Written by: Safrianna Lughna, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Have you considered "seasonal success?” After all, success is not static, just like life. Nature herself is not in a growth period all the time. Everything has a season!

Whether you’re a small business owner, entrepreneur, stay-at-home parent, or 9-5 employee, modern-day capitalism has impacted the way we flow in alignment with our natural cycles. Because of a focus on non-stop results and easy access to goods and services, our relationship with seasons outside commercialized holidays and “Summer break” has been widely ignored. When we reclaim the power of the seasons of our year, we can flow more effectively with our personal and professional growth. We slow down to speed up. Self-development becomes much more accessible because we’re harnessing the power of natural rhythms and energies. At the heart of seasonal success lies the profound significance of the Wheel of the Year—a symbolic representation of the cyclical nature of life, embraced by various spiritual traditions.
Understanding the wheel of the year
The Wheel of the Year represents the ever-turning cycle of the seasons, mirroring the ebb and flow of life itself. The dates for each holiday are dependent upon whether you live in the Northern or Southern hemisphere.
Composed of eight key festivals, the Wheel marks the solstices, equinoxes, and the points in between. Each festival holds unique spiritual and practical significance, enabling us to tap into the energies and lessons associated with that particular time of year. In case you are unfamiliar with these holidays, here is a simple overview:
Winter Solstice: Yule, also known as the Winter Solstice, celebrates the rebirth of the sun and the return of light, representing hope, renewal, and the triumph of life over darkness.
Imbolc: Imbolc welcomes the first signs of spring, symbolizing the awakening of the earth, inspiration, and purification.
Spring Equinox: This marks a time of balance when day and night are equal, representing fertility, growth, and new beginnings, as well as the rekindling of our creative energies. It’s a great time to plant seeds literally and figuratively.
Beltane: Beltane celebrates the peak of spring and the beginning of summer, embodying fertility, passion, abundance, and the union of our doing and being energy.
Summer Solstice: Celebrates the longest day of the year and the abundance of light, representing vitality, expansion, manifestation, and celebrating the power of the sun.
Lughnasadh: Lughnasadh (Loo-nah-suh), honors the first harvest of the year, representing gratitude, abundance, community, and the cycle of giving and receiving.
Fall Equinox: This marks the second harvest and the balance between light and darkness, symbolizing gratitude, reflection, and preparation for the coming winter months.
Samhain: Samhain marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the dark half of the year, serving as a time to honor and remember the ancestors, reflect on mortality, and embrace the cycles of life and death.
Aligning our personal and professional goals with the Wheel of the Year offers a powerful framework that supports our growth and transformation. When we follow this general structure of the season, it provides us with an opportunity to reflect on where we are in our journey and set intentions that are in harmony with the energies of the current season. By doing so, we invite the natural forces of the universe to co-create with us and propel us toward our desired outcomes.
However, even if you don’t want to celebrate each holiday, being aware of the nature of our seasons and using them accordingly can be beneficial to your overall well-being!
Spring: new beginnings, fresh perspectives, and planting seeds
Spring marks the time of renewal and rebirth. As nature awakens from its slumber, it invites us to embrace new beginnings and fresh perspectives. This is an ideal time to set goals centered around self-discovery, creativity, and planting the seeds of our dreams. This is a great time to get serious about those business goals and implement all the plans you’ve created during your time inside over the winter!
In this season of blooming possibilities, we can engage in practices that support our aspirations. Journaling, vision boarding, and exploring new avenues of self-expression can help us gain clarity on our goals and chart a path forward. Additionally, seeking out community and engaging in collaborative endeavors can expand our horizons.
Summer: abundance, expansion, and action
With the arrival of summer, energy reaches its peak! Summer symbolizes abundance, growth, and manifestation. Just as the earth blossoms with life, we can harness this energy to take bold action toward our goals. It is an opportune moment to set goals that involve expansion, collaboration, and taking courageous steps forward.
During this vibrant season, we can focus on amplifying our efforts and making significant progress. Networking, attending conferences or workshops, and seeking mentors can all provide valuable opportunities for growth. Moreover, nurturing a positive mindset and embracing an abundance mindset can empower us to overcome obstacles and reach new heights during this season.
Autumn: reflection, gratitude, and release
As the leaves change color and fall, autumn invites us to slow down and reflect on our journey. It is a season of harvest and gratitude—a time to assess what we have achieved and express appreciation for our blessings. In alignment with the Wheel of the Year, this period encourages us to release what no longer serves us, creating space for new growth and possibilities. Setting goals during autumn involves introspection, personal healing, and embracing change.
During this reflective season, we can engage in practices such as meditation, journaling, and self-care to nurture our well-being. Taking stock of our personal and professional accomplishments and expressing gratitude for our experiences can allow us to integrate feelings of success. Moreover, releasing limiting beliefs, old patterns, and unhealthy attachments can liberate us and make way for transformative growth.
Winter: rest, rejuvenation, and planning
Winter embodies the essence of introspection and stillness. Just as the earth rests during this season, it is crucial for us to take time for self-care, reflection, and planning. Winter invites us to set goals related to personal development, deepening our spiritual practice, and nurturing ourselves. By embracing the restorative energy of winter, we lay the groundwork for future growth and success.
In the serenity of winter, we can dedicate time to self-reflection, introspection, and self-care practices that restore our energy. Setting aside moments for stillness, meditation, and connecting with our inner selves can provide insights and clarity for the path ahead. Additionally, planning and strategizing for the coming year can empower us to make deliberate choices and set realistic goals.
Embracing change and adaptation
The Wheel of the Year teaches us the invaluable lesson of embracing change. It reminds us that life is a cyclical journey, and each season offers unique opportunities for growth. By aligning our goals and strategies with the energies of each season, we learn to flow with the natural rhythms of life, rather than resisting or forcing outcomes. This practice fosters resilience, adaptability, and a deep connection to ourselves and the world around us.
I encourage you to embrace the natural wisdom of the Wheel of the Year and the concept of seasonal success. By aligning our personal and professional growth with the cycles of the year, we open ourselves to a transformative journey of self-discovery, abundance, reflection, and rejuvenation. As we learn to harness the energies of each season, we cultivate a harmonious relationship with ourselves, our goals, and the world at large.
Want to learn more? I will be publishing a book in the near future that delves into more of these topics so that you can intentionally establish your own rhythm. You can sign up for my newsletter at https://livinglunas.com/newsletter and get the latest updates about what content I am releasing! If you want spiritual support and structure, I invite you to take your journey a step further and join my Sacred Moon Circle—a transformative membership offering a sacred structure for self-development and awareness. As a spiritual leader and life coach, I am here to empower you to step into your own authenticity!
In the Sacred Moon Circle, we gather as a community to honor the cycles of the moon and the seasons, aligning our personal growth with the natural rhythms of the universe. This sacred space provides a nurturing environment where you can deepen your connection to yourself, embrace your authentic truth, and step into your power. It is a trauma-informed and inclusive space!

Safrianna Lughna, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Guided by radical acceptance, Safrianna (LCPC, MS) cheers on the "weird" and "woo" of the world. A multi-passionate student of life, Safrianna uses her skills as a therapist, educator, and spiritual teacher to provide individuals and businesses what they need to step into health and awareness on a multidimensional level.
Safrianna led the creation of Living LUNA, a podcast, community, and movement centered on authenticity and self-empowerment. The Living LUNA community is a space where often-Othered people of the world are invited to co-create an uplifting, upleveling atmosphere.
Safrianna leads a life off the well-worn societal path. When taking time for self-care, she enjoys writing poetry and science fiction, playing thought-provoking video games, and spending time with her family of cats and partners.