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Want To Take Your Life Career Or Business To The Next Level? You Need A Daring Mindset

Written by: Dr Jo Cresswell, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


You’re awesome, that I can see. You’re passionate, innovative, and successful. And yet.

There’s that feeling of contraction in your stomach. That voice in your head keeps asking “is this it”. A deep sense that you want MORE. You want to be, do, have, say, and achieve more. Yet you’re not sure how to get there. I know, because I’ve been there, and so have many of my clients.

You absolutely have the power within you to choose where you want to go next in your life. To break out of your comfort zone, however luxurious it is, and create the abundance and success that I KNOW you deserve. Yet I know that sometimes it’s not that easy. In my last article, I talked about how your subconscious fears the thought of change, and how it will do everything it can to keep you from straying out of your comfort zone.

The solution? Create a powerful DARING Mindset!

The DARING Mindset is a powerful state of BEING, and an effective framework that allows you to think bigger, reimagine your life, be more creative and take actions that are aligned to your purpose and values.

D – Your DREAMS. The DIFFERENCE you wish to create in the world and your DETERMINATION to do so.

You’ve had great success so far, and now it’s time to truly step up to create the inspirational and ambitious vision that’s going to take you to your NEXT LEVEL. Take a moment and tap into your DREAMS. Step into a world of possibility and ask yourself what you REALLY want to achieve. No editing, no ifs or buts, no worries about how.

This is the DIFFERENCE you want to create in the world and in your life, and as Marshall Goldsmith says “What got you here won’t get you there”. So how are you going to BE different? What are you going to DO differently to create the mindset and actions to make your vision a reality? How DETERMINED are you to do this?

A – AWARENESS of your ACHIEVEMENTS, your ANXIETIES, and what you may be AVOIDING

This step is critical. The moment you start thinking about such an ambitious change, your subconscious mind will start to sound the alarm because change equals the unknown, and the unknown equals danger. So your mind creates a DOUBTING Mindset, drawing you into uncertainty and fear, and herding you back to your comfort zone.

I’ll write about this more in my next article, however, right now, AWARENESS is your best defence against doubt. It allows you to check-in with your thoughts, behaviours, and beliefs. To connect with where you are feeling fear and ANXIETY, and how that is causing you to distract and AVOID taking positive actions. The solution? Tap into your previous ACHIEVEMENTS, to remind you of your awesomeness, and all the obstacles you’ve already to create success in your life.

R – REIMAGINING your world to REINVENT and RE-ENERGISE your life

This is how you start to put detail into your dreams, to make it so you can see, feel, hear, and almost touch and taste them! Put yourself into a place of possibility, letting go of all your preconceived ideas as to what you can achieve. REIMAGINE your life, your career, your business, or your relationships and picture what they will be like when you have achieved your vision and dreams.

REINVENT yourself and your beliefs to become that person right now – because that is how you create the mindset to RE-ENERGISE yourself and step forward with purpose into your new future.


This is where you start taking action to build your new reality. Get creative about what you could do and open your mind to the game-changing INITIATIVES and INNOVATIONS that will take you from where you are now to where you really want to be. And beyond.

Then go ahead and IMPLEMENT them. Taking action is the only way your dreams will become a reality. Start small. Take micro-actions to get you started, and then build on those to gain momentum until you’re moving forwards at pace!

N – The NURTURING and NOURISHMENT that you give yourself as you stretch outside your comfort zone

This is big work and it’s important to recognise that. Stretching yourself so far out of your comfort zone is challenging – that’s why so many people fall away and never achieve their dreams. Allow yourself time to acclimatise to your new level. Take time out for NURTURING by heading out into nature, spending time with family and friends, having a bath or an early night, or even just daydreaming. Your mind and body will thank you for it, and you’ll come back motivated and committed.

Keep an eye on your NOURISHMENT – when under stress it can be so easy to fall into unhealthy patterns of eating and drinking. Be mindful of what you are putting in your body so that you can ensure you have the right fuel for your incredible journey and don’t burn out.

G – Your GRATITUDE for your GROWTH, learning, and the success you have created

So much has been written about GRATITUDE – the ultimate superpower!! As you focus on the impact you want to create in the future, stay grounded in what you have right now. Be grateful for all you have and everything that has brought you to this place. This way you will let go of fear and scarcity, and step forward with abundance and confidence. Celebrate and be grateful for each success, AND each failure, because this is GROWTH. It is what helps you learn and take the next step on your right path.

So, if you’re poised on the edge of your future, but aren’t yet ready to leap, if you know you want MORE out of life but don’t know how to get it, if you’re feeling trapped and stagnant in your career if you’re struggling to create success in your business. Then the DARING Mindset is exactly what you need

Take a moment to pause and realise that the only thing stopping you from moving forwards is YOU! So put on your cloak of DARING and look that opportunity square in the eye. Tell it that you’re coming for it and it had better be ready! You know your worth and your potential and nothing is going to stand in your way. Because the world needs you to stand up and be the very best you can be

This is how I work with my coaching clients both 1:1 and in my powerful and immersive DARING Mindset programme. I empower incredible women to let go of all that is holding them back, create their own DARING Mindset, and unleash their incredible potential to create the success and abundance that they truly deserve.

To apply to work with me 1:1, or to join the incredible DARING Mindset group coaching programme, please contact me at

Alternatively subscribe to my weekly email newsletter and receive a free download of my DARING Mindset ebook:

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Dr Jo Cresswell, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Dr Jo Cresswell – The Human BEING Coach is an experienced leader, mentor, and coach, with a highly successful career spanning more than 20 years. In 2019, Dr Jo chose to pivot her career, following her passion and purpose in setting up her business, Dr Joanne Cresswell Coaching. Based on her career experience, and her own 5-year deep mindset journey, Dr Jo has created her signature DARING Mindset (TM) framework and suite of 1:1 and group coaching programmes and courses. By combining aspirational coaching with deep mindset work, she inspires passionate and innovative women to create their own powerful DARING Mindset, so that they can unlock their potential and create the life, career, business, and relationship success that they truly deserve. Dr Jo has a passion for adapting psychotherapy, psychology, and neuroscience tools into her coaching programmes to support truly transformational change for her clients.


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