Written by: Carole L. Sanek, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
I meditate while walking my dog. I actually focus on the tall trees in the distance, or the blue skies, and my dog takes all the right turns and brings me back home. I am aware of traffic noises, and we walk on the far sides of the roads, while I get lost in my inspirational meditations. I am a type A/B personality, and I am not going to sit in a chair and meditate, that is just not me. My choice suits me, and I know my heart is fuller, my lifestyle is better, which helps me live in mindfulness. I want to give you, reader, something to think about with my writing. How many mountains are you carrying?
When I heard this question as I walked, I immediately thought of all the mountains I had recently been carrying, and I realized I only have small hills, and even those hills are not heavy.
Yet I have carried many heavy mountains to the point of thinking my back would break.
I recently moved closer to the beautiful mountains in the Carolinas, and I only want to climb their beauty, not have them climb onto me.
You will know when you are carrying mountains because you will feel their weight in certain parts of your body. Is this you? Are you feeling this heaviness?
We are experiencing tough times. The world has been turned upside down, anxieties run rampant, and we need compassion mixed with care and rest. We can’t seem to reach the sweetness of that because the mountains are blocking our way.
It is not up to us to carry the weight of the world when we have our own mountains slowing us down, and possibly making it impossible to move forward to find the goodness we so richly deserve.
We need to be at our best using all the gifts we have been given. We should be standing on the top of a mountain throwing all of our passion and fire out into the universe, and not be bogged down where no one can even see who we are.
Now more than ever, we must let go of the guilt, the what-ifs, or the if only's, and all those other mountains from our past.
When you look back, you are wasting precious energy and gathering even more mountainous weight, and you know you can’t change anything, so why spend any time there?
It is time to set those mountains down, especially if you have already climbed them. When you set them down, you will see clear days ahead.
Najwa Zebian said, “These mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb.”
Carole Sanek, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Carole L. Sanek is a certified life coach specializing in personal coaching, with her specialty being working in grief. Carole is also an author, and her first book, “Fractured – Living with Grief,” launched 1/19/2021 and is available on amazon.com. Carole is especially excited that even though she was diagnosed 27 years ago with breast cancer, she wiped that slate clean and thrived on in her life. Reaching Carole is easy as she believes in transparency and authenticity and welcomes people to reach out to her. In addition, she has a new daily micro-podcast called ThriveLive Zone Daily that can be found wherever you get your podcasts or on your Alexa device under flash briefings.