Luke Whelan is an amazing, accurate transformative worker. The owner of Luke Whelan Psychic. Due to his childhood obstacles and mental health challenges and addictions through his teens and early adult years. Luke started to learn manifestation during his depression episodes at 17/18 years old, which led him on a path of empowerment and alignment with his purpose.
His readings focus on personal empowerment and have taken him around the UK working with many establishments. It's all about energy with Luke, universal consciousness, the soul, and growth is his forte.

Luke Whelan, Psychic Medium, Transformation Mentor
Who is Luke Whelan Psychic?
I'm Luke Whelan [Psychic], living in the north of England, working as a Psychic medium and mentor in transformation, teaching psychic development and manifestation.
I live with my 2 furry companions Mr Ebony (my cat) and Lady Diana (my dog). They are my little family, with whom I spend most of my time.
What are your interests and hobbies?
My interests are everything around Consciousness and Energy given I’ve had my connection to spirit planes since being a little child. Through my life challenges and mental/emotional obstacles I’ve grown fond of personal development and how that influences our energy and abundance in life.
*free Self-Love pdf (downloadable)
I love going on ghost walks and seeing the shifts in the ages. It really is like walking through time as a medium in old places.
My biggest passion is expanding my own consciousness and seeing the experiences it brings me in my personal and professional life.
My background going into and within the Psychic field?
My background in the field of psychic work has been amazing! It really started with trying to understand myself and why I had the happenings throughout my childhood and teen years when my spirit became very intense.
Learning the Law of Attraction to lift up my vibration (which was low at the start).
When I was a child and teen, I would only see and hear spirits who were confused and ‘lost’. Now, I understand due to my upbringing and a lot of instability, I was open.. to the beings I didn't really want to be seeing.
So I dived into learning about me and my skill set.
It’s unfolded since then, firstly accepting who and what I was.
Then allowing the journey to unfold naturally as I was healing a great deal (and unknowing would face the next biggest life challenges…spirit would be my safety guiding me through a coercive relationship) spirit became my guide and my saviour!
To me it didn't start off as something for fun, it was very real and something I needed to understand to support my growth in my life from 17/18 years old.
Now being that for others through mediumship, psychic and tarot cards. Or, through development in understanding energy, becoming connected to spirit.
What is your reading style?
My reading style is straightforward and clear. I like to bring value and clarity on life and what spirit wants to guide them around.
I mix my understanding of the universe and energy in my readings to help people understand how to unlock or nurture their potential. I think that is really important. Not only does spirit provide the information, I can also see it all in a client's energy and support in shifting any densities (patches of dense energy in the field) and understanding why it's there.
What I think makes me unique is my life experience, mindset and pathway through development. I have a thirst for understanding, through that seeking understanding I’m always improving and honing guidance and skillset.
A huge sense of purpose is passing forward understanding, so I created a blog on my website, a YouTube channel and regularly post on Instagram.
What services can clients receive from you?
Via my website, you can see many of my services and options, but here is a quick insight:
1-2-1 zoom readings:
Here I provide full readings, evidence of your loved ones as well as the messages they bring. We have 30-45 minutes of pure energy. Bringing clarity to your path through life. The main focus for these sessions is to leave you feeling peace, clear and loved by spirit and the universe.
We have some beautiful experiences during these readings, mixing all media together. I tune into your energy, and use my understanding and psychic sense to bring guidance forward to insights about yourself, then lead towards spirit. There are always cards available for those who ask, people really love the tarot vibe in the 1-2-1. But nevertheless it's you, your life path and your messages.
Psychic Tarot Email Readings:
These can be general and see what comes through to you or they can be structured to help support multiple areas of life so you know where you are, what to do and what’s to come. They’re what I like to call energy forecasts. Through tarot mixed with my psychic senses we get a brilliant picture to work with. The cards help me spot cycles and patterns in people, I see the blocks that stand in front of a client and guide that process to support the flow of success.
Tarot for me was something I used personally in my healing journey. Going through the mental health system I didn’t have much trust in myself at the time mentally or emotionally. Tarot helped me through that obstacle. So with others my focus is to understand and structure.
Development courses:
People love to learn about energy be it opening up to their own team of guides and universal supporters. Or, become a master of energy in manifesting. I love to pass on what I’ve learnt over the past decade or so. After all it's for the collective and through the development classes the collective raises.
The psychic/mediumship classes can be completely tailored to the clients skill sets, with amazing results within an hour!
One of my clients was so shocked during her development. We got her through to spirit and using clairvoyance straight away. Not only that, I wrote colours in a particular order. When she asked her guides for info she was given them colours in the order id wrote, i was shocked too!
The psychic/medium development goes hand in hand, the focus will be on your desires then understanding the way you work. It’s important to understand your qualities and amplify that for the betterment of you!
I’ve made the process super easy for my clients! Via my website, you can see about myself and read some of my blogs, or where i am in the country when working the events in the Uk.
Once you’ve looked at the product (some of them are free to download!) You can purchase an email reading.
Or, choose one of the services (video calls or development classes).
Clients like to watch and join in the live shows I provide on social media @lukewhelanpsychic (Facebook, instagram, TikTok and YouTube).
I love interacting with those who want to learn, I give mini readings to display the way I work.
What is the clients journey from booking, through the reading and after?
Readings are welcomed to be recorded, i like to give clients the “scribbles” (notes) i make during readings to refer back to.
We have amazing sessions through zoom, giggles at funny memories or moments with loved ones, sometimes a tear or two because we heal also!. Clients have always given great feedback and reviews keeping a 5 star rating.
I love that clients still interact and connect with me years down the line. Coming back to say how things turned out usually with the “just as you saw!, can i book again?” I swear I was made of this!
What are the prominent moments you have during readings?
Some of the most prominent readings have been the most sensitive, providing accurate information can sometimes be sensitive, over time being in that position we communicate softer, explain in a fashion to promote healing. Using empathy is a crucial aspect to working in the mediumistic field. One of the cool moments was doing a reading for an actor I had watched for years on tv! I didnt even realise…classic luke style! Sat afterwards thinking, that looks just like x, y & z…it was! I felt super proud after that! Realising things can just happen, crossing paths with cool, interesting people.
What would you say the most pivotal moment that has brought you to where you are today?
The most pivotal moment that has brought me to where I am now was me taking my power back at 16. I chose not to go home. I chose to sofa surf and sleep ‘rough’ [homeless] to get my own journey started. It was scary, liberating and thrilling to know my future was in my hands! I could start to learn, grow,heal and most importantly...Live! Which is what I have done. That was the start. I could name a couple of times after but that will always take the top spot of what got me here today.
I look forward to sharing my experiences and insights! If you would like any of my services please check out the website, or social media for updates.
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