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4 Signs It’s Time To Ask For Help With Your Weight Loss

Michele DeJesus, PhD, NBC-HWC is a board-certified & Mayo Clinic-certified Health Coach and an ACE-certified Personal Trainer with a PhD. in Holistic Nutrition. She is the CEO of a 26-year coaching business, successfully guiding adults in transforming their health, fitness and weight loss. Michele has been featured in the IDEA Health & Fitness online magazine as well as numerous television appearances speaking about fitness, weight loss and health.

Executive Contributor Michele DeJesus

It’s hard to ask for help, especially with certain issues like weight loss. People are reluctant to seek help because this issue is complicated and attached to a lot of emotions. Asking for help can evoke feelings of vulnerability, excessive intimacy, and the perception of weakness. However, attempting to tackle weight loss in isolation can be a daunting task. From navigating dietary choices to implementing exercise routines and managing emotional triggers, there are numerous factors that influence success on this journey. Seeking help doesn't signify weakness; it demonstrates your resilience and a commitment to your well-being. By acknowledging that you can't do it all alone, you open yourself up to an abundance of resources and expertise that can support your desire to attain sustainable weight loss.

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Embarking on a weight loss journey can be both empowering and daunting. While the desire for change is strong, the path to sustainable weight loss is filled with challenges that can feel overwhelming to navigate alone. In the quest for long-term success, one of the most crucial steps is recognizing the power of seeking help. Whether it's guidance from professionals, support from peers, or resources from communities, reaching out for assistance can make all the difference in achieving and maintaining your health goals. So when is it time to consider finding help?

If you keep hitting the same roadblocks & obstacles

Most of my clients express similar challenges when it comes to achieving their weight loss goals. These roadblocks and challenges look like this…

  • Too busy to meal plan or prep

  • No time for exercise or don’t enjoy it

  • Family needs at home–kids, grandkids, parents, partners

  • Don’t feel supported by family and/or peers

  • Confused by the conflicting information about weight loss

  • Illness

  • Menopause

  • Work requirements

If you feel isolated and unable to talk to family or friends about it 

We want our friends and family to be in our corner but sometimes they aren’t supportive of big lifestyle changes. Sometimes, friends and family will refuse to make changes to their own lifestyle even though it would support your efforts. And sometimes they don’t understand why you’d want to change—even when your health is on the line.

But having support is one of the most important aspects of a successful weight loss journey. When you have support, you’re more likely to stick to your weight loss program, achieve your goals, and keep the weight off for good.

So if you don’t have the support from friends and family, it’s worth the investment to get support so you get someone who’s on your side. Plus, if that support comes from a weight loss and health expert, you’ll get the specific & scientific support you need most.

Feelings of shame or guilt about weight loss

One of the biggest barriers to seeking help for weight loss is the stigma and shame often associated with obesity and body image issues. Many individuals may feel embarrassed or afraid to reach out for support due to fear of judgment or perceived failure. However, it's important to recognize that seeking help is not a sign of weakness but rather a courageous step towards self-improvement and self-care. By reframing your mindset and embracing vulnerability, you can break free from the constraints of stigma and shame and open yourself up to the support and guidance you deserve.

Your health is clearly being affected and may be critical

Seeking help, in particular, professional guidance, becomes important when the extra weight is causing medical health issues. These can include heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver disease, sleep apnea and certain cancers. The good news is that even modest weight loss can improve or prevent the health problems associated with obesity.

Types of support

Professional guidance

One of the most valuable forms of support is seeking guidance from qualified professionals. Whether it's a registered dietitian, board-certified health coach, or therapist specializing in behavior change, these experts can provide personalized strategies and evidence-based recommendations tailored to your unique needs and goals. From creating balanced meal plans to designing effective behavioral modification plans and addressing underlying emotional triggers, professional guidance can empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to make lasting changes to your lifestyle.

I’m a health coach. Imagine having a dedicated partner who is entirely committed to your health and well-being, someone who understands your unique challenges and dreams, and who stands by your side as you embark on the journey to a healthier, happier life. This is, in my practice, the transformative power of using a health coach.

A health coach is your personal cheerleader, guiding you through the maze of health and wellness with unwavering support and expert knowledge. They don’t just give you a plan; they empower you to create a sustainable lifestyle that aligns with your deepest aspirations. With their help, you’ll set clear, achievable goals that reflect your vision of optimal health, and you’ll celebrate every milestone along the way.

Accountability partners

Another powerful form of support comes in the form of accountability partners – individuals who share similar goals and can provide encouragement, motivation, and accountability along the way. Whether it's a friend, family member, coworker or coach, having someone to check in with, share progress, and celebrate victories can significantly enhance your commitment and adherence to your weight loss journey. By surrounding yourself with a supportive community, you create a network of accountability that reinforces your efforts and keeps you on track even when faced with challenges.

Online communities and resources

In today's digital age, the internet offers a wealth of resources and communities dedicated to supporting individuals on their weight loss journeys. From online forums and comprehensive coaching programs, to mobile apps and virtual support networks, there are countless platforms where you can connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and access valuable tools and resources. Whether you're seeking motivation, inspiration, or practical tips, these online communities can provide a sense of belonging and camaraderie that can be invaluable on your path to sustainable weight loss.

Tailoring support to your needs

It's essential to recognize that the type of support you need may evolve over time and vary depending on your individual circumstances and preferences. What works for one person may not work for another, so it's important to explore different options and find the support systems that resonate with you. Whether it's one-on-one coaching, group sessions like the one I offer or a combination of these resources, the key is to find what works best for you and aligns with your needs and goals.


I believe a carefully crafted and personalized weight loss journey is a transformative experience that requires courage, commitment, and resilience. By being willing to seek help and tap into the support and guidance, you empower yourself with the tools and resources needed to develop sustainable weight loss strategies that align with your goals and values. Whether it's professional coaching expertise, peer encouragement, or online communities, remember that you don't have to navigate this journey alone. Together, we can support each other on the path to better health and well-being.


Michele DeJesus, PhD, NBC-HWC, Health Coach/Weight Loss Specialist

Michele DeJesus, PhD, NBC-HWC is a board-certified & Mayo Clinic-certified Health Coach and an ACE-certified Personal Trainer with a PhD. in Holistic Nutrition. She is the CEO of a 26-year coaching business, successfully guiding adults in transforming their health, fitness and weight loss. Michele has been featured in the IDEA Health & Fitness online magazine as well as numerous television appearances speaking about fitness, weight loss and health. She is the host of the Facebook group, MIDLIFE CONFIDENCE: Women Conquering Weight Loss and the creator of an online 12-week weight loss intensive for midlife women. Her mission is to support midlife women in creating their own health & wellness Renaissance.


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