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Why Haven’t Coaches Been Told These Facts?

Written by: Tina Brigley, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


I am about to spill the coaching beans — so, get ready!

But first, a question?

If the coaching industry is a $2.5 billion industry, why are only 4% of coaches earning more than 10K per month revenue?

Why aren’t we exploring this more as a community? I don’t know about you, but this fact is alarming.

To add a little bit of salt to this wound, let me share something else even more alarming.

Over the last 2 years, I have surveyed over 2000 coaches from around the world, and this is what I discovered.

55% of coaches said they make less than $1000 a month in their business, and 76% said they make less than $2000 a month- That’s barely enough to survive on. But why is this?

The industry is selling us parts of the business process but not the whole process. I don’t think they are trying to trick us — I really believe most just don’t know.

  • Some gurus are saying, “You need a funnel system.”

  • Some are saying, “You need brilliant landing pages.”

  • Others are saying, “You need a fancy website and branded posts to stand out from the crowd.”

They are wrong!

Don’t get me wrong. I think their strategies worked for them because they had the other elements working too! The truth is, you need 5 essential elements, and all the parts must move together. It’s the only way!

How do I know this with certainty? My business partners were in the marketing and sales industry and worked with coaches, and they quickly realized something was missing that had coaches not win their game.

You’ve waited too long, lingering in the noise so let me help you clear the clutter in your mind and give you those elements today! Why would I do this? Because I almost quit coaching before discovering this, and I don’t want you to quit.

Our mission is to serve the evolution of the human race by empowering coaches to transform the world We can’t do that without you, so let’s do this!

Here are the elements:

  1. Unshakeable Belief Henry Ford once said, “If you think you can do something or think you can’t, you’re right.” Belief is so powerful, and so many of us think we have it when deep down we really don’t. You must have real belief in yourself, your clients, and your coaching business for you to succeed as a coach. You also must be willing and able to flush out limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

  2. Business Foundations When you don’t have the right business foundations in place, such as understanding the person you want to coach, knowing your methodology, and creating systems to provide a steady and predictable stream of potential clients to talk to, then your business is at serious risk of failing.

  3. Online Authority We live in a ‘connected world.’ This means we have access to literally millions of potential clients at our fingertips. That’s useless unless you know how to break through the online noise and stand out as a real authority figure in your field. If you’re hiding, people won’t see you! No conversations — No business. People are looking for leaders to rise!

  4. Breakthrough Process This is where you take a potential client who doesn’t know much about you or what you do and take them through a process that inspires them to step into the future version of themselves. It’s the point at which a potential client becomes a high-paying client. It’s also a powerful coaching conversation! Great news since you are a coach, and this is what you do!

  5. Accountability Structure We are all human, so that we may procrastinate or lose our focus at times. We also take comfortable actions that give us comfortable results — if any results at all. The most effective way to address this is to create accountability. There are many ways this can be done, like through a coach, a mastermind, a professional peer group, etc. The trick is to surround yourself with people that already have what you want. Learn from them- it’s the quickest way to get results!

In hindsight, this seems like a no-brainer. But in practice, it’s not that simple. You must work on all areas to get the proverbial wheel turning. Once you do, magic happens.

Consider this: There are already 10 people in your network right now that need what you have to offer. What would it be like for you if you knew how to approach them and what to say to come from a place of genuine service?

Picture the day when you are working on this system, building your confidence, creating revenue and impact. What would that be like?

I can tell you there is no greater feeling in the world, moving from stuck to empowered and free.

Want to experience freedom? Let’s talk.


P.S. We’ve helped 2000+ coaches grow their business online. If you want to learn more about how to apply these strategies, please join us at our next Free Workshop For Coaches.

Let’s stay connected. You can find me In My community, Facebook and LinkedIn.


Tina Brigley, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Tina Brigley is a TedX Speaker, storyteller at heart, and personal development trainer to coaches around the world. After leaving her career in education to follow her passion for becoming a coach, she realized that the stories she told herself kept her stuck. Determined to rewrite her narrative, she embarked on a personal development journey that transformed her life and business. Since discovering the power of stories, she has helped thousands of coaches around the world discover what's stopping them from showing up as leaders. As Co-founder and Head of Social Influence at High Performing Coach Tina's mission is simple: To help every passionate coach to powerfully share themselves and their stories with the world.


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