Written by: Steven Crane, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

As an entrepreneur, you know that there's always more to learn. That's why I’ve put together a list of leadership words of wisdom from some of the most successful leadership experts, motivational speakers, gurus, and innovators in the world.
Whether you're just starting out or you've been in business for years, these quotes around leadership and wisdom will help you stay inspired and motivated on your journey to success. So read on and be inspired!

“A smart person knows what to say. A wise person knows whether or not to say it.” – David Wolfe
Judgment is considered to be one of the most crucial characteristics of a competent leader. Wise leaders are aware of when it is appropriate to speak out and offer their opinions, and when it is appropriate to remain silent and listen. Their words are also carefully chosen, allowing them to achieve the greatest possible results for themselves and their team.
“Education is not the learning of facts, rather it’s the training of the mind to think.” – Albert Einstein
Great leaders understand that investing in the education of their employees is one of the most beneficial things they can do for their company. Allowing team members to expand their skills and knowledge through learning and growth opportunities helps them to contribute to greater creativity and success.
“Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do.” – Jessica Jackley
As a leader, you will frequently be confronted with a plethora of options and alternatives. A smart leader understands that making decisions about what not to do is just as essential as making decisions about what to do. Likewise, a wise leader understands that making decisions about what not to do is just as important as making decisions regarding what to do. Doing so aids in simplifying the decision-making process and avoiding distractions as well as the waste of time and energy.
“It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin
People who are able to adapt and change with the times have a greater chance of success than those who remain stuck in their old ways. This is because they understand that in order to stay one step ahead of the competition, they must be adaptable and open to testing new approaches.
“How people treat other people is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves.” – Tony Robbins
A wise leader understands that treating people with dignity and compassion is not only the correct thing to do, but it also reflects favorably on them and their own character and abilities. When everyone on a team feels appreciated and valued, a pleasant working atmosphere is created, which allows for increased productivity and innovation.
“Love is less about emotions and feelings. It is more about taking responsibility to serve the beloved.” – Gaur Gopal Das
Some of the top leaders understand that love is the most important factor in any successful connection (whether it's with a team member or a spouse). Love is not about being happy all of the time; rather, it is about accepting responsibility for the other person and doing what is best for them, even when it is tough to do otherwise. Those who can cultivate and express love are able to form strong, long-lasting relationships with the people around them.
Judgment is considered to be one of the most crucial characteristics of a competent leader. Wise leaders are aware of when it is appropriate to speak out and offer their opinions. Investing in the education of their employees is an essential part of any company's culture. Deciding what not to do is just as important as deciding what to do. Some of the top leaders understand that love is the most important factor in any successful connection.
Those who can cultivate and express love are able to form strong, long-lasting relationships. Wisdom is one of the most valuable assets a leader can possess. When used correctly, wisdom can help leaders navigate through difficult situations and make sound decisions.

Steven Crane, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
"Steven Crane is a dynamic USMC Veteran, Serial Entrepreneur, Speaker, Best Selling Author, and Coach known for providing high-performance coaching to support individuals in identifying their key strengths and achieving set career goals. As a veteran who experienced the stereotypical homeless military transition, Steven has a proven track record of successfully building and running various companies focused on supporting individuals in advancing their professional careers and freeing their minds from negativity while overcoming limiting beliefs and stepping into a world of possibilities!
Throughout his career, Steven has displayed deep expertise in guiding individuals in identifying and overcoming their limits and thriving in current roles by offering 1-on-1 sessions. Moreover, he is skilled in counseling clients through career changes to achieve their personal and professional goals. Steven has also been commended for devising and implementing innovative coaching programs and leading global teams to pinpoint and explore new opportunities to inspire powerful personal transformation."