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How To Improve Team Dynamics In 90 Days

Written by: Tarah Dove, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


We all know you need a team of people to scale a business. But what happens when your team needs to run more efficiently? A toxic company culture starts to rear its ugly head because a single member kills overall morale by lacking motivation and failing to meet performance standards.

A picture of three women sitting in the table.

Naturally, most business owners resort to writing the employee up, which could agitate the situation further, or they outright fire the individual.

Instead of creating more work that can become costly for you in the long run, we suggest addressing the issue at the root cause.

Some owners use incentives like bonuses to entice employees to hit performance goals. While this may motivate some, it will only work for some employees. Not all people are created equally or motivated the same.

Understanding the different dynamics of personalities, genders, and motivators is essential. Some people are motivated by money, whereas others are by fulfillment. Some lead, while others want to be led.

It’s also important to note that female performance is impacted by hormones, emotions, and life stress, which is quite different from the male counterpart.

When you identify and address the core issue, even for one team member, overall team culture and performance improves.

Leading, motivating, and dealing with employees are among the most significant stressors we hear from female business owners. Add on sales, marketing, operations, and life responsibilities, and it’s no wonder many female business owners are at their breaking point.

If you’re a female business owners who want to:

  • Have success without sacrificing their own needs

  • Reduce burnout for themselves and their team

  • Become better leaders

I invite you to join us Tuesday, March 14 at 11:00 AM PST/2:00 PM EST for a FREE Masterclass, “A Proprietary 4-Part Framework To Reduce Stress, Move Past Your Breaking Point and Improve Team Dynamics in 90 Days.”

This Masterclass is for you if you dream of:

  • Making yourself a priority

  • Leaving work at work

  • Creating better boundaries for yourself and your team

AND if you love the idea of more joy, freedom, fulfillment, and success!

During this Masterclass, learn how to:

  • Create a one-year life and business success plan

  • Improve team performance and cohesion

  • Do it all in alignment with your life, business, and leadership goals

Sign up here to reserve your spot.

*The Zoom link will be provided via email on 3/13 to the email you registered with.

After working with high-performance athletes for 14 years, Success Without Sacrifice co-owner Cheree became an entrepreneur and experienced burnout.

She recognized a need to help female business owners, so she brought her knowledge of business, sports psychology, sports training, and team performance into the entrepreneurial world to help female business owners continue their success without sacrificing themselves.

Your body, especially as a female, was not designed to be in peak performance 24/7, 365 days per year. Just like pro-sports teams have training plans designed to avoid burnout and injury and achieve peak performance, the RAMP Method gives agencies a roadmap to structure their day, week, month, and year to fully optimize specific physiologies so that they can be in peak performance at the right time, instead of all the time.

There is no one size fits all, which is why the Success Without Sacrifice, LLC team works with you in a 1:1 capacity to help create your RAMP Method Roadmap specific to you, your business, and your life goals.

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Tarah Dove, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Tarah Dove is Co-Owner of Success Without Sacrifice, LLC with Business Partner Cheree Sauer. As CMO/Marketing Success Coach, Tarah brings over 15 years of Marketing experience to the Partnership. Using the proprietary system, The RAMP Method, created by Co-Owner Cheree, the duo works with Entrepreneurs to merge the gap between business and life. Their mission and The RAMP Method of coaching help reduce burnout and improve team performance and fulfillment for female Insurance Agency Owners.

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