Written by Deborah Picou, Quantum Healer
Deborah Picou is a well-respected Quantum Healer who is a Certified Level 3 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Practitioner, a Certified Practitioner of Emotion Code, and creator of Emotional Quantum Healing.

Have you ever noticed that your emotional state runs your life to a large degree? The same could be said for every person in your life. Are you finding it challenging to have every aspect of your life being impacted by how you operate on an emotional level? Do you repeat, over and over again, the same old dysfunctional emotional patterns that started in your childhood and continue to wreak disappointing yet predictable outcomes? What you’ve got going on is the impact of trapped emotions. This is not some airy-fairy view of the ongoings of your life. This is science-based reality side by side with the escape hatch leading you to emotional freedom and authenticity.

Steps to achieve emotional freedom and authenticity
Step 1
Understand that your emotional state is founded in science, experience, frequencies and your willingness to make a change for the better. Your emotions aren’t just a “feeling”. They are also chemicals and frequencies. There is a biochemistry of emotions called neuropeptides. My simple explanation of neuropeptides are that they are chemical messengers that join the brain, glands & immune system in a network of communication in your body. Your emotions initiate and orchestrate this activity. Why do you even care?
Understanding what is actually going on in your body guides you as to what you can do to free yourself from the open air out and about prison of your dysfunctional emotional responses in life. I’ll give you the short and sweet version so I don’t put to sleep. When you have a negative emotional experience, the tendency is to intellectualize it, judge it, stuff it, deny it, and be stressed about it.
Step 2
What if I told you that a neuropeptide (biochemical messengers that are key to the biochemistry of emotions) moves through your bloodstream looking to find a way out so that it can metabolize and can be resolved so it does not cause you any problems? Sounds simple and promising but where’s the glitch or sticking point? Here it is. If your trauma is resolved, there is no attachment so you don’t hang on to the negative emotion. So how do you have no attachment? If you view the negative event from your heart rather than your brain, you will be seeing the event in truth, wisdom, and compassion because your heart in a non-polarity organ. However, if you view the negative event from your brain, you will create an attachment because you will be analyzing and judging the event while assessing good or bad, right or wrong because the brain is a polarity organ. It’s that polarity that creates the attachment.
Step 3
Furthermore, while this is going on, your body is releasing calcium ions to bond to the biochemistry of the emotions in order to attach somewhere in your body. The longer this biochemistry of emotion stays attached, the more likely it is to cause emotional and possibly physical problems. The physical problems from this biochemistry of emotions cause inflammation. Inflammation can lead to disease. That is to say that trapped emotions can lead to disease as well as a repeat performance of the same dysfunctional emotion, day after day, year after year.
Step 4
That neuropeptide will stay there until something allows it to release. This disease is saying to the body that this neuropeptide, this biochemistry of emotion, has stayed here too long and something needs to be done about this. So disease is an opportunity to look into what this disease experience maybe revealing in your life.
You can reference a book written by Candice Pert, entitled Molecules of Emotion which states, “When emotions are expressed—which is to say the biochemicals that result from an emotion are flowing freely— all systems are united & made whole.”
Step 5
Understand another piece of this dynamic. We live in a reflected reality. So that means that whatever shows up in your life is the manifestation of what you believe you are or deserve. Your mirror neurons are responsible for this action. So you are best served to become aware of your dysfunctional emotional dynamic and resultant disappointing situation. Clear yourself of your trapped emotions and learn the tools to choose and create a better outcome.
There are a number of options to assist you. You could do an Emotion Code to clear trapped emotions, Emotional Quantum Healing to discover the childhood trauma that drives you, and create a new and powerful thought to interrupt that dysfunctional habitual thought. Having a computer-generated voice evaluation conducted to determine which notes are missing from your voice will show you which emotional tendencies are causing your voice to lose a note. You can restore the missing notes using your own voice. This helps to restore emotional balance. Each of these techniques offers a way out of the emotional chains that bind you to dysfunctional outcomes. They are most effective when used together.
Read more from Deborah Picou
Deborah Picou, Quantum Healer
Deborah Picou is a leader in the field quantum emotional healing. Faced with a life-threatening health challenge, she abandoned the standard-of-care medical model to blaze her own trail of self-healing. With the help of a doctor of like mind, she started with emotional healing which lead to physical healing. Deborah then built a thriving practice helping many people to transmute their emotional trauma transforming their lives in every way. She utilizes QHHT, Emotion Code & Emotional Quantum Healing.