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Write A Book – Grow Your Business

Written by: Mary Yamin-Garone, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Rumor has it that you have this business you want to promote. Maybe you’re an entrepreneur, a coach, or you have an area of expertise that you do for a living, and you’re ready to shout it from the rooftop. You want people to know what you do and how you help people.

Maybe it’s time to write that book and get it out to the masses.

A book is a great way to attract clients and prospects to your business.

Writing and publishing a book on a subject related to your business establishes your expertise, expands your marketing influence, and generates new leads. Not to mention bringing home some extra income from your book sales.

In today’s world, a book is often considered to be the ultimate marketing tool. Keep in mind, however, that simply writing any book won’t cut it. It won’t necessarily bring you the right people/clients. If you want your book to grow your business, it must:

  • Be an extension of you and your business.

  • Represent your expertise in the marketplace

  • Attract your ideal clients

Otherwise, it’s simply another book.

When you start writing your book, the goal is to get your readers to buy your products/ services.

You can’t say, “Hire me,” and expect people to come a calling. You must know who you want to attract. Then you can design your book from the title to the content and back cover to appeal directly to them. You want your authentic voice to shine through. You also have to motivate your readers to take action.

If you want to write a business book, you must first determine what need you’ll fill.

Like all products that serve a purpose, your book should offer a different process or solve your reader’s problem. Think about it:

  • What does your market need/want?

  • What solutions can you offer?

  • What can you show potential clients that will make their lives easier?

When you figure that out, you’ll have created the foundation for a successful business-building book.

Once you determine the solution you’ll offer your readers, it’s time to condense it into steps/processes that can easily be applied.

While you might not realize it, you most likely use the same process or explain similar concepts with your clients. To solidify your process on paper so readers can use it, start by listing the steps, such as:

  • What do your readers need to know/do first?

  • What comes next?

  • What actions will take them from where they are now to where they want/need to be?

Each of your main steps should have sub-steps, which can be grouped into chapters. By putting the pieces together, your book’s structure will start developing.

Your book must be good if you want it to work for your business.

That doesn’t mean your sentences must be grammatically correct. That’s a given. Anybody can do that. Your book must be written in such a way that it appeals to your audience. You want to keep them engaged. As a result, your reader will want more.

Still not sure how to start? Send me a message at

For more writing tips, visit my website.

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Mary Yamin-Garone, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Mary Yamin-Garone is an award-winning writer, editor, and book/writing coach. In her 36 years, she has seen almost every facet of the writing world as the featured guest writing expert on a weekly radio talk show, the recipient of numerous writing awards and accolades, and the coach and editor for several best-selling authors. One of her proudest moments came after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Mary received the Communication Concept 2002 APEX Award for Publication Excellence for Magazine and Newspaper Writing for her work after 9/11. She recently launched her signature coaching program, Bring Your Words to Life. Mary will help you improve your writing and turn your most important life experiences and knowledge into your best-selling book.


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