Written by: Rozana Wyatt, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Results are something we all want in our life. However, what happens when you have the skills, passion, vision, and expertise yet, you are still not getting the results you know you can?

The tendency for many high-achievers is to “buckle down” and pursue another certification, work on productivity and focus habits, and engage in a cycle of more “hustle and grind.”
The truth is, more skill development, focus, hustle, and grind, will only get you so far. When you have the talent, passion, vision, and expertise, and you have been taking aligned action to pursue your goal, engaging in outward “doing” action - is not the answer.
The Trigger to Look Inward
After having a dynamic corporate career, two successful entrepreneurial businesses, and a desire to expand a business globally, I hit what seemed like an invisible plateau. Despite taking outward “doing” actions, I could not break through to the next level of success that I desired.
Confused by what was happening, I courageously said to myself, “Something is not working. I need to look inward.”
This led me to engage in life-altering inner work, like walking into a sticky cobweb in the middle of the night. You don’t know when you will break free, but you know you eventually will.
This process was the biggest variable in moving the needle on my success. It is the biggest variable in moving the needle on my client’s success.
Saying Goodbye to “Good Girl Syndrome”
Good Girl Syndrome is a term I developed to describe a mask that can intersect personal and professional life when women tend to do one, or all, of the following: people please, keep their ideas to themselves, fail to own their strengths, limit their excitement to express their biggest dreams, and hold back sharing their “wins.”
From my experience, Good Girl Syndrome seems to surface when you’re concerned with people thinking you are conceited, acting entitled, are “too much,” and the list goes on.
There is a fear of rejection at the heart of Good Girl Syndrome, fear of failure, a lack of confidence, or a sense of not being good enough.
There was a time I kept my “wins” to myself, I found myself wanting to please others, and I did not own my amazing strengths and talents that make me, me. I was wearing the mask of Good Girl Syndrome. This led me to hit an invisible plateau that I could not breakthrough.
I did not realize that I had a subconscious (hidden) fear of rejection. I developed this because I experienced rejection from those close to me as I gained more success in my life. They could not accept what I had achieved or where I was continuing to go in life. Unconsciously, I started to self-sabotage by playing small because I was afraid I would continue to experience more rejection from those in my life.
It was only by addressing this issue at the root of its source that I could remove the mask of Good Girl Syndrome. This was necessary to embrace the totality of who I am and fully show up as an unstoppable ME. The result - my story of Good Girl Syndrome has been featured around the globe, and my business has expanded internationally.
The Thread that Weaves Through Many
Hitting what seems like an invisible plateau is not an isolated experience. I often see a common thread that weaves through so many individuals.
It is the thread of fear.
Fear, in some form, is limiting people from being and doing more, and this includes individuals that have accomplishments that speak for themselves.
The talent, skill, and vision are present, and they are taking aligned action yet, they cannot break through what seems like an invisible limitation.
Have you ever experienced this or something similar?
It is confusing and frustrating, to say the least. Let me say this - hitting what seems like an invisible plateau has nothing to do with your abilities. You have everything within you to become unstoppable!
What it suggests, something is likely happening below the surface at a subconscious level. That is why it seems “invisible.”
It could be a fear of failure, fear of rejection, a lack of confidence, or a global sense of not being good enough - all potential blocks.
When you experience an invisible limitation, it is time to look inward. This starts with acknowledging that there is a block, identifying what the block is, understanding what has caused it, and resolving it at the root of the source with deep-level coaching and inner work - focused on both the conscious and subconscious mind.
This is the fastest and most transformational way to achieving outwards gains in your life, personally and professionally!
Leading Yourself to Become Unstoppable.
There is a reservoir of potential inside of you. Though the tendency as a high-achiever may be to engage in more outward “doing the action,” the only action you need to take is inward because the solution is within you.
Success is an inside-out job and an ever-evolving process.
Inner acceptance, self-mastery, and ongoing conscious expansion are the biggest variables in moving the needle on your personal and professional success.
This means you must let go of the mask, the fear, and the negative thoughts because true success is when, without limits, you embrace the totality of who you are and all you can be.
I call this inner success mastery, leading to your goals transpiring with greater ease, inner peace, and external success feeling complete.
Now is the time to lead yourself to break through limitations - and unveil the real you, who has been waiting to show up as unstoppable.

Rozana Wyatt, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Rozanna Wyatt is a Life & Success Coach helping high-achievers, top entrepreneurs, and influential leaders breakthrough limitations so they can become unstoppable. Rozanna is an expert in the psychology of human behavior and motivation. She has 15+ years of experience developing human potential, both as a licensed therapist and coach, holds a Master of Social Work from Dalhousie University, and specialized training in leadership and high-performance. Rozanna is the pioneer behind "Good Girl Syndrome" and Rapid Transformational Coaching - a cutting-edge approach to coaching blending the most advanced modalities in positive psychology, coaching, neuroscience, and leadership, to stimulate transformational growth and change.