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Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Marian Van Veen

Executive Contributor


Marian Van Veen


Even though I am originally medically trained, my field expertise is located more in the area of emotions and the subconscious. It all started when I experienced that I could only let go of the extra stress kilos from my 3 burnouts (15kg each in 3 months), when I also started to overwrite my unconscious limiting beliefs and heal the unprocessed emotions. That's when I started combining my medical knowledge about the symptoms of the issue with Eastern medicine, which focuses more on the underlying cause of an issue.
So my mission is to free your heart from unprocessed emotions and reprogram your unconscious brain so that you can lose weight again.
Through my RBS® ReBalance your System program, I help women step by step to bring their entire system back into balance. This is about all the layers of your being. So
Physical: restore balance in metabolism, digestion, hormone balance and feeling start again Energetic: heal imbalances in organs, suppressed and unprocessed emotions
Stress: relaxing again physically, mentally and emotionally
Unconscious: healing unconscious limiting beliefs, fears, saboteurs, wounds in child's needs and reprogramming the brain
Spiritual: return to your authentic self as much as possible, making it easier to respect yourself and your boundaries so your nervous system can relax more
Who am I?
During my 3rd burnout, I got completely stuck. I gained many pounds again and couldn't get it off. Even worse; If I went on diets and did cardio for long periods of time, and I gained weight! I found it maddening, because I felt like it comes across as a result of too little perseverance and discipline. Which was not true for me. As a Nurse and Stress Counselor at the time, I quickly understood that this had to do with a hormonal imbalance. Just like all my other issues, from skin rashes, inflammations, facial paralysis, memory problems, exhausted adrenal gland, stomach/esophageal complaints, rheumatic disease sternum, poor sleep etc. etc. I started lowering my cortisol stress hormones and detoxifying my body. Many of my complaints disappeared into the background, but losing weight was still not possible and my nervous system remained tense. When the penny dropped, that this was an unconscious pattern in my life, I started to delve more deeply and continue studying the knowledge of the subconscious brain and energetic system. What you unconsciously believe has a 95% effect on what you think and do. So there was a lot to be gained there.
The power of the subconscious! If you, like me, unconsciously believe that you have to work very hard to be of value, you can't work less on willpower. Besides that, your excess weight has a protective function from your subconscious. It may also be replaced first. For years I have been looking for someone who could help me with all my issues. Someone who had knowledge of Weight, Physical processes and organs, Hormones, Subconscious beliefs, Patterns and Energetic blockages.
In the end, I became the expert I was looking for all that time. As a certified Neuro Energetic Therapist, I now help other women in my practice and online, by combining my professional and personal knowledge and experience, for quick and lasting results. With sincere attention and connection, I now help women to find and heal their underlying blockages, which are at the root of their impossibility to lose weight.
My vision is Holistic. Everything is interconnected and therefore influences each other. So if you don't succeed in losing weight, even if you try everything and lower your cortisol, but don't do anything about your underlying unprocessed emotions and beliefs, not much will change. But when all the keys are turned, the door does open again to lose weight, relax and heal.
I am medically trained and therefore definitely in favor of mainstream Western medicine. This is mainly is mainly concerned with treating symptoms. In the Eastern energetic teaching, I have found the complement I was looking for. Oriental medicine teachings focuses on the underlying cause of the issue. 10 Years ago, I would never have thought that as a down-to-earth, practical nurse, I would be helping people with a biotensor. An energetic measuring device. Or would guide them in exploring their subconscious. What I thought was my weak side at the time, my sensitive, empathetic ability, turned out to be my greatest tool in this great work. With my emotional empathy and strong intuition, I can help woman get to the heart of the matter faster.

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CREA Global Awards presented to

Marian Van Veen


The CREA Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition for their creative and innovative ideas, adaptability in business, or for their contributions to sustainability and mental health projects.

Caroline Winkvist


Daniel Ålund

Selection Committee

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Brainz 500 Global Awards presented to

Marian Van Veen


Brainz 500 Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition of their entrepreneurial success, achievements, and dedication to helping others.

Caroline Winkvist


Fredrik Elfqvist

Selection Committee

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

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