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The Biggest Marketing Lie Told to Women

Written by: Jamie Dooley, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Heart Alchemist, Manifestation Coach & Brainz Magazine Executive Contributor

Women all over the world are waking up to the biggest lie marketers and advertisers have swooned us with for the past century; that we don’t have enough, are not enough, and that they have the solution.

  • Not enough beauty

  • Not enough sexiness

  • Not enough love

  • Not enough money

  • Not enough time

  • Not enough education

  • Not enough health

  • Not enough fitness

  • Not enough organization

  • Not enough cleanliness

When you look outside of yourself for these things, marketers are correct, you will not have “as much” as someone else (comparatively), which can feel like “not enough.” And since we can now peer into the lives of millions of people we don’t even know on social media, there is always someone showing us how much more they have than us. It’s an advertiser’s dreamland!

Every woman reading this has been raised in a time of consumerism and materialism. It’s so mainstream and prevalent in every minute of our day that we completely forget our attention is bought and sold. We are the commodity. Neuroscience shows us just how unconscious our daily programming is. If we don’t do the work to activate the future planning part of our brains, we are basically just Zombies, consuming the latest thing or trend that will make us feel alive for two minutes, making the same choices day after day, without any forethought about what we’d prefer instead.

Listen up, person or thing that exists outside of you can EVER fill your internal well like an open heart can. Nothing. You will easily spend a million dollars over your lifetime trying to fill that void of not enough. OR, you could learn this secret now, work less, and finally build that dream home, travel the world and leave your mark on the world.

Wake up!

After coaching hundreds of women privately, I have found that women have MORE THAN ENOUGH of everything we need ALREADY WITHIN us. When you learn how to open your heart fully, your perspective shifts, instantly, to see all of the abundance you already have. You realize the latest face cream or running shoes aren’t going to make you feel young. Feeling young makes you feel young. You realize a weekend getaway won’t make you fall more in love with your partner. Feeling love for your partner makes you fall more in love with your partner.

See, we have all the chemicals we need inside of us to make us feel any emotion we desire. We simply have been SOLD the idea that things trigger the emotion. YOU trigger the emotion! Your thoughts, your visions, your creative ability to manifest in the quantum field. Women (and men with balanced masculine/feminine energy) are skilled at it naturally. It’s just that we forget! It is the divine feminine gift we were given, that so few learn to use. We have everything we need to birth something out of nothing. And when you learn how it will change everything.

Your heart is either open, or it’s closed. Your life is either in a state of expansion or contraction.

You can’t be a little pregnant. And your heart can’t be a little open.

You can have gradients of resistance to being open, but there is only one vibratory emotion tied to an open heart; Unconditional Love.

...The kind that lives within you

...The kind that is Universal

...The kind you were sent here WITH, already planted deep inside of you

But, unfortunately, we aren’t taught about it in school.

We are taught about everything we lack and given this basic formula to get to “enough:”

  1. Go to college and get massively in debt before age 22

  2. Get a job you don’t particularly like to pay off that debt

  3. Make money to buy things, so you feel good about yourself

  4. Get a promotion or raise to keep up with the people you aren’t keeping up with (all 1 million of them that you can now see from your pocket on social media)

  5. Go back to school or hire a 5 figure coach when you realize you don’t have enough skills to make enough money to buy enough things that will make you feel skinny, young or loved

Women all over the world are waking up to this ridiculous mind prison that keeps us stuck living the same program and pattern day after day, never dropping into our hearts to check in with ourselves about what we truly want instead. Never realizing how complete, whole, and perfect we already are.

When your heart is open, and you live your life with a flowing “Internal Well” you always have enough because your vibration is one of abundance. You attract people, ideas, and opportunities with ease. New ideal clients pour in. Your spouse starts flirting with you. You find space for rest and play. Your creativity soars.

Your heart is the most underutilized tool you own. Reach out to me if you’d like to learn more about how to expand it.

Connect with me and more women like you in our free Facebook community, and visit our website to learn more about our programs.


Jamie Dooley, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jamie Dooley is a highly intuitive, heart-based life and business coach, who teaches the art of expansion through energy healing and writing. She is the CEO of The Expansion Group, a collaborative for female dreamers, doers, bosses, and entrepreneurs. Jamie is also the author of Self-Coaching Mastery, and a manifesto expert who teaches women how to embody their sexiest, healthiest, wealthiest selves and have fun in the process.

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