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3 Secrets Of Manifestation – Achieve Anything You Desire

Written by: Anders Hansen, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Anders Hansen

Having been an illusionist for over 25 years, I've observed how adept we are at diverting ourselves from the life and dreams we genuinely aspire to. Our minds are filled with illusions that obscure the truth. After assisting more than 12,000 participants in leading happier, healthier, and wealthier lives, my aim today is to guide you closer to understanding how you manifest your heart's desires by unveiling these three foundational secrets of manifestation so that you will be able to achieve anything you desire!

Image photo of Anders Hansen

Secret No.1 You can only attract what you are, not what you want

The Law of Attraction, a topic of intrigue for many, remains elusive to most. Through my collaboration with Bob Proctor, a preeminent expert on this subject, over the past five years, I've gained a crucial understanding. Most people often find themselves in cycles of unwanted outcomes because they fail to grasp the intricate processes and fundamental laws at play.

It's vital to understand that the law of vibration is at the forefront of these principles. Among the seven cardinal laws, it emphasizes that we attract what aligns with our internal vibrational frequency. The Law of Attraction, in contrast, is secondary. Your vibration, determined by your conscious thoughts and choices, directs the emotions you experience. This emotional state then causes your entire being to vibrate at a particular frequency. This vibrational state not only guides your actions but also determines what you attract to yourself. The result is a dance between action and reaction; it's a dance between spirit and form through us.

Secret No.2 You can’t turn manifestation on or off

There's a common misconception of perceiving manifestation as an on-off switch. This binary perspective is flawed. In reality, we're in a continuous state of manifestation, and truth is; you’re always manifesting! The pivotal question is: What are we manifesting into our lives? Our manifested realities are a reflection of our emotional engagement, a principle underlined by the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy.

If you constantly invest emotionally in externalities or let outer realities shape your emotions, repetitive outcomes are inevitable. Many label experiences as 'hard' or 'challenging'. The more you resist, the more it persists. However, by consciously selecting our thoughts and managing our emotional responses, transformative changes become attainable. My journey shifted from being financially burdened, unhealthy, and unsatisfied to one of prosperity, health, and contentment. Since this transformation, I've founded a global organization and mentored over 12,000 individuals, guiding them to happiness, health, and wealth by dispelling the mental barriers obstructing their path. This process of manifestation, dictated by unwavering laws, is accessible to all who embrace it.

Secret No. 3 Time and space are illusions, and the universe loves speed

I remember a period of personal adversity, characterized by an eviction notice, concerning health diagnoses, and a turbulent relationship. Yet, in just under three months, my life shifted dramatically. Under Bob Proctor's guidance, my financial situation underwent a radical change; I transformed my annual income into my monthly income in less than 11 months, my health rebounded, and within a year, my relationships started mending.

Many hold the belief that notable achievements demand prolonged durations. Yet, the concepts of time and space are mere illusions. The rate of manifestation in our tangible world corresponds directly to our emotional involvement. The challenge is to move beyond restrictive, analytical thinking and fully immerse in our emotions. Clear vision of our aspirations, deep emotional connection, and gratitude for their forthcoming realization are essential. Even brief moments of unwavering focus can bridge our conscious and subconscious, heralding profound transformations.

To uncover which of the five most predominant mind illusions are holding you back, you can take our free quiz on our webpage and receive a detailed report immediately, providing you with specific tools to overcome it once and for all. This will move you closer to the life you deserve.

It's not who you are that holds you back; it's the illusions of who you think you are not!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube, or visit my website for more info!

Anders Hansen Brainz Magazine

Anders Hansen, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Anders Hansen helps people overcome their limiting illusions, so they can live the life they WANT to be living. For more than 20 years he has worked with magic and illusions, so he knows as well as anyone how easily your eyes and ears can deceive you. Through his study and collaboration with Bob Proctor and many others in personal development, he has come to understand why so few people win in life. Today Anders owns a global multi-million-dollar business leading tens of thousands of people to live better, richer, and more fulfilling lives. When you understand your mind, you can create real magic in your life. "It's not who you are that’s holding you back; it's all THE ILLUSIONS OF WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE NOT"


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