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Which Property Management Company Should I Be Using?

Written by: Motti Wein, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


“Motti, I have heard more communication from you in the last 24 hours than I have heard from the previous management company during their entire two years.”

I have heard this multiple times over my seven years at Wein Realty, LLC.

It is not due in any way to my greatness for I am not greater than any of my competitors.

It is not due in any way to my intelligence for I was not the smartest student in school.

It is not due in any way to my experience for, seven years, while a long time, does not come close to reaching the length of time many of my competitors have been in the industry.

It is not due in any way to my success for while I thank G-d every day for where my business is holding, on a financial level it is nowhere near many of my competitors.

It is simply due to my work ethic which comes from my caring.

When one outsources their property management to a third-party company, they are trusting their entire investment portfolio with another who will simply view it as a business. “Money comes, money goes.” As long as the needed profit is met, all else is irrelevant. Time is not money—money is money. Tenants go from people to numbers.

This is not a universal rule of thumb, but it is quite common in the industry.

When one manages their properties themselves, or hires an employee to work under him/her, assigned to manage the properties, tenants remain people. Time returns to being money.

The needed profit is not the only thing which matters. The portfolio becomes more than a business.

Accountability is attained.

The best property management company one can use is themselves.

Connect with me on LinkedIn or visit my website for more info!


Motti Wein, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Founded in 2015 by Motti Wein, we don't view honesty as the best policy; rather, we view it as the foundation for all policies. Let us use our cumulative decades of experience in overcoming adversary, leadership, trust, real estate, customer service, business acumen, family values, and our good name to help you manage and grow your NJ real estate investment portfolio. We may be reached at 732-415-8446 or emailed at Wein Holdings, Wein Consulting, Wein Management, and Wein Lending are Wein Realty, LLC divisions. Please note we are a proud member of "Mem Dalet" - an initiative to encourage traditional Jewish workplace values in an ever-increasing nationwide culture of harassment & assault against women and general hostility towards religion. For more information, please contact us. Regarding Mr. Wein's work in kosher supervision, please email or


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