Lesley Pazdzioch is an innovative thought leader in personal development and spiritual growth. The founder of Inspiring Creative Insight, Living from the InsideOut, an online learning platform, and the Host of the Life Made Easier Podcast.

A few days ago, I was asked to answer the question, “What are some ways to release past life trauma from our bodies, and how long does it typically take to fully heal from it?”

My initial response took me back, for a brief moment, to a time when I was asking myself a similar question. Actually, it was God I was asking. My question was more in line with, “God! What the hell? Am I being punished for a previous lifetime or what?” Let me briefly describe the scenario. If you are interested, here is a link to a video sharing the holy war I had with God. FYI, no lightning bolts were sent my way!
Personal history
Quite the opposite, to be honest. God understood my pain and frustration, loving me with limitless compassion through the time of my enormous healing. The Holy Divine sat right next to me the entire time! I know this because I could feel their presence, and they communicated in various ways, sending messages of encouragement, support, and understanding. They reassured me that I was not alone and that they would never leave my side.
Somewhere in the middle of my healing process, I came to terms with the idea that this is the Holy Divine. I was able to communicate with Divinity! Over the following 18 months, I made a promise: if I got through it, I would teach others how they could achieve this too. Well, nearly eight years later, here I am! Still, no lightning bolts have been sent my way! You can read the article in Brainz Magazine.
The answer
Let’s get to the question at hand: “What are some ways to release past life trauma from our bodies, and how long does it typically take to fully heal from it?”
In short: Absolutely nothing! Why, some may ask? Because it is not possible to carry trauma into heavenly existence. You came here as a perfect soul, in pure perfection, made in the image of God. This is why! Read on, my sweet friends; it’s going to get even better!
To begin with, I want to express my deepest respect for all religions and belief systems. Each one holds great value to those who practice it, as it is their connection to God and their pathway and journey home. For those who believe in Jesus Christ, his reason for life and death, this message will resonate well. Others who practiced belief systems prior may also believe in the idea of this occurrence, and that must be honored.
Since the beginning of humanity's existence, there has been, and always will be, an “inner knowing” of a higher power giving the very foundations and purpose for human existence. Spiritually, this manifests in many forms, such as written texts, scribes, artwork, and archaeology—all remnants showing direct correlations through surviving artifacts. Through human communication, people have shared the word and personal experiences with others. Now, it seems this is being scientifically proven within traces of human DNA.
With this information, we can begin to recognize that as humanity evolves, so does our knowledge, which calls forth the expansion of our desire for greater wisdom. Religious aspects have also evolved. For example, Lutheranism originated in the 16th century as a reform movement within the Catholic Church. Martin Luther, a German monk and professor of theology, led the movement away from Catholicism. The Catholic religion originated in the first century in Judaea, Roman Empire. It is a branch of Christianity that can be traced back to the life of Jesus Christ. Christianity teaches the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as providing humans with the forgiveness of sins.
During his crucifixion, Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”
The expansion of new belief systems allows for individual growth as well. Each religion holds truth while providing a broader perspective, maintaining the necessary connection to Almighty God, the Holy Creator. This is exactly the creative evolution God intends – for humanity to grow, building upon His original creation so humanity can flourish.
Intention for humanity
As we grow, so does Divinity. It is now humanity's responsibility to carry on the holy purpose that Almighty God began in the creation of Heaven and Earth. God's only desire for humanity is for us to grow and become prosperous during our lifetimes, to take care of His original creation, succeed, and return home to Heaven after serving our souls’ purpose. We are loved greatly!
Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is the last recorded figure on earth representing holy scriptures as we know them. Jesus set the example for humanity in how we are meant to live our lives to be successful.
When giving this a broader analysis and contemplating the time humanity has existed, it seems God has a great deal of faith in humanity's ability to gain the wisdom and knowledge that Christ brought to us. After all, He sent His only Son to lead the way! It is through His birth and death that we are all saved, and there is nothing we carry over to the next lifetime.
With this said, it is crucial to understand the importance and meaning of humanity.
Our purpose
We are here serving a soulful purpose during our life mission. Each of us came into this life with a specific purpose to fulfill, with the promise of everlasting life for all time and eternity when we follow the Divine order. There are two specific non-negotiables:
To create, using our gifts and talents, something to better humanity, alchemy.
To correct the original sin we came to address. Each soul comes with a mighty task: to make changes within the areas of original sin. Think of Adam and Eve eating from the Tree of Knowledge. Does Satan ring any bells?
Using these contexts of reference, and adding in Adam and Eve with a host of Satan, provides validation to the question. However, the birth and death of Jesus are no longer burdens for humanity to carry. This leaves only the sins of humanity in need of correction, returning us to the original form of heavenly existence, which is the original intention of God.
It is now clear why humanity awaits the second coming of Jesus when Heaven and Earth will come together, and peace shall rain down on the earth.
Can I get an amen!?
During our time here, we are given the opportunity to grow our soul to the purest perfection it can achieve in human form. This is our purpose in correcting original sin. Through baptism, we are blessed in the name of Jesus Christ and given the promise to live by His word and example. By doing so, we are granted everlasting life.
Revelation 21:4 says:
"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away."
Explanation (Revelations 21:4)
This verse describes a future where there will be no more pain, suffering, or death. It promises that God will remove all sources of distress and anguish.
The ultimate completion is the satisfaction of achieving our commitment to the correction of original sin as we live our lives, leaving this lifetime with purity of heart and soul. How is this achieved? By living your greatest Christ-like life: forgiving yourself and others, doing the right thing, and following the inner guidance Divinity provides, a gift from God.
There are Divine entities, Angelic entities, specifically Guardian Angels. Their only task is to watch over every human being and guide them along their individually designed path, one only they can fulfill. With the highest order given from God, Angels cannot interfere with our free will. However, there are rare occasions when safety is in question. When it is not time for a spirit to return home, Divine intervention occurs. Every human being matters a great deal.
Death is never without purpose or reason. When it is our time to go, we go.
It is then easier to grasp the concept that the path chosen by each individual is shaped by the choices and decisions made during their lifetime. This path should be one of the highest intentions, guided by Divinity, allowing access to the greatest life experiences. Only through this guidance can the soul take the correct path and complete its mission, thus achieving everlasting life.
Final words
To my worldwide friends in all humanity, Please, never look back to fix anything! It’s already done! Healing happens when looking forward and making the changes needed for your soul's growth and connection with the Divinity within you! Here is how to begin the most beautiful, breathtaking relationship of all eternity; Ready?
Just ask, “If what Lesley is saying is the truth please show me______?
Ask to see anything a blue button, a white heart, etc. If you can not see, ask to hear a specific word. When you receive the sign you ask for, you will have your answer and now know. Also, when feeling lost, alone, or in despair ask the Divine to show you a sign they are with you. “Holy Divine, if you are with me, please show me by letting me feel you”. Wait patiently. There will be a cooling sensation, or chill felt within and through your body, this is your answer. We are all blessed beyond measure!
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Read more from Lesley Pazdzioch
Lesley Pazdzioch, Teacher/Mentor in Personal and Spiritual Growth
Lesley is an innovative thought leader, believing all human interactions are opportunities for individual growth.
When a complete mental and emotional breakdown left her with insurmountable odds of survival and, in the best case, never being able to care for herself independently, she fought back hard! Her strong will and determination to overcome the challenges led her on a journey of self-exploration, leading to the profound discovery of her innate ability to heal herself.
Lesley has since chosen this as her purpose and mission, which is to teach others using the same methods.
Her message is clear: "Healing is a painless gift we give ourselves."