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ORMUS Monoatomic Gold ‒ Minerals And Our Body

Written by: Trinn Allen Hatch, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Mineral salts support your body’s structure and function. They are essential for the health of your bones, hair, nails, soft tissues, nerve transmissions, blood clotting, oxygen transport, and digestion.

Ormus Monoaatomic gold.

Most people know that minerals like calcium and magnesium are crucial. These are two of the major minerals your body needs. There is also a list of trace minerals essential in smaller amounts, such as zinc, molybdenum, and iron.

Causes and Signs of Mineral Deficiency

In an ideal world, your food would give you all the minerals your body needs to thrive. However, it’s increasingly common for people to be deficient in minerals or have an imbalance–too much of some and not enough of others.

Common causes include a diet heavy in processed foods, low in fruits and vegetables, or problems with absorption. Extended periods on restricted or low-calorie diets can also cause mineral deficiencies.

  • Fatigue or weakness

  • Brain fog or poor concentration

  • Constipation, bloating, or abdominal pain

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Loss of appetite

  • Irregular heartbeat

  • Diminished immune system

  • Muscle cramping

  • Numbness or tingling in fingers, hands, toes, feet

  • Diarrhea

What Is ORMUS?

ORMUS monoatomic gold, sometimes called ORMUS minerals or atomic ORMIS, is a trace mineral complex. It’s an easy-to-absorb mineral salt.

The name ORMUS (originally ORME) stands for Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements. In modern times, ORMUS m-state minerals were discovered by a farmer named David Hudson, who found unusual minerals in his soil.

M-state minerals, like ORMUS, are in a high-spin state. They are found naturally in nature, including sea salt and aloe vera. David Hudson, who spent millions of dollars over several years studying ORMUS, recorded remarkable health benefits for himself and his animals using ORMUS minerals.

With an ideal diet, you would absorb minerals from plants that get them directly from the soil. The plants filter out bigger particles and deliver highly absorbable minerals for your body’s optimal function.

ORMUS minerals are made through an alchemical process that breaks them down into small particles readily available for your body to use. It doesn’t take much to do the trick!

Atomic ORMUS Benefits

Medically, gold salts have been used for over 75 years to treat rheumatoid arthritis and related conditions. Initially as injections, then orally as auranofin (Ridaura), providing better patient outcomes.

Studies have yet to be done on m-state minerals or ORMUS monoatomic gold outside of that application. However, ORMUS has gained popularity based on testimonials of mental, physical, and spiritual benefits, including increased energy, improved focus, and mental clarity.

Reported atomic ORMUS benefits include:

  • Reduced brain fog

  • Enhanced mental clarity and focus

  • Increased, steady energy

  • Waking up refreshed

  • Reduced ADD symptoms

  • Enhanced meditative states

  • Insights into life situations

Finding the Right ORMUS Supplement

Jampha’s ORMUS supplement is called EtheriOm | A Charged Healing Life Force Infusion. We craft it in small batches in the US in our lab while playing high-frequency music. It is a rare ORMUS infusion designed to amplify the benefits of monoatomic gold.

Monatomic gold is EtheriOm’s primary healing catalyst, but it also contains other m-state minerals. On the surface, you may assume that m-state gold is most effectively derived from gold metal, but transforming it is dangerous and potentially harmful. Claims made of ORMUS made from gold are not always backed up by third-party verification.

A Source With 21 Total Minerals

Instead, we start with Dead Sea salt and supercharged spring water from the Mountain Valley Spring Water Company near Mt. Ida, Arkansas. Dead Sea salt has the highest percentage of gold of quality ORMUS sources but contains 21 total minerals.

We use a time-tested alchemical process to extract them into a monoatomic state. We finish EtheriOm through a proprietary process, adding select non-psychoactive cannabinoids and life-force infusing plant terpenes.

The result is a balanced administration easily utilized by your body. As with all Jampha products, our goal is to ignite the healer within every person. To provide essential nutrients and ingredients to encourage the body’s biological systems to awaken to a higher level of function.

How to Take ORMUS Minerals

If you are not taking ORMUS minerals to support your body as you heal from a specific disease or ailment, take it for a maximum of two weeks at a time, with a week of rest before the next cycle.

The effects you will feel when taking ORMUS will vary. Some people report euphoria after taking it. Some feel energized, while others feel calmer. This represents the interaction between your body’s current state and how it uses the minerals to address imbalances or ailments.

Healing is a Complex and Individual Process

Whether looking for spiritual upliftment and relief from the mental and emotional burdens of being human or for physical relief and recovery, healing involves your mind, body, and soul. As much promise as m-state elements show to alleviate and rebalance conditions, including

AIDS, Alzheimer’s disease, bipolar disorder, cancer, diabetes, emphysema, heart disease, MS, osteoporosis, muscular dystrophy, liver disease, kidney problems, and more, we would never imply or promise a cure.

Like our supercharged mineral supplement Shilajit, ORMUS is one of nature’s gifts. Modern science is just beginning to scratch the surface of the healing potential of botanicals, minerals, and terpenes.

At Jampha, we’ve experienced first-hand the remarkable, sometimes miraculous, transformations available when your body gets the support it needs to follow a healing trajectory. We wish that experience for everyone who wants it.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube and visit my website for more info!


Trinn Allen Hatch, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Trinn Hatch is a pioneer of plant medicine who developed Synergy Enhanced Terpene Infusions. During his path to healing, Trinn experienced how our body's biochemistry is hardwired to the energetics of plants. Amchi Thubten Lekshe is a Lineage holding Master Tibetan Physician and Jampha's Spiritual Director & Formulator. Together, their enlightened understanding of plants and the life force energy expressed as terpenes create a new and advanced expression of Sowa Rigpa, a more than 2500-year-old Tibetan Healing Science. Trinn has devoted his life to sharing these ancient treasuries of knowledge with the world, igniting the primordial healing wisdom within all beings.


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