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Insight – Entrepreneur Parent, How To Be Present And Leave An Impact On Your Children

Written by: Juan C. Olmedo, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


If you’re an entrepreneur parent, odds are you have a tribe of friends who are also raising children and chasing their entrepreneur dreams. You know what to expect. You know the highs and lows. But if your friends aren’t like you? They might not understand how much it demands from you to be an entrepreneur parent. And more so, how hard that impact is on your children as well as yourself. Many parents go through this phase in their lives where they feel so stretched that they don’t know where to start with self-care or finding balance again – especially after years of working non-stop at their businesses with no end in sight. But there’s good news: The sooner you realize it and take action, the better it will be for everyone involved in your new venture! Here are some insights into the inner workings of being an entrepreneur parent and the ways you can be present and leave an impact on your children at the same time.

beautiful collage family photo.

Entrepreneur Parenting 101

Entrepreneur parents need to learn how to be present. They need to learn what it means to have a healthy work/life balance and that includes being there for their children. When you’re so busy with your business and constantly on the go, it becomes difficult to find time for your children ‒ in person. And chances are, one of their main requests is for you to be there for them. So, how can you make sure you’re there?

3 ways to Be Present as an Entrepreneur Parent

1. One way is by creating a consistent and daily schedule to spend time with your children even if it’s only 2 hours every day. Not all entrepreneurs are available every day, in that case create family dinners; even if it’s just once a week It doesn’t have to be fancy or elaborate ‒ just a few hours where you all sit down as a family and enjoy each other’s company add conversation about life. If you don't already have something like this in place, start small with 30 minutes every night at dinner time where everyone talks about what they did at school or during the day and shares something personal about themselves.

a. On a side note, with today’s ever evolving society, it’s difficult to unplug from smartphones and work devices. Make sure during this scheduled time, it is spent 100% on your children, this little gesture will leave a lifelong impact.

2. Another way is by planning vacations together; these should be planned well ahead of time so the kids know when they will happen and can begin building anticipation around them! Plus, while they're visiting mom and dad, they'll get to see what it's like living at home too!

3. Connect with other parents There’s nothing like the company of other parents who understand what it means to raise children as an entrepreneur! Talk with other parents who have been through this journey before and get perspective from those who have made it through the tough parts too.

The impact of an entrepreneur parent can be seen and felt by their children for years to come. Taking the time to implement these 3 simple but powerful entrepreneur parent tips may help to ensure your children are well-equipped to face the world with confidence and enthusiasm.

Leave the Impact on Yourself

First, it’s important to understand that being an entrepreneur parent is a full-time job. More than just balancing your business, you have to take care of yourself in order to be present for your kids. It sounds easy in theory and harder when it actually comes down to it. That’s because you need to make sure that all aspects of your life are in check ‒ including taking care of your health, which is often neglected during the stresses of entrepreneurship. Achieving this can be difficult. You may find yourself working two jobs, with one being your career and the other being raising entrepreneurial children. There's typically not enough time for both, so you need to prioritize what needs attention and what doesn't when it comes to your family.


Being present is a high value. It might not seem like it at times, but it’s one of the most important things you can do for your children as an entrepreneur. Learn to be present and make an impact on your children today.


Juan Olmedo, entrepreneur minded since the age of 15, and started his first official business at the ate of 22, alongside his entrepreneur wife Rosa Olmedo, balance a home of five children. Mr. Olmedo currently operates a telecommunications software company, but is also a partner, shareholder, and board of directors on 5 other companies he helped found and start over the past almost 20 years. Mr. Olmedo explains the challenges, as well how he has learned the importance of being present and impactful.

How do you balance being an entrepreneur parent and taking care of yourself?

Being an entrepreneur parent is a 24/7 job. I’ve been told time and time again that I am the most energetic, present parent in the room. My kids have learned to always expect me to be on the move, be ready to go or be presenting. They can see me in my office at any given moment because I am always working or on a call. So, yes, balance does get thrown out the window when you are an entrepreneur parent (and it’s not for lack of incentive; you want every moment to count!). But it also gets thrown out the window with your kids. And it has to get thrown out if you want to be present and fully engaged in their lives. If you aren’t present with them constantly, what’s going to happen? They are going to seek it out somewhere else (i.e., their friends), and that’s bad for everyone involved including you.

How do you find time to take care of yourself and still be an effective parent?

You’re absolutely right. Finding time to take care of yourself and your family can be difficult. But it’s super important to keep your health in check and to find the time to unwind and reset. Here are a few tips on how you can find balance as an entrepreneur parent: 1. Schedule in healthy rest periods throughout the day. 2. Follow a meal planning strategy that works best for your family. 3. Find the time for alone time with your children, preferably when they are asleep or at school (make sure you follow safe child-management practices).

How do you manage to be an effective parent and still have time for yourself?

Well, just like we said it is a tribe of entrepreneurs behind you there, so you have people to cheer on and support you and listen to your stories. If you aren’t one yourself, that’s ok too, there are lots of other entrepreneurial parents out there and one of them might be able to chat with you about your struggles.. And lastly, if there is a support group for parents in your area, check it out. You might learn something new or connect with someone new who understands what you are going through ‒ because no two parent journeys are the same.

Juan and Rosa Olmedo, operate Nevtis Corp, a UCaaS Telecommunications company located in Anaheim Hills, CA that provide employment to 17 people. Mrs. Rosa Olmedo is a Farmers Insurance Agency owner located in Corona, CA, helping business owners with business insurance, workers comp and other personal insurance products. Mr. Juan Olmedo, is considered a high-performance coach, business advisor, and per his wife a crazy entrepreneur, ready to jump on new ventures instantly. Mr. Olmedo volunteers his time helping aspiring entrepreneurs by using his almost 20 year’s experience, to help avoid set-back, reach tangible results, and ultimately create self-sustaining businesses. They may be found at: and Farmers Insurance Rosa Olmedo Agency.

“We are entrepreneurs at heart, but more important, they are present parents. Be Present, Be Affectionate, Leave an Impact”

Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Juan C. Olmedo, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Juan C. Olmedo, is a Latino Tech Entrepreneur, High Performance Coach, & CEO of Nevtis Companies. Entrepreneur-minded since the age of 15, started first official business at 22 years of age and grew it to a $2 Million dollar a year company with 20 employees. Started subsequent business tech business at 25 and sold it just 5 years later. Have since started or invested in 6 other companies ranging from tech, telecom, construction, insurance, and digital marketing with a combined employment of 80 full time staff. Currently CEO at Nevtis Corp, a UCaaS Software provider. Being through virtually every stage of starting, and scaling million dollar companies, Mr. Olmedo uses his acquired knowledge of almost 20 years.

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