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Are Highly Sensitive People More Ethical In Business?

Written by: Peter Paul Parker, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


In my last article in Brainz magazine, I discussed highly sensitive people and how they are now being recognised as different from other human beings. Furthermore, in a study entitled ‘The functional highly sensitive brain: a review of the brain circuits underlying sensory processing sensitivity and seemingly related disorders’, the activity in the brain from highly sensitive people and people with autism are different. There are three main areas the studies covered, led by Dr. Bianca Acevedo of the Neuroscience Research Institute of the University of California. And you certainly do not have to be highly sensitive to have great ethics in business. But I am sure ethics are held in very high consideration to a highly sensitive human being. Here is one of the reasons for this that came from the study.

Highly sensitive people have larger reactions in the brain, much like autistic people do. That is where the similarity ends. Highly sensitive people show a higher level of activity in the brain that relates to self-control, calmness and self-reflective thinking. To be able to see deeply into your actions, and how they affect other people, is an amazing attribute. The large amounts of empathy that highly sensitive people feel will automatically lead them to a more ethical business. To experience your own suffering, and the suffering of others can be overbearing to the highly sensitive. I feel that this is one of the reasons I go out of my way to make sure I do not hurt or harm anyone in my business. I always offer great value. I always consider how my actions may be affecting my clients. I am not always right with my actions either, as we are all learning everyday on our beautiful planet, we call earth. But my mistakes do hit me hard and I learn very quickly from them. I turn them into a positive.

The other two main factors of the study show that people with autism have social deficits, like failing to hold eye contact, and that highly sensitive people do not have that issue. The study also showed that highly sensitive people really did benefit from socialising, whereas autistic people didn’t. Dr Acevedo points out that there is not as much reward involved with autistic people and social interactions. Highly sensitive people are also misdiagnosed with having various mental health disorders. This is refreshing for most highly sensitive people to realise. When you do not know what is going on with you so deep inside, you can easily come to the conclusion that there is something wrong with you. It can result in a feeling of being broken somehow. This usually comes with an overwhelm of emotions and feelings for you to decipher and to diagnose. This can lead to high anxiety and stress, which can quite quickly fall into depression.

We are definitely moving into a more ethical world. More people are starting to demand to know what is in their food, their water, their clothes, and much more. More people are starting to question obsolescence and why products are made to wear out over a certain amount of time, so the consumer has to replace that product. More people are starting to question the direction of where the world is going, and why do we have to go in this particular direction. More people are questioning is this going to benefit all of us, or just a few. It is a time for ethics to stand strong in everyone’s business. I do believe that this will be the make-or-break element of a new or just starting out, business. It was easy to buy good press in the past, but I believe people are seeing through that now. More people are asking deeper questions and want to know what is happening in the background. What has been happening is coming out of the shadows, as more people wake up to the lack of ethics in certain companies.

Edward Bernays book propaganda is a great example of how we have been enticed to be consumers to build up our markets and economies. The book shows us how we have been encouraged to keep consuming, disregarding the planet and the creatures living on it. I am not saying live like a pauper or not enjoy the best life has to offer here. Being highly sensitive, I would say the best that life has to offer comes from the inside. The gigantic feelings of love, empathy and compassion you feel are really amazing. We should be responsible with what we are doing to the resources of the world, and how we use them. I do feel we are moving toward a more moralistic world rather than materialistic. I do see in the people I work with that they are loving themselves more and using their smartphones. This is a great turnaround from loving your smartphone and using people. I feel that this will grow as we move into a new economy.

Never forget, ethics in your business is you, and you alone. Even if you are working for someone else, it is your actions that have ethics or not, as the case may be. You have the choice to decide how you choose to proceed. Less and less people are wanting just to hang out at the finish line, and more and more people want to get involved in the race. Win or lose, the race is there, and we should partake in that race with enthusiasm and ethics on our side. There are many great opportunities and experiences waiting around the corner for you when you work with your highest standard of ethics within you. People will see it quickly and good news travels fast.

If you want to know more about how I help highly sensitive people, you can check out my workshop for highly sensitive people here.

Want to learn more from Peter? Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit his website.


Peter Paul Parker, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Peter Paul Parker is an expert in the mind-body connection, a sound healer, and working with both the energy body and the physical body. Peter is a Ki Gong champion, having entered a competition with the British Team in Korea in 2016, winning the International competition. Peter has run a successful coaching business for many years and has particularly done some amazing work with the elderly. He has set up a charity called Brighter Living to help the elderly with their health and well-being using Ki Gong and meditation. Peter has also worked with schools in his local area, helping people connect with themselves, from grandchild to grandparents. Peter has launched the Bright Beings Academy, which is his online business, which incorporates everything that he does to empower people to reach their full potential as human beings. Peter's motto is "If you don't own your future self, somebody else will!"

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