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How To Harness Your Intuition

Saira Ahmad is a Holistic Practitioner, who offers services as a Doula, Healer, Tarot Reader. Her passion is to support her clients with bringing balance, emotionally, physically, mentally, & spiritually. Saira's transformation started by doing a 21 day Juice fast, followed by 3 days of water, which led her on a journey of expansion & created the path to step into her purpose work.

Executive Contributor Saira Ahmad

This is a subject that I love talking about, amongst health and nutriton, as both of these topics have been a catalyst for my continued growth, and has led me to expand my consciousness to levels that I was not even aware were possible. This consequently supported me to heighten my intuition and put me on the path of living my soul purpose, amongst some of the other key practical tips that I share below.


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There is a quote that I love from Albert Einstein that says.


"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind, is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant but has forgotten the gift”.

This quote encapsulates it all for me with how we have truly forgotten who we are, and therefore have allowed a part of us to give our power away to who we are not.


In this article, I will provide some key tips that have helped me trust and follow my intuition, leading me to live my best life. These teachings that I share are from my "How to harness your intuition workshop" (The next online workshop is on 25th June @ 7pm.

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Let's start to break this down...

What is intuition?

It is your superpower that you were born with.


It is your most authentic self & your inner guidance that is always communicating with you. It is that inner knowing that is not based on logic or reason.

What does it feel like?

Most of us have heard the saying listen to your gut, well there is a reason for that because that is your intuition communicating to you.


If you have dysbiosis of the gut, i.e., an unbalanced microbiome of good and bad bacteria, this can dilute the messages that are being sent from the gut to the brain via the vagus nerve.


I offer a highly successful 21 day gut protocol where the focus is to refeed and purify the gut. This has significant positive result on your overall Health & Wellbeing and therefore will increase your ability to listen and trust your intuition.


Click here to purchase

Before purchasing I recommend you book in for a health and lifestyle MOT Analysis (Details below)

21 Day coaching support is also included

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Your whole being will light up and you will feel excited, although your mind will quickly create doubt, the key is remembering that original feeling.


You have an inner knowing that can't be explained by logic or reason (Like you know your name, that kind of knowing).


What does it look like?

You have synchronicities happening outside of you eg: You are having gut issues, and you are seeing lots of references to gut health, people you know are suddenly talking about it, etc..


How to trust this intuitive feeling?

Self-inquiry & Contemplation are key


Have a frank conversation with yourself, and if you are being pulled in a certain direction, ask; is this

coming from a place of love or fear?


If you are experiencing resistance in moving in that direction, this is where you can be in self-inquiry, asking yourself; why do I have fear around this? You will be shown the answers.


What is spiritual hygiene?

This is key. We know the importance of physical hygiene but do we understand that spiritual hygiene is just as important. This is the cleanliness of your etheric body (Energy body) as well as your energetic space and mental mind.


Below are some practical steps you can start to take straight away Meditation: 5/10 minutes a day to start with is all you need.

Mindfulness: Observe your thoughts as soon as you wake and watch where you tend to go ie: Positive or Negative


Clear your energy: Use Sage, Paula Santo, Tuning fork


Nutrition: Are you feeding your body with nourishing & gut friendly food (Highly recommend you book in for a free Health & Lifestyle MOT Analysis ( Email


(Organic, Natural products click here (


Practicing Presence: Do this practice throughout your day as this is where the true gift is with connecting in with your intuition


Grounding: Getting out in nature with your bare feet


Since I started cultivating these practices in my life I have seen so much positive change and have truly witnessed how we are always being guided by our intuition. How many times have we taken a round turning and then said to ourselves " I knew I should have turned left, should've listened to my intuition" However we never say "I wish I never listened to my intuition" Over time you come to realise that you are being guided and that guidance is leading you to a version of yourself that your current self will not be able to foresee. However, keep following those nudges from your intuition and you will live your best life beyond what you think is imaginable. As mentioned in the previous quote, the faithful servant (Ego) does not know what is truly available for you and it will do a fantastic job of not allowing you to tap into and harness your intuition.


If you would like to know more on how you can harness your intuition, I invite you to join my online workshop where we go deeper with real-life examples that will help integrate & understand these teachings further. See below.



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This workshop will provide you with key tools and techniques to help you tap into and harness the innate gift that is always with you and guiding you to your highest potential.


Unfortunately, the busyness of life has meant that the volume has been turned down and the presence of the gift has somewhat been dampened.


I have created this workshop to help you remember and cultivate practices that will enable you to harness your intuition with more ease and grace. I will also draw on the tarot cards to support you on your journey, and show you what archetypal energy you are being asked to embody that will allow you to tap in and harness your intuition more fully.


You will go away feeling more connected to your intuition and inner voice, as the dial will be turned up, and you will have a deeper level of trust in your discernment, as well as trusting in the wisdom that is being shared as you'll have the tools and techniques that will allow you to apply them straight away in your daily life.


There will also be a workbook provided

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Reach out for a free Health & Lifestyle MOT Analysis


(This identifies which key bodily systems are weak and are in need of support)



Follow me on Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Saira Ahmad, Holistic Doula, Healer, Tarot Reader

Saira Ahmad is a Holistic Practitioner, who offers services as a Doula, Healer, Tarot Reader. Her passion is to support her clients with bringing balance, emotionally, physically, mentally, & spiritually. Saira's transformation started by doing a 21 day Juice fast, followed by 3 days of water, which led her on a journey of expansion & created the path to step into her purpose work, where she now lives a soul-led life as a Raw Vegan. Saira's focus is to "Support the Divine Feminine with birthing the new human in a gentle loving way" & to "Build a strong foundation of support & create loving authentic connections that focus on health & well-being and how to truly thrive"

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