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Who Tells The Leader When To Change?

Leon is a Life and Executive Coach. His experiences paved the way and his clients are typically, leaders, business professionals, and entrepreneurs. He brings his own personality to each session. His style of coaching is as unique as his story, transitional coaching, with a spiritual approach for clients who are open to change.

Executive Contributor Leon Kammer

Corporate culture is often based on leaders casting judgments and directives on their employees.


Leader and employees in a conference meeting

The essential question in this old hierarchical structure is who tells the leader they need to improve or change for the company's advancement?


Employees are constantly evaluated and coached to improve the bottom line. However, leadership transformation often escapes that scrutiny.


The reality is that when the leader evolves, the entire organization evolves.


Understanding this fundamental truth is key to scaling progress and innovation within companies.


Four key points for organizational growth


Leader self-awareness as the foundation

The journey towards leadership excellence begins with self-awareness. A leader who acknowledges their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement lays the groundwork for personal and organizational development.


Encouraging leaders to engage in regular self-assessment builds a culture of continuous improvement, where introspection becomes synonymous with leadership.


By recognizing the impact of their actions and behaviors on the company's dynamics, leaders can proactively initiate transformative changes.


The role of feedback

Constructive feedback serves as a powerful catalyst for leadership transparency and growth.

Recognising feedback as a tool for personal and professional development empowers leaders to adapt their leadership style in alignment with organizational needs.


A culture of accountability

Effective leadership necessitates accountability.


Cultivating a culture where leaders hold themselves accountable for their actions and decisions creates trust and credibility within the organization.


Accountability as a cornerstone for leadership philosophy, makes way for organizational transformation and resilience in the face of adversity.


Embracing a growth mindset

In a rapidly evolving business landscape, adaptability is important for sustained success.


Leaders who have a growth mindset exhibit a willingness to embrace change, learn from failures, and continue to seek opportunities for improvement.


By adopting a mindset of continual learning, leaders set the stage for organizational flexibility and competitive advantage in an ever-changing marketplace.


In conclusion, self-awareness, embracing feedback, staying accountable and cultivating a growth mindset, can spearhead transformative changes that resonate throughout the entire company.


Recognizing today’s role of leadership evolution is pivotel for navigating the complexities of modern business.

Read more from Leon Kammer


Leon Kammer, Life and Executive Coach

Born in Kazakstan and migrating to Germany and then to Australia, proved to be a hard start for Leon Kammer. From these basic roots he followed a creative urge, firstly in the music business, while studying for a diploma as a Fashion Designer, developing his own brand when he was in his mid twenties.


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