative patterns and hidden fears resolve so paralyzing issues lose their impact. This exclusive, time-tested work takes students from triggered to empowered, uncovering their authentic, purpose-driven life.

PLA also provides applicable tools to navigate daily life – ways to rapidly shift from anger to calm, fear to acceptance, judgement to connection. The work emphasizes awareness of, trusting and following one’s innate intuitive wisdom, then taking bold, inspired, real-world action.

The Perfect Life Awakening courses take place remotely and are presented in small groups to provide individual attention. Royce offers private inner discovery sessions to facilitate deeper work, utilizing her proprietary spiritual clearing technique called Spiritual Cognition Integration.

Royce is the author of three books about her teachings: Want – True Love, Past Lives and Other Complications; Know: A Spiritual Wake-up Call and Back: Rebirth After Stroke, all available on Amazon.

Go to Royce’s YouTube channel where she shares enlightening information about her teachings. She posts weekly blogs and writes articles for several other publications.

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