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Cancer – Not Always A Death Sentence

Written by: Cassandra Wiley, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Each year, the American Cancer Society projects the number of new cancer cases and deaths. For 2022, the projection is 1,918,030 new cancer cases and 609,360 cancer deaths in the United States. Recent statistics note that breast cancer is the most common. Next is prostate and lung cancer.

An aged woman flexing her strong body despite of cancer.

There are an estimated 18.1 million cancer survivors in the United States. Cancer is a chronic illness. In the initial stages, there are treatment options. However, it can also reoccur later. Depending on the person, cancer treatments are in the later stages. For others, it may be too late. Cancer occurs when abnormal cells divide and destroy the surrounding tissue anywhere in the body.

We each know someone that fits each category: they are cancer survivors, died of cancer, or are currently fighting it. There are cases in which people are dealing with multiple cancers.

What causes cancer?

  1. Family history. Having a family history of cancer does increase your chances; however, it does not mean there will be a definite diagnosis.

  2. Smoking. Smoking is associated with thirteen types of cancer and is linked to 80 percent of cancer deaths worldwide.

  3. Chemicals. It is not only for those that work around chemicals; using household cleaners can harm the body. An abundance of household cleaners, personal care products, and even air fresheners contain chemicals like acids, alcohol, and phthalates that are carcinogenic.

  4. Sedentary lifestyle. A lack of physical activity increases the risk of several types of cancers.

  5. Diet. Processed foods, alcohol, genetically modified foods (GMOs), and artificial sweeteners can increase cancer risks.

How do you practice preventive measures?

  1. Yearly screenings. Yearly screenings like mammograms and getting physical exams are forms of prevention. As mentioned previously, early detection can save your life.

  2. Eat a healthy diet. Everything is in moderation. Reducing or cutting out processed foods, alcohol, GMOs, and certain meats (red meat, pork) are preventive measures. Not only for cancer but for heart health as well. There is the belief that an alkaline diet will also help. If you would like more information, please see the Alkaline and Acid Food Chart - Herbal Health Review.

  3. No smoking.

  4. Increase physical activity. Increasing your physical activity can decrease your cancer risks.

  5. Ditch and switch. The exchange of a toxic household cleaner for a holistic alternative can make a difference in your health. For more information, visit

Learn more from Cassandra by visiting her website. Read more from Cassandra!


Cassandra Wiley, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Cassandra Wiley is a health coach and founder of Have Faith and Live Well with Chasadah LLC. She focuses primarily on chronic illnesses such as pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity. Her mission is to empower individuals to lose weight and teach a new healthier approach to food to live better lives. She was successful in reversing her pre-diabetes and high cholesterol diagnoses naturally. The weight loss was an added benefit. She has helped clients change their diets and “have faith” in themselves to meet their health and wellness goals.

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