Laura, a gifted healer and mentor, is a beacon of hope for those seeking to unravel the mysteries of their inner selves. Her arcane expertise lies in unearthing the roots of trauma, conditioning, and self-limiting beliefs that permeate our subconscious, shaping our very essence. With over two decades of experience and mastery in the art of energy healing and mindset work, she is a trusted guide on the path of self-discovery. Using the chakra system, she leads seekers on a journey of profound awareness, culminating in the ultimate liberation of mind, body, and spirit. By finding alignment with one's truest self, the seat of internal power blossoms, unlocking the boundless potential within.

Laura Morrice, The Chakra Coach
Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.
My name is Laura Morrice. I am 44 and live in Scotland with my husband, son and cat. My work takes up much of my time because I am passionate about what I do. I enjoy growing my organic vegetables and some soft fruits when I am not working. I grew up learning this from my dad, a skill I love passing on to my kids.
I enjoy yoga as a way to not only stay strong in my physical body but also my mental and emotional bodies.
Reading is another favourite pastime of mine. I love soaking up information, especially on the subconscious mind, energy and our connection to Source energy.
Travelling is another thing I love, whether for work or holidays with my family. I enjoy soaking up other cultures and experiencing different traditions and great food! As well as seeing the vast beauty that this world has to offer.
Singing is something that I used to enjoy, so I have recently joined an adult choir for the pure fun and enjoyment of coming together with others to express ourselves through sound.
Can you provide some background on yourself and the inspiration behind starting this business?
After losing my sense of self entirely as the result of a second toxic relationship, I found myself needing to understand why. Every time I made a “wrong” decision, I knew deep inside but went ahead anyway. I felt compelled to understand the driving force behind this. It was the moment the Universe had been waiting for. Already certified in many physical healing modalities, I was introduced to non-physical energies, which opened me up to a new understanding.
I spent the best part of three years studying my life and the choices I’d made. Uncovering the conditions and, more importantly, the false beliefs create as a result. During this time, I made sense of so much of my life story; it was clear that life had always been leading me to this place of healing so that I could assist others in overcoming their trauma and realising their true potential and purpose.
What products or services does your business offer, and how do they meet the needs of your target audience?
I have different 1:1 coaching packages and an online self-study program that introduces people to their energy centres (chakras) and how they can create a deep understanding and awareness of the conditions and negative paradigms controlling their day-to-day patterns. I provide new and Full Moon sessions and different Masterminds each month, focusing on our energy and mindset.
All of my work gives understanding and awareness on an individual level. It’s about empowering people to look inside rather than seek answers from outside sources.
Every Sunday I go live on my Facebook page to chat about all things energy before hosting a free guided meditation. I love these sessions. They’re a great way to give such a powerful tool to everyone. I enjoy being able to give back in this way.
What sets your business apart from competitors? What is your unique selling proposition?
My superpower when working with my 1:1 clients is getting to the root of their emotional trauma and uncovering why and when specific limiting beliefs and habits were created. Through this understanding, clients can let go and release their false beliefs. We then work together to re-wire the subconscious, freeing them from the past and empowering them to align with their true potential. I also provide alternative views, often ones that clients can’t see on their own because they’re too emotionally involved in the situation.
I am not here to be the magic wand for others. I am here to liberate them by becoming their own magic wand!
I marry together mindset and energy, which gives my clients a far more profound understanding of themselves in every way. From my own experience, mindset alone will not provide long-lasting results. The negative paradigms always resurface without knowing how they impact our habitual patterns.
How do you ensure a positive customer experience, and what steps do you take to address customer feedback or concerns?
Before beginning work with someone on a 1:1 basis, I ensure that we are a good fit for working together through a connection call. The majority of my clients come from recommendations and word of mouth. I make sure the expectations of each client are sound and that they understand what is expected from them for the sessions to give them long-lasting results. In all of my years of working, I am very blessed and pleased to say that every one of my clients has been very satisfied with their experience of working with me.
Can you share any upcoming developments, new products, or expansion plans for your business?
I am delighted to launch my new Beginners Guide to Chakras, a self-study online program, in March this year. After re-shaping my group coaching program, “Chakra Connections”, this online program was born from demand. I am also stepping out onto more stages this year as a storyteller and motivational speaker after having great results last year at Mind, Body & Soul in London and Mind Body & Spirit in Birmingham. I’m returning to Birmingham in Oct this year, where I’ll be retaking the stage and hosting some meditation workshops. I’m launching my YouTube channel soon too! Many of my clients and followers have expressed that they’d like my meditations to be available in this platform. They have asked, so I shall provide!
I have a few exciting opportunities happening this year, so I’ll say watch this space for some more announcements coming!
Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.
The most significant pivotal moment was when I realised that I had created all the harmful destruction in my life because of my choices. This shook me into taking responsibility for all my life choices, the good and the bad. This was the moment I decided to live a life of purpose, created on purpose! You can read more about this in my book “Signposts to Source”, available on Amazon and all good online retailers.