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7 Months Of Angelic Purification

Joanne Angel Barry Colon has 30+ years in the health, fitness, and wellness industry. She is the Wholistic Fitness owner located in NY Queens, certified holistic personal trainer, intuitive healer, cosmic energy reader, student of Astrology, Master of Numerology, and Creator of Chakra Balance Numerology Cosmic Energy Forecast Deck.

Executive Contributor Joanne Angel Barry Colon

Did you know that, as we bring in 2025, five astrological planets are moving into new zodiac signs? It's not only a new year; it's a new era.

Smiling photo of Joanne Angel

Pluto just ended its 16-year transit in Capricorn; this means we will never again experience a Pluto in Capricorn transit in our lifetime. It takes Pluto 248 years to travel through the entire zodiac. Pluto is associated with death, rebirth, transformation, power, control, and getting in touch with the inner self and subconscious.

Neptune spends about 14 years in each zodiac sign, and it takes about 160 years to travel through the entire zodiac. Neptune is associated with dreams, illusions, fantasies, and the subconscious. It is also said to rule over drugs, rain, ice, and liquids.

Saturn spends 2.5 to 3 years in each zodiac sign, and it takes about 29.5 years to complete one full orbit around the sun and return to the position it occupied at your birth. This is known as the Saturn Return, and it's a significant astrological event.

Uranus spends about 7 years in a zodiac sign and is considered a generational planet because it takes so long to move through each sign. Uranus's placement in a person's chart is said to reveal their approach to innovation and disruption. Some say that when a planet reaches key stations in its orbit, this corresponds to major moments in a person's life.

Jupiter spends about one year in a zodiac sign before moving on, which is why it's recommended to reap the benefits of Jupiter's energy; otherwise, you will wait 12 years before Jupiter returns to your sign.

The Lunar Nodes moved into Pisces and Virgo on January 11, 2025, and will remain there until July 26, 2026. Welcome to a new realm of spiritual healing, compassion, surrender, creativity, and imagination.

Pluto recently moved into Aquarius on November 19, 2024, where it will spend the next 20 years after transiting Capricorn for 16 years (2008-2024).

Neptune, known for spiritual evolution and higher consciousness, is currently transiting Pisces. This is an invitation to explore your imagination, compassion, intuition, and emotional intelligence. This transit began on April 4, 2011, and will end on March 30, 2025, a 14-year cycle.

Saturn, representing restructuring, foundation, patience, and karmic reset, is transiting Pisces. This event can challenge people to mature spiritually, embrace discipline, and align with a higher purpose. You may also feel the need to surrender things beyond your control and seek peace.

Saturn transited Pisces from March 7, 2023, to May 24, 2025, then moved into Aries from May 24, 2025, to September 1, 2025. It then retrograded back into Pisces for a short period before entering Aries again on February 13, 2026, remaining until April 14, 2028.

Uranus, known for rebellion, chaos, unpredictability, and (ironically) patience, is transiting Taurus. This transit can bring about changes in self-value, finances, self-esteem, the environment, and your physical body. Uranus takes 7 years to move through a sign, leaving ample time for introspection.

Uranus entered Taurus on November 6, 2018, but retrograded back into Aries. It returned to Taurus on March 6, 2019, and will remain there until July 7, 2025, then move into Gemini. However, it will retrograde back into Taurus from November 8, 2025, before finally leaving on April 26, 2026, where it will remain for six years.

Jupiter, known for expansion, good fortune, luck, spiritual growth, and (for some) a sudden increase in body weight, transited Gemini from May 25, 2024, to June 9, 2025. It then moved into Cancer—its "happy place," a time to experience unconditional compassion.

Jupiter entered Cancer, the Moon-owned sign, on October 19, 2025. It remained there until November 11, 2025, before leaving and retrograding back into Gemini on December 4, 2025. Jupiter in Cancer is a time to dream big, prioritize emotional well-being, and let your most vulnerable self take center stage.

According to numerology, 2025 carries a 9-universal energy. This means most of us, consciously or not, will review the last nine years of our lives or take a quantum leap, beginning the process of decluttering people, places, and things no longer aligned with who we are so we can transform into our highest purpose.

Will the first seven months of 2025 bring emotional clarity and rebirth or help you take things apart and put them back together?

Below is the Cosmic Energy Forecast for the twelve zodiac signs. I recommend reading the forecast for your sun, moon, and rising signs for an accurate prediction.

Aries: Reinvent your "I am" statement while stepping into your Midheaven energy with the help of Neptune and Saturn.

Taurus: A time to clean house and find a new tribe that supports your wildest dreams.

Gemini: Communication is your superpower; pay attention to what you say, as it may be very easy to cast spells, especially when Uranus moves into your sign.

Cancer: This is a perfect time to heal wounds with loved ones, especially with support from Saturn and Neptune (transiting in Aries) and Jupiter in your sign.

Leo: Big opportunities will appear; keep in mind that Pluto in Aquarius will help you take quantum leaps toward emotional clarity and rebirth.

Virgo: If you are among the Pluto in Virgo generation, health, fitness, and wellness may become a major focus and priority.

Libra: With Neptune and Saturn in Aries opposing this house, you may feel an urge to rewrite agreements, update resumes, or reinvent yourself.

Scorpio: Over the next three years, you may strongly desire a health and wellness transformation. This would be a perfect time to hire a holistic personal trainer.

Sagittarius: When Jupiter moves into Cancer, you may suddenly notice relationships becoming more playful and loving; however, when Uranus moves into Gemini, communication may become a little messy. Practice kindness before speaking.

Capricorn: Wow! This is the first time in 16 years that the Sun is not influenced by Pluto, giving you a perfect time to recognize your rebirth and unconditional compassion for yourself and others.

Aquarius: This is a revolutionary time for you, marked by strong connections, collaborations, and community. This is a perfect time for a body and soul transformation, especially before Uranus enters Gemini, as communication may become tricky and your connections may change.

Pisces: Over the next 18 months, you may experience a spiritual awakening with the North Node transiting your house. This is a time for psychic awakenings, intuitive enlightenment, and clarity regarding your soul's purpose and how to utilize it for your highest good.

For comments, questions, readings, and Reiki energy healing, email

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Joanne Angel Barry Colon, Certified Wholistic Personal Trainer, Intuitive Healer & Cosmic Energy Reader Joanne Angel Barry Colon has 30+ years in the health, fitness, and wellness industry. She is the Wholistic Fitness owner located in NY Queens, certified holistic personal trainer, intuitive healer, cosmic energy reader, student of Astrology, Master of Numerology, and Creator of Chakra Balance Numerology Cosmic Energy Forecast Deck. She is the Host of Joanne's Healing Within T.V Show and Joanne's Cosmic Energy Radio Show and Author/Self-Publisher.

Joanne's mission: To help women (men by referral) release issues from their tissues as they release emotional weight and fall in love with themselves while witnessing their transformation of being the best version of themselves.

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