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From Tears To Triumph – Mastering The Art Of Resiliency

Written by: Beth Rohani, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


In times of uncertainty and adversity, mastering the art of resiliency becomes a crucial skill to navigate through life's challenges. The year 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, tested the resilience of individuals worldwide. As an entrepreneur, I found myself standing in the shower, overwhelmed by stress and facing both personal and professional difficulties. However, it was during that vulnerable moment that I had a profound realization – resiliency. This article explores my journey and provides insights on how to cultivate resiliency, enabling us to overcome obstacles and thrive in the face of adversity

beautiful painting of a woman

Finding Strength in Vulnerability

As the water cascaded over me, tears streamed down my face, reflecting the weight of the uncertainties surrounding my business and personal life. With over two decades of owning a business, the fear of its survival during an unprecedented pandemic consumed my thoughts. Simultaneously, I was navigating the end of a 26-year-long marriage and business partnership, adding emotional strain to an already challenging period.

The Shower Revelation

It was in that moment of vulnerability that the soap slipped from my hands, causing me to pause and reflect on my own strength. I instinctively reached down to retrieve it, and the word that echoed in my mind was "resiliency." It dawned on me that I had conquered countless obstacles throughout my life and emerged stronger each time. This realization became the catalyst for transforming my perspective and understanding the immense power of resiliency

The Matrix of Life

Comparing my life's journey to the movie "The Matrix," I recognized the ability to navigate and overcome challenges with agility and determination. Like Neo, dodging obstacles and pushing past limits, I discovered that my mindset played a pivotal role in cultivating resiliency. Understanding that I possessed the capacity to overcome any hurdle fueled my drive, discipline, courage, and confidence. It became clear that resilience is not a fixed trait but rather a skill that can be developed and strengthened.

Embracing Challenges

Resiliency is not about avoiding challenges but about facing them head-on with unwavering resolve. Embracing adversity as an opportunity for growth is the first step toward mastering this art. By reframing obstacles as stepping stones, we empower ourselves to learn from setbacks, adapt, and discover innovative solutions. Resiliency enables us to maintain a positive mindset and cultivate the resilience necessary to endure challenging times.

Building a Support System

No journey toward resiliency is complete without a support system. Surrounding ourselves with like-minded individuals who uplift and inspire us is invaluable. Seeking guidance from mentors, participating in peer groups, or joining communities of individuals facing similar challenges can provide the encouragement and perspective needed during tough times. Collaborating with others strengthens our ability to bounce back and reinforces our resilience.

Practicing Self-Care

Self-care is a vital component of resiliency. Taking care of our physical, mental, and emotional well-being ensures we have the strength to confront challenges effectively. Engaging in activities that bring us joy, practicing mindfulness, exercising regularly, and nurturing meaningful relationships are all ways to recharge and build resilience. Prioritizing self-care creates a solid foundation from which we can face adversity with resilience and determination.

Adapting to Change

Resiliency is closely intertwined with adaptability. Life is a series of constant changes, and developing the ability to adjust and pivot is crucial for survival. Embracing a growth mindset, being open to new possibilities, and actively seeking opportunities to expand our skills and knowledge can help us navigate through the ever-evolving landscape. By embracing change rather than resisting it, we become more resilient and better equipped to handle whatever comes our way.

The day I stood in the shower, crying and dropping the soap, marked a turning point in my understanding of resiliency. It was a reminder that no matter how overwhelming the challenges may seem, I have the strength within me to overcome them. By recognizing our own strength, embracing challenges as opportunities, building a support system, practicing self-care, and fostering adaptability, we can master the art of resiliency. This transformative mindset allows us to face life's challenges head-on, knowing that we have the capacity to overcome any obstacle. With resiliency as our guide, we can navigate the uncertainties of life and emerge stronger, wiser, and more empowered than ever before. Remember, no matter how difficult the circumstances may be, you have the power to rise above and thrive.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Youtube, or visit my website for more info!


Beth Rohani, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Beth Rohani leads the 1 moving company serving the Houston Multi-Family Industry and her company is considered one of Top 3 Best Rated Moving Companies in Houston. As a first generation Iranian-American, former TV news assignments editor and CEO of a transportation and logistics based business in a male-dominated industry, Beth embraces the stereotypes while inspiring and mentoring others to build a successful business with a balance to live their best life.


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