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What Six Realizations You Gain From Speaking The Proactive Language?

Written by: Ranya AlHusaini, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Ranya AlHusaini

The core issue in living life is learned helplessness. With learned helplessness, you stand weak, incapable of choosing, defending, or even becoming the reality you want to manifest. Inside your memories a painful nudge of how you felt, what you felt and what made you feel this feeling. You still feel what you remember every time you recall the details. Reminding you of a repeating sound aggressively reciting: you are not capable, you can’t do it, you are not enough, and the count of negative words never stops.

Photo of chair and balloon.

Children who were brought up believing they are a victim or have no control have a strong belief of being hopeless and helpless toward changing their own lives. From day one, you keep listening to stories and beliefs from your parents about how life is hard, or money is not easy, and the stories never stop. With these repetitive stories you snatch a sight of you training your tongue muscle building more on the basic paradigm of your own determination. Remember, choosing to be responsible is the first brick toward every single aspect of your life. Between I have to or choose to are 1000 miles of determination, strength, and freedom toward empowerment. What you choose and follow can determine the natural course of consequences. The question here what is the difference between reactive and proactive language? The reactive language can weaken your responsibility in taking the right steps toward your aspiration. You become a passive aggressive passenger in your life. Speaking to yourself sounds like: There is nothing I can do, I am hopeless and helpless, that’s just the way I am, I can’t change my life, I guess this runs in my family. The reactive language can blame outside forces making them a victim of their own circumstances. Finally, reactive people submit passively to what they feel, with no control.

On the other hand, being proactive is having full responsibility toward your life and reactions. Proactive language can build your stamina muscle to battle hurdles intelligently. Proactive language sounds like: Let’s find other alternatives, I choose a different approach, I control my feelings, I can create my own life, I prefer to be better every day, and I can do it. Proactive language gives you complete freedom to live, speak and act from a conscious understanding without feeling obliged to feel something otherwise. Proactive people choose to push in life, rather than being pulled in all directions. 

Hence, in today’s article, we demonstrate the six realizations from speaking the proactive language

1. The true interdependent character

True interdependent character is built on I can do it, and I have control over myself while working intelligently with others. Responsibilities lie in how you direct, digest, and transform the hurdles that come tumbling down your life to be the bricks of your own goals and dreams. Choosing to push in life can build a proactive character that is always ready to be valid, and true to oneself before others. True interdependent character is choosing to be the pilot of your own life and empowering the keys to your: control, power, and determination. People with a truly interdependent character choose effort and force over a passive stand. With a great skeleton of character, you become aware of your own feelings, beliefs, and reactions. With time, you start to choose your reaction, after weighing down the consequences from all sides. True Interdependent character can leave an unforgettable touch on people’s lives. 

2. Enforce your influence in life

When you choose to focus your effort on tangible results of improving, magnifying, and empowering your presence, you choose to be responsible in your approach to life. Choosing how to influence your circumstances can have a great impact on your decisions and responses. At this stand, watch out for the nature of your energy, thinking, and beliefs. However, with a consistent influential approach, you only reflect the appropriate mix of characters to suit every situation you are in. Choosing to approach life with a proactive response can turn every stagnation into a memorable lesson. Here, you are choosing to have an influence toward overcoming mistakes and consequences. 

3. Empower the energy in “to be”

To be is choosing to build a newer version of your personality. You become diligent in your strides as you sketch down a mark, a place, a voice or even a stand. When you empower the word to be, you decide to take initiative, and transform your willingness into actions every single day. Change begins inside you before finding its place in your life. When you decide to be you become aware of your power and dominance in changing your life into what you desire. On the contrary, you start to acknowledge that obligatory statements that end up automictically pronounced in your daily dialogue, like: I have to, I should, I must, can weaken your effort toward the improvement you wish to impose on your circumstances. Hence, when you positively affirm your daily dialogue, you decide to push straight to the path you desire. Phrases like: I choose to be strong, I choose to be patient, and I choose to have control over my reaction lead to purposeful adaptation.

4. Hold no space for an overdue regretful moment

Enforcing proactive language in your daily talk can unlock the key to a deep understanding of your own power. Deciding not to repent can always assign an alarm to what you can do to improve the situation. Not choosing to repent would always feel like choosing not to sit on your sorrow. Anchoring unwanted negative feelings with wasteful thinking can emphasize freedom. Once you are empowered with this belief, your mind can repulse reverting into repenting.

5. Every issue you face is a reflection of what lies within you

What lies inside you is a complicated pile made from: memories, stories, and painful reminders of your yesterday. The complicated pile is residing inside your subconscious reserve serving you a powerful reminder whenever new situations show in your life. The backup reserve inside your subconscious mind becomes the bread you feed every action you take. Unconsciously speaking, your subconscious can make you unaware of what is right or wrong but it can serve you in one way to keep you alive! Your subconscious mind's mission is to keep you safe, alive, and protected from unfamiliar situations. Choosing consciously and proactively how to talk can turn unfamiliar situations into a discovery journey that stirs excitement more than fear. Remember, your response is your ability to choose how to turn the issues into meaningful lessons.

6. The words you speak determine how the end will look like

What you repeat, you become. Every word you speak contains energy. The positive from them can generate more faith, hope, love, light and more energy. While speaking negatively can hamper your health, energy, life, and choices. Initiating control as you speak, act, react and respond can hold you in a powerful position. Holding the right keys from the first time can turn the door knob toward healthier options. An affirmative proactive statement like: I can influence my situations, life, work, myself, or even issues can backup up your mind with strength and stamina. Repeating with a strong belief can give you hope in yourself to push toward a productive ending. Before repeating those affirmative beliefs, mantras and statements that you wish to adapt-digging deeply to the root, cause, and issue that started this internal negative dialogue can lead you to the biggest AH-HA moment. 

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Ranya AlHusaini Brainz Magazine

Ranya AlHusaini, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

This is Ranya AlHusaini – a mindset transformation guru. My mission is to motivate professional women to unlock their self-worth and live a balanced life. With so much curiosity, and self-awareness I have developed my way with strength and determination. My expertise was well maintained as I took years to understand and develop my own through different modalities, and from there I understood human's nature and reaction. The modalities I use and consult throughout the session are NLP, Rapid transformation Therapy technique, and Hypnosis. So if you want a switch, or a makeover in your life hop in for a mindset transformation session! I have attached a photo of myself as well!


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