Written by: Alecia Wellen, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

In Part 1, Values of this article series, we learned that when you are ready to do something bigger, better, and different, the first place to consider is who you want to be on the other side of doing. Gaining insight into who you are requires clarity and intention with the values employed to guide you. When leveling up, the first consideration of values leads directly to fulfillment. So, what is fulfillment?

As with most things in life, everyone perceives and defines differently. Fulfillment is intimately different and just as unique as the person describing it. On the surface, fulfillment can be viewed as outward signs of success like money, cars, high-caliber professions, and other status symbols. More deeply, it could resonate as peace of mind, financial freedom, and manageable task lists in our day-to-day lives. A life lived by values demonstrates knowing oneself and making clear and intentional choices based on purpose that lead to fulfillment and, ultimately, our highest self’s potential that sustains.
An exercise in evaluating and defining fulfillment is to talk from a place of being fulfilled instead of what fulfillment should be. When the tangible aspects of fulfillment are used as a benchmark, the feeling is fleeting, and an endless chase ensues. A good example is buying a new car. Working hard for that Porsche 911 and the rush felt after the purchase during the drive home is incredible. After six months of owning a depreciating asset, the novelty wears off, and that insatiable whisper of “what’s next” enters the room. The Porsche 911 opposes being aligned with values, standing in our power, and feeling alive and grounded. A place where everything comes together in our personal and professional lives because the life being lived is suitable for that person at that time is fulfillment. Values, choices, and outcomes resonate and are sustainable, and our clear and intentional values guide us forward in a chosen way that is continuously evolving. It is essential to define fulfillment and life purpose as it resonates today. When values are aligned and fulfillment is specified, a life-purpose path can be followed to live and express life fully.
Along that path, dissonance presents a challenge and may contradict value and derail fulfillment, hindering continued growth. Often, this obstacle comes from within as a natural part of the self. We all have a saboteur, which keeps us playing safe and small. This inner sabotage is a natural part of any person and requires observation, understanding, and integration. Combating the saboteur can be dangerous because it will only put off further understanding of self and purpose, taking us off-road from our planned journey.
If you are ready to start your journey to your next best self, revisit the first article in this series titled Top Three Considerations When Leveling Up: Part 1, Values and get ready to read the third and final article in this series titled Top Three Considerations When Leveling Up: Part 3, Saboteur. To learn more about living a more fulfilled life, email alecia@aleciawellen.com or visit here.

Alecia Wellen, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Alecia Wellen draws upon 20+ years of professional experience in varying roles in the financial sector: compliance, marketing, operations and sales capacities. As the Founder + CEO of her own coaching and consulting firm she offers professional coaching, consulting and Reiki to national and international leaders and high achievers looking to leverage their inflection points to reach a higher potential, whether it be in their personal or professional lives. She is seasoned in helping entrepreneurs, executives and small businesses explore where they are now, how they want to accelerate and elevating them to where they want to go next.