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Working Functional Fitness Into Your Busy Lifestyle

Written by: Meghan Jarvis, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


You may not have heard of the term functional fitness before reading this, but the truth is that functional fitness is all around you. Functional Fitness is a type of fitness where you keep your body moving in simulated routines resembling everyday tasks.

fit woman exercising outdoor

Now, most people imagine working out as this fantastical imagery where you have a solid core and large protruding biceps that bulge every time you lift weights. This image is better to burn. Not everyone can live this fantasy; in most cases, it's unrealistic and impractical. Maintaining a bulky, muscular physique is more challenging than a normal one, and not many people are aiming to become a PRO bodybuilder.

A more accessible and reasonable way to maintain a fit figure is by sticking to more straightforward goals. What most people want is to be able to perform with the most practical daily. To ensure this, drop the weights and stick to more natural movements. This is where you'll resort to functional Fitness.

With functional Fitness, you'll be doing squats, lunges, stretches, and pumps closer to home. All of these movements will resemble the actions you do in everyday life.

Take lunges as an example. Lunges are the movement of stretching out and bending your leg. Though you'll never be found walking in this cycle, it's imitating the moves you make in more extreme cases. Going up the stairs and running use the same actions as walking but with more strength and power. By making lunges, your muscles and joints become accustomed to the strong pull and strain and perform more effectively as you run.

As you grow older, you may find that your body can't do the same things as it used to. It's alright since this happens to everybody. Unfortunately, the more lethargic you become, the faster this will happen to you. So, it's better to get up and move in any way possible.

Functional Fitness can be performed anywhere at any level of difficulty. For instance, you can even use your body weight to perform the exercises without gym equipment. If you're moving in a way that can benefit your body, you're doing some functional Fitness. It's better than lifting the heaviest weights and then snapping when you're trying to load groceries into your car.

Complimenting Functional Fitness with Your Lifestyle

Hoping for the perfect 10 out of 10 body is unrealistic and impractical. The primary aim should always be maintaining a healthy body you are satisfied with.

Being fit is only an extra benefit to yourself. That said, your exercises shouldn't interrupt your schedule but rather flow inside of it. Once finding time for your workout becomes a problem, a red flag should signal in your mind. Here are some tips to keep in mind when crafting a workout routine that works for you.

Fifteen Minutes a Day is All it Takes!

Firstly, it shouldn't take long at all. A 15 to 25-minute routine is enough to make a difference, so long as you implement this workout daily. You don't need anything that hard, just simple repetitive movements to pump your muscles properly. Your short workout can be early in the morning or after your busy day.

Typically, it's better to work out before you start your day's work; otherwise, doing anything at the end of the day will tire you out more than you'd usually. You can also develop intense strain and pain if you remain idle for too long after a workout.

Another idea is to spread out your workouts throughout the week. On days you're working, work out for only 15 minutes and on weekends or holidays, work out for 20-25 minutes. This way, you won't tire yourself out when you have other things to do. Any system that suits your schedule is acceptable, so long as you get 15 minutes.

When you start, keep all your moves minimalistic. Nothing too extravagant will pull your muscles before you've even used them. No weights in the beginning. They will strain your muscles far too quickly. Once you're used to the burn from more straightforward workouts, you can apply small two or three-pound weights. Never start big, as it's unhealthy, unrealistic, and impractical.

Keep some water nearby while working out, and put on your sports gear. Always keep yourself hydrated when working out, and stay safe. Have lots of free space around you with a clean, carpeted floor or purchase yourself a yoga mat for moves where you bend or lie down. The more spacious your environment is, the safer it is to execute your workout effectively without injuring yourself.

Conclusion – Why Functional Fitness

There's no perfect way to work out. Everyone has different needs and requirements, so some other goals and ambitions are constantly being followed.

Figure out what you want most out of any fitness program. Your goals can be easily achieved if you know you're 'why' and dedicate yourself to it, so never falter your beliefs in yourself and take it the slow and simple way – Functional Fitness will help you do just that. With all the effort you put into yourself, the right amount of balance in everything you do and the courage to step up no matter what happens, you'll surely get what you need.

To run, you have to first learn to walk. To stop, you must first get started. For optimal health and functionality, functional Fitness is the answer you've been looking for.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Meghan Jarvis, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

A former World Class BMX bicycle racer, Meghan came to Australia to play professional basketball and stayed as a lead lecturer at the Australian Institute of Fitness. Meghan's passion for fitness and entrepreneurialism led her to found WellCorp Health and Wellness and Buzvil, a global health and fitness app. She most recently appeared as an actor and stunt woman in the new Blockbuster 'Elvis', the Portable Door, Aqua Man and has been a 'Ninja' on Channel Nine's Australian Ninja Warrior. She is also the head of Total Gym Fitness Equipment Australia, Suspension Training and Altitude Training International Master Coach, making her an authority on peak performance and an international speaker. Her experiences as an athlete, educational portfolio (Masters of Education and Coaching Science, Kinesiologist, Sports Scientist), entrepreneurial ventures, and enthusiastic character have shaped her as a formidable leader in health and fitness. She believes strongly in the importance of redefining and bridging the gap between physical and mental health. Meghan has guided many people to achieve complete personal breakthroughs and phenomenal mind, body, and business growth.


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