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What Is A Certified ADHD Coach? Exclusive Interview With Christine L. Robinson

Christine L Robinson, M.Ed. has been a Certified Coach and Educational Consultant since 2006 who has helped many overcome executive function difficulties such as issues with time management, organization, and prioritization. With over 20,000 hours of experience in the coaching field and degrees in Psychology, English and Education she almost exclusively works with clients diagnosed with ADHD and often helps clients struggling in their career or at university. She also helps parents of newly diagnosed children and couples battling with ADHD symptoms with one or both partners. Utilizing a strengths-based approach with proven strategies and methods, clients practice these newfound tools and make significant action-oriented progress in their lives.

Image photo of Christine L. Robinson, M.Ed

Christine L. Robinson, M.Ed, ADD Action Coach Inc.

What did you do prior to starting ADD Action Coach Inc?


Christine did not start her career in ADHD Coaching; she had a long and successful career in the corporate world of telecommunications. She says, “Looking back, my previous business experience gave me such a foothold on understanding my clients who struggle in their career or business life. Since I was in sales, management and training in my corporate career, my ability to coach others was almost instinctual when I began ADD Action Coach Inc. I started opening offices and managing people at age 25 when I was in telecom and was responsible for budget, administration as well as the development of many employees.” Many of the successful strategies I utilized to train my salespeople and leadership team I continue to implement with my current business coaching clients.”


What attracted you to the field of ADHD?


“My oldest child was diagnosed early with ADHD and dyslexia, and I realized that his educational journey was going to be complicated. I decided to pursue my master’s degree in Education to be able to support him and ensure that I was advocating for him the best that I could in his educational journey. At around the same time, I met Dr. Edward Hallowell, who is a psychiatrist, best-selling author and speaker specializing in ADHD and associated conditions. I joined his Center in New York and began coaching clients, and I knew that I found my passion! I love seeing people develop and institute new habits around sleep, their university studies, career, and personal lives. And I am proud to report that my son, after recently earning his bachelor’s degree, is now a coach and academic tutor who works with high school and college students for my company.”


How is coaching different than therapy?


“ADHD coaching is client driven and action oriented! During the intake session, I review medical and psychological history of my client, however we are working in the here and now. I always want my clients to walk away from a session saying, “If I approach the situation the way we discussed in our session, the outcome will be better and different than before.” I often ask my clients, “What are you tolerating and what do you most want to change in your life?” What symptoms of ADHD create the most problems in your life or others around you? Are you happy with the work you do? These questions typically result in a host of things we can discuss and strategize on in the coaching process. We focus, of course on ADHD symptoms, but I never lose sight of the “whole person.” I often make referrals to other health and medical professionals since some mental health symptoms can be physical issues, such as hypothyroidism, low Vitamin D, or low iron. I insist my clients get a complete physical with blood work, so we are being thorough in all aspects of my client’s mental and physical wellbeing. Each person is an individual and ADHD symptoms range in severity and type. I always create an individualized plan for each of my clients to ensure success!”


What is a strategy that is effective with managing the symptoms of ADHD?


“The process of visualization is an amazing tool that I introduce to many of my clients. It helps them organize and take control of their day and feel empowered. I truly enjoy the process of interviewing my clients and taking that information to devise a game plan to better their lives to help them achieve their goals.”



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