Maya Zack
Give Limiting Beliefs The Boot
Mindset makeover for women entrepreneurs; because sometimes, the only thing holding you back is your own thoughts.
You can't flip a pancake with a fork... And you can't flip a mindset with pep talk or motivational quotes... You need tools. REAL tools. So if you're feeling like a hot mess in your biz or lost in a sea of overwhelm... If you wanna flip that mental switch and have the confidence to take over the world... (or at least your field) In this FREE, LIVE, interactive training, I'll show you exactly how. I will demonstrate one, simple process to remove any limiting beliefs you might have that are stopping you from taking the action you need to make the money you want. Get ready for some serious business mindset magic!
“Life changing… wow! The most powerful tool I’ve learned in life so far. I’m much closer to launching the new version of my business than I ever thought I’d be.” (Marina Frangipani)
Let's get your brain into the money-making game, fast! Award-winning coaching. Limited spots, sign up now to secure your place and join me on Tues, March 21st 6.30pm GMT