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Are You Really Open To Love? 3 Tools To Change Your Life

Written by: Lisa Nicks Balthasar, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Lisa Nicks Balthasar

Have you ever loved someone so much that you felt like you shared the same heart? I met Keith at 16 years old. We were born on the same day, same year. I was born two hours and 20 minutes before him and sometimes joked that he liked older woman. He was my soulmate.

Couple holding hands at the beach during sunset

Twenty-seven years later, Keith was hooked up to life support, surrounded by our two beautiful daughters and his entire family. He had suffered from the worst type of brain cancer and it was my impossible decision to remove the life support.

I laid my head on his chest and heard the last beat of his heart. A part of me died with him in that moment.

This is a story that is not mine alone. Every day, people have their hearts broken wide open through loss, grief, betrayal and shattered dreams. You cannot love completely without experiencing loss and pain at some point in your life. Love and Loss, the Yin and Yang of what, in my opinion, is the greatest gift of all in life; Love and the experience of it in all its glory.

Love empowers, love heals, and love connects us as a vast humanity to one another. Yet so many find that love is elusive or worse, many feel on some deep level that they do not deserve love.

So, I ask you this powerful question: “Are you really Open to Love?”

As we experience the varying levels of pain and loss around love, a wall can start to grow to protect our hearts from the possible suffering around opening to love again. When I lost my husband, I questioned if I could ever love again; if my heart could ever feel healed. Would this pain go away? At times, it was hard to breathe.

There is a silver lining on the other side of love lost. It is a deepening of gratitude for the gift of love and all it has to offer. Living life with deep gratitude pulls in a vast opportunity for healing and experiencing profound joy.

We, as a humanity, are more connected than ever by social media at the touch of a finger, yet we are suffering a global loneliness epidemic. Through my journey and rebirth of opening my heart to love once again, I experienced a powerful healing and serendipitous meeting of a soulmate and now my second husband. As a Love and Intimacy coach (Sacred Soulmates) and inspirational speaker, I empower people to truly open their hearts to love again and all the gifts it has to offer.

Pain can make us deeper, wiser and stronger humans if we don’t let it break us. This is part of the human experience. Imagine if we lived in a world where love and healing triumphed over hate and fear? Imagine a world of deeper compassion and love for one another. It can start with you.

Here are three tools to put to use today to start you on the path of opening your heart to love on a deeper level than you may have thought possible. These tools can work whether you are in a relationship, looking for love, or afraid to love again.

1. What do you really want to experience in a deeply heart-connected love relationship? Really think about this. We spend hours working on our budgets, business plans, travel plans etc. When was the last time you really thought about and wrote down what it was you wanted to experience in a relationship centered in deep, healing love? Take the time and courage to really envision it. And more importantly, believe in your vision coming to reality. Write your vison down and read it often. Read it again. Believe it.

2. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Do not let loss define you. Let it make you stronger, wiser. Everyone deserves to be loved and to love. Loss and betrayal can close off one’s heart. True healing occurs with the vulnerability to open up and share your deepest thoughts and fears with another human who can hold that healing space for you to grow together. You will feel it and know when you find that person who can hold that sacred healing space with you. There are billions of humans on this beautiful planet of ours. Trust that you can find your healing soulmate if you truly open your heart and eyes to the vast possibilities. Be open to love and take the steps to find your person. It is worth it. Don’t give up. Ever.

3. Change happens with consistency. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Change will not happen overnight, but slowly, as you open your heart to deep love and all it’s possibilities. Step out of your comfort zone, try new things, meet new people. I went to Burning Man for the first time, (a BIG step out of my comfort zone) to take my first husband’s ashes to the Temple, to honor him and my rebirth into a stronger, wiser woman. It was there that I met my second soulmate and now husband in such an amazing, serendipitous way that I have written a best-selling memoir, "Believe!" about the story.

So, ask yourself this question: What is something that you want to try to do, but are afraid to take that first step? Do it. Think outside of the box and try something new while holding onto the vison of the life and love you want to pull into your life. Change will happen, trust me. More importantly trust yourself.

Put these three simple, yet challenging tools to use. Start today and witness your life begin to change as you pull in all the possibilities around being truly fully, open to love. For more information, visit Sacred Soulmates.

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Lisa Nicks Balthasar Brainz Magazine

Lisa Nicks Balthasar, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Lisa Nicks-Balthasar is a best-selling author, inspirational/keynote speaker, and expert Love & Intimacy coach who has been featured on multiple podcasts and on the TEDx stage. Her 1 bestselling memoir, Believe, A Woman’s Odyssey from Tragic to Magic, was supported by Academy Award-nominated screenplay writer Scott Marshall Smith (“Men of Honor”) who stated, “Lisa’s powerful story is filled with magical movie moments.” Lisa is currently looking for the perfect home for her book-to-film project.

Through her inspirational/keynote speaking, writing, coaching, and numerous retreats, as well as her TEDx talk, Lisa has inspired people from all over the world to “Believe” in love again, to uncover and overcome their subconscious, self-sabotaging beliefs, and to manifest deeper intimacy through a life and love of their dreams.

The tools and methodologies she teaches are extracted from her own success in manifesting not one, but two soulmates (after her first tragically passed), as well as her vast experience with personal coaching and retreats offered through Sacred Soulmates which she founded in 2016. She has dedicated her life to helping others attract and deepen the love of their lives.


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