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Succeeding Beyond What I Imagined

Written by: Andrea Arroyo, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


I’m honored to be an executive contributor for Brainz! I’m super proud that I’ve been invited to be involved in another conference bringing awareness to mental health and wellness.

Positive Mental Health and Wellness were essential to my success. Restoration and strengthening had to come first in order to bring my heart, mind and spirit back to health. This is what continued to motivate me to become an entrepreneur.

There were so many times that I said to myself, I’m going to be this. There was the certain lifestyle I could only dream of living. I was able to see myself in a particular car. I even knew what my favorite outfit looked like and how I would accessorize them. The outer markings of success street looked…easy. I fashioned them in my mind as a little girl would dress up a doll.

I decided it was time to take my dreams to the next level and make them visible to myself daily. I needed to activate my dream into reality. This exercise I was sure it would catapult mess into the dimension of success that was meant for me. I entered the vision board stage or craze; as it became. I even offered workshops on creating your vision board and how to set your future before your very eyes.

I wasn’t successful. I wasn’t getting the clients. I was frustrated. I was still grasping. What's next?!?!?!?

I took a long hard look at what I was doing and where I was going. I examined my home life. I took an inventory of all my relationships. I looked deep within to realize that what I wanted was unrealistic and blocked by how I was living.

Let me explain…

My days were crammed with clients for my personal service business. I made every event my son was involved in. I drove across three states helping sunny and everyone that needed to move, celebrate an occasion or simply be a shoulder to cry on. I was definitely occupied.

I was exhausted!!!! Physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. I was even spiritually drained. I was operating on mer fumes and something had to change. NOW!

The realization came quite abruptly and not by my own doing. It was the Friday before my son’s birthday weekend. I received a text from my closest friend. She told me that she knew it was his birthday weekend and that she hopes we had a great time and we would reconnect on Monday. Monday came and went. The weekend came and went. Smother Monday came and went and there was no text, call or any response from my texts and calls. I honestly didn’t hear from her for several months. I drove by her condo and her car was there. There were occasions I would see her driving in the surrounding area where we lived. I finally realized that for whatever reason she had departed from the friendship. The sisterhood we formed. I was stunned. I was shocked. I was relieved. I didn’t have it in me to do it myself even though I wanted to so many times. The relationship served me in some way. Many ways. The same held true for her. Several months later I heard from her. She told me that familiarity breeds contempt and she didn’t like what our friend had developed into. A statement of truth that allowed me to realize the universe, God,s force greater than myself had freed me from what I could not free myself from. That one relationship has occupied so much of my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual space that without it I was a blank slate practically. I journaled more. I did things alone. I dined alone. I went to the movies alone. I shopped alone. I traveled alone. In my alone time I find myself again. I took a class. I took free classes. I decided to shift my one business and take it next level into a new business and my coaching career was born. I’m published many times over. I have shared my story all over the world.

I coach and mentor others towards a life that never dreamed possible and many of them are living that life.

I have succeeded well beyond what I thought imaginable.

Stay tuned for my next article about succeeding beyond what you thought imaginable.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or visit my website for more info!


Andrea Arroyo, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Andrea is a fifty-two-year-old Mother of two, Wife, Daughter, Sister and child of God. She lives in Northern New Jersey where she is a Certified Life Coach specializing in recovery and trauma.

Andrea is recovered from a life of shame that comes with being addicted to drugs and alcohol. She’s also a survivor from sexual assault and abuse.

Andrea is living a life beyond her wildest dreams because her Mother and Grandmother prayed for her. She also sought the help of some wonderful professionals to help her to arrive at the other side of the dark places that took up residence in her soul. They helped her unlock the doors and walk in the freedom she has today.

Andrea offers a complimentary discovery session. She believes that together she can help the masses.


Andrea Arroyo

Certified Life Coach

One WORD at a Time Coaching


IG @onewordcoach



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