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Manage Time Effectively By Decluttering Your Day And Mind

Written by: Dr. Pallavi Vasudha Vishwas, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


How to make the most of every day?

What is the secret of successful people achieving so much? It's not because they have divine knowledge that the rest of the world doesn't have. Nor is it because they have more hours in their day than anyone else. Aside from the sheer hard work, it's because they manage their time exceptionally well. Every hour of your day is filled with doing something productive related to a specific goal.

Here are some tips to help you manage your time better.

Get up earlier: One of the many reasons successful people are where they are in life is because of getting up early. While the rest of the world is in bed, they're awake doing what they need to do to ensure their goals are met. I'm not telling you to get up at 4 a.m. However, you can start by waking up an hour earlier than normal and see what kind of difference it makes to your productivity levels.

Begin the day with a healthy breakfast: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It sets you up for success, nourishes your brain, and prepares you for the task at hand.

Stay fit: A healthy body equals a healthy mind. Exercise and be ready for whatever you need to do.

Work on your goals: Morning is the best time to work on your goals. When you have more energy and willpower, you are more productive and enthusiastic throughout the day.

Write a to-do list: Most people go through the day with no goals. If you know your direction, you are more likely to get on the path to accomplishing your goals. Make a to-do list before bed and carry it with you throughout the day. As you complete each task, tick it. You will get an overwhelming feeling of joy at having successfully completed what you set out to do. This is just the beginning. Once you gain momentum and wake up earlier, you'll really see a difference in your productivity levels and the number of things you can get done during the day.

How to declutter your mind?

The strongest organ in the human body is the mind. It directs the course of your life, and when it's not working well, you know what? You're going to have a really bad time. Most of us don't pay attention to our sanity. We nourish our bodies, but our minds are neglected. We don't think about what we put our minds to, and we don't think about what we think either.

How would you feel if I told you that everything that is happening in your life right now is a direct result of the way you think? Without getting too scientific here, thoughts are energy. The energy travels and connects with other energies. Everything in life is energy, so you draw into your life whatever you think about most. This is a universal law. There is no escaping this fact, so you can either make the laws work for you, or they will work against you.

Normally people think roughly 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts a day! That's a lot of thinking, isn't it? But if I asked you to write down your last 500 thoughts, you wouldn't remember them because sometimes you are not aware of your thoughts. The simple trick is to notice your dominant thought patterns. What are you thinking about? Are your thoughts negative or positive? Unfortunately, most of our thoughts are negative. This inner voice constantly brings you bad news. The good news, however, is that you have the power to control your thoughts. It's not easy, but with persistence and practice, you can master your thoughts.

Pay attention to your thoughts: First, pay attention to what you are thinking. Worried about paying the bills or don't have enough money? Do you wonder if you will ever reach your goals? Write down your thoughts so that it's easier to reflect upon.

Change the narrative in your mind: The idea here is to erase negative thoughts and replace them with something positive. So instead of thinking, "I'll never have enough money," say to yourself, "I have enough money to meet my needs." This seems unbelievable since the bank balance is telling something else. However, faith explains what you can see in your hopeful heart, not what you can see with your physical eyes. You need to focus all your thought energy on the desired outcome, not what you don’t have.

Make space in your mind: Take care of your thoughts and remove those unwanted thoughts to make space for the new ones. Thoughts that embrace change to progress and grow.

Do not get overwhelmed with your tasks at hand or the time needed to accomplish them. Start following your decluttering routine, and you will see the desired change. You will be able to tune the time for your betterment.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, or visit my website!


Dr. Pallavi Vasudha Vishwas, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Dr. Pallavi Vasudha Vishwas, Harmony Happiness Coach and Founder of HappyHarmony, inspires and empowers busy, ambitious, working women to manage stress effectively and integrate work-life successfully to pilot their flight of happiness with self-belief and confidence.

Pallavi is a highly sought-after Harmony Happiness Coach, a Work-life Balance Expert, an inspiring speaker, a passionate Soft Skills Trainer, a motivated Educator, an enriched Telecom Engineer, a poetess, an aspiring Author, and a nature lover. Pallavi holds a Ph.D. in her expertise in Work-life Balance amongst working women.

Stress levels of working women are quite high due to managing work-life, and constantly multitasking can be very challenging and taxing on their body and mind.

Pallavi specializes in helping working women manage stress with a smile and design a happy work-life harmony in a matter of months rather than years so that they can live purposeful and joy-filled lives.

After 16 successful years in the Telecom industry and Education field, Pallavi found herself more passionate about coaching individuals to carve their own Happiness journey. Her passion is empowering individuals to discover their self-worth, unlock their unique potential, find true happiness, and live a life they love living. She has always been passionate about helping others and has touched hundreds of lives to lead a happy life.

Pallavi has been awarded by a highly prestigious club, The Indian Achievers Club, in the category “50 under 50”, the Indian Achiever for the year 2020.

Pallavi offers coaching, individual services, group programs, seminars, and workshops.

Her motto is: Be Happy and live in Harmony.


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