Written by: Joanne Angel Barry Colon, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Did you know since the pandemic, many of us have been called to quiet down, slow down and go within?
On March 11, 2020 many had been forced to shut down businesses, work from home and even stop socializing with friends and family.
Since then, a COVID Vaccine Mandate was put in place for many, who feel that we’re being forced to take a vaccine that we may or may not be willing to take. Since this mandate has been implemented, there are many people living in fear, worried about losing their job and concern about what side effects if any does the vaccine have.

As an Intuitive Healer, Cosmic Energy Reader, Medium and Visionary, since the mandate was implemented, I have been Channeling Energy and receiving Downloads of the following insight:
The virus and vaccine are gateways to help activate one’s Higher-Self
The virus and or vaccine may stimulate one’s intuition and 5 senses, known as Psychic Abilities (hearing, seeing, feeling, touching, smelling and tasting) may become heightened
Fear of losing a job: this may be a gateway and opportunity to leaving a job that no longer serves your higher purpose
The virus and vaccine are gateways to help us move out of the 3rd dimension (material and physical) energy and activate the 5th dimension (spiritual) energy. This helps us to understand that there is so much more to life than what we see physically
Compassion, Love and Forgiveness – For those who have gotten the vaccine and wishing they haven’t. This is an opportunity for all of us to show compassion and let go of judgement.
As many of us activate into the 5th dimension, we may experience many love ones transitioning, as this energy is very powerful and may show up as physical pain, illness and disease. We have been experiencing this from 2020 through 2025
Within the last two years, we are all being enlightened and experiencing a Spiritual Awakening, which may help us balance our “Ego’ and “Spiritual Wisdom” and move into your heart for forgiveness, compassion, joy, peace and love.
If you had COVID and or the Vaccine and experiencing side effects and or symptoms, or searching for ways to maintain a healthy immune system, please watch the following two videos on Healing Prompt Therapy
I am the Host of Joanne’s Healing Within T.V Show featured on Strong Island Television, airs Live every Sunday at 3 pm EST on Facebook and Twitter and also replays on Roku (Strong Island Entertainment and Youtube (https;//www.youtube.com/wholisticfitnessbarrycolon)
For comment, questions and to redeem 15 percent off a Self-Growth Discovery Session email healingwithin76@gmail.com

Joanne Angel Barry Colon, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Joanne Angel Barry Colon has 30+ years in the health, fitness, and wellness industry. She is the Wholistic Fitness owner located in NY Queens, certified holistic personal trainer, intuitive healer, cosmic energy reader, student of Astrology, Master of Numerology, and Creator of Chakra Balance Numerology Cosmic Energy Forecast Deck. She is the Host of Joanne's Healing Within T.V Show and Joanne's Cosmic Energy Radio Show and Author/Self-Publisher.
Joanne's mission: To help women (men by referral) release issues from their tissues as they release emotional weight and fall in love with themselves while witnessing their transformation of being the best version of themselves.