Dianne Aucello is a Level One Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapist. She is the founder of Dianne's Healing Arts, where she combines her training and intuition to help others heal themselves.

The top question asked at my QHHT sessions is “How can I increase my higher powers, intuition, Psychic Abilities, etc’’. Due to all the cosmic activity recently, this will be happening naturally. For a faster journey, I have listed out the steps that I have taken which increased my Psychic Ability gifts.

Overall, the goal is to raise our vibration to be at the level to connect to the Source. We have become too dense in all ways. When I started on the path of healing, my gifts became stronger, after their suppression from my childhood upbringing. There are no words to describe the joy that can be felt when connected to the heavens and your higher self. Life becomes simple and joyful.
Start cleaning up the body’s diet for QHHT sessions
This was the first step for me; I encourage you to enjoy the many benefits your body receives once the poisoning of ourselves stops.
Alcohol, also called Spirits, brings out the worst in us. The anger, fast driving, fast food, and overall poor decisions from drinking will typically cause pain the next day.
The Standard American diet of caffeine, fast food, and dead animal body parts is not going to give you optimum health, it weighs us down and blocks us from raising our vibration.
Intermittent fasting triggers the endocrine system, promoting healing and growth in your entire body. Try eating in a 10-12 hour window, as opposed to grazing all day.
Bless your food! Expressing thanks for nourishing and cleansing your body will raise the vibration of the food. Conventional food rises vibrationally to meet organic levels.
Clean your living space
A clean home will reduce your stress levels and boost your mood. Start by disposing or donating items or concepts that no longer make you happy. This can include clothes that no longer fit, gifts from an ex that you are trying to forget about, food you no longer want to eat, and anything else that no longer brings you joy.
Cleaning up the mind
This includes no more news, scary movies, porn, self-doubt, and violent video games. All of these lower your vibration, especially fear. The news just repeats stories so we live small.
Whatever the situation, put the best outcome in your thoughts, Don’t worry about how it will happen, the universe makes it happen.
Stay away from negative chatter within yourselves or listening to others.
Starts a practice of connecting to yourself via meditation, Eyes closed, chanting music if needed.
If you find it difficult to meditate, light a candle and stare into the flame to help you relax.
Signs you are on track?
You will know that you are on track when you start seeing repetitive numbers, such as 111, 222, 333, etc, on digital clocks, license plates, paperwork, or cell phones. These are the angels connecting to you.
You may also see or feel something happen right before it happens. There is a sense within you, that you can feel.
Listen to the words when in conversation. Someone may say something, that has a dual meaning, giving you clarity for a separate situation.
There might be a moment or incident that goes beyond the ordinary. This happened to me, during the death of my dad, on June 16, 2023.
He had been admitted to the hospital and on oxygen for emphysema stage 4. Hospice had just been in to discuss the dismal options and my dad decided it to be his last day on this planet. When I arrived, I told him that he was not dying but transitioning And that we are made of energy, and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. I continued when you get up there, you can talk to me, I can hear you. He looked at me funny and I just said "Say Yes," to which he complied.
As the morphine shots were kicking in, I held his hand, which I hadn’t done in 50 years, and repeated the Ho’oponopono prayer. As time passed, I took in his pain, his swelling in the feet, extended belly, sore chest, and a pounding headache.
After about 5 hours, my sister sent me home to rest. I transmuted his pain and fear into bowel movements (sorry) followed up with a 2-hour nap. My dad passed shortly after I left. My niece instantly recognized that I took his pain away, so he was able to pass.
He doesn’t speak to me as much as at the beginning. He sounds just like him; his level of sarcasm and jokes. He has enjoyed fooling with my technology, such as turning computer displays on the screen. The last time was this Father’s Day, at 2:22; the number of the Divine Feminine. Happy Father’s Day Dad, Love you.
Let me know what abilities have been coming to you!
Read more from Dianne Aucello
Dianne Aucello, Level 2 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Practitioner
I have spent the first 35 years of my professional life in the design and construction industry, that has served me well. My awakeing into the 5d level of consciousness started with the Covid outbreak in 2020. This event has changed my world, like so many others. I have no western medicine training in healing, it has been my GOD given intuition that has healed me many times.
As a child, I had many illnesses – mono, pneumonia, countless ear infections, strep throat, and appendectomy. I was also a clutzy, really skinny kid. I also received an ADD diagnosis at the age of 2, in 1971, which was unheard of at that time.