Brainz Magazine
This is a collection of Brainz Magazine’s top 10 best life- and business coaching books that can help improve your coaching practice or help you achieve your business goals. The list consists of 10 specially selected female authors and their coaching books that we think are worth reading before 2021 is over. It is our aim is to help managers, coaches, executives, entrepreneurs, and anyone who wants to become a better person with this list. No matter who you are or where you are in life, we think that it is important to always strive for personal development.
Ultimate Confidence: The Secrets To Feeling Great About Yourself Every Day - By Marisa Peer
There's so much more to confidence than being outgoing, and self-esteem has a huge impact on both your happiness and what you are able to achieve in life.
Marisa Peer's tried and tested program is an effortless way to maximize your potential and overhaul your whole outlook on life for the better. Her powerful hypnotic language and effective techniques mean that just reading the book enables you to change negative thought patterns and break harmful habits that have been holding you back without you knowing it.
Written in the highly engaging style she is renowned for, Marisa's book speaks to you on an extremely personal level and tailors her proven methods in establishing confidence to your unique needs. Unlike other books on the market, not only does her program provide lasting results but she focuses much more on how to like yourself, because until you do you can't enjoy the benefits of confidence.

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Marisa Peer is a globally acclaimed therapist, best-selling author, and award-winning speaker. She is an internationally award-winning, qualified hypnotherapist with advanced certificates in hypnotherapy from the Hypnotism Training Institute of Los Angeles. She has completed additional studies in Hypno-healing, advanced hypnotherapy, medical hypnotherapy, and Gestalt Analysis.
Having undertaken further studies at the Proudfoot School of Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy at the Atkinson Ball College of Hypnotherapy, Marisa has dedicated the last three decades to researching, testing, and applying the most beneficial principles of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP, CBT, and neuroscience.
The result of over 30 years of careful and rigorous study, Marisa’s unique Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️) has helped tens of thousands of people worldwide to overcome their own personal challenges and lead happier, more fulfilling lives.
Self-Coaching Mastery: Meet Your Higher Self And Win The Battle Within - By Jamie Dooley
Self-Coaching Mastery is a collection of tools nationally, recognized life coach and manifesto instructor, Jamie Dooley, uses to create her own joy and ideal life over and over. In it, she teaches women that nothing is more important than their relationship with themselves, and how to activate their hearts to turn down the noise of the past and outer world. She teaches we are the creators of our experience and vulnerable shares how her challenges have been the path to her success, not the blocks to them. After coaching hundreds of women privately, and inspiring thousands on social media, she knew her methods and writing exercises would help anyone hear the whispers of their heart more clearly. She leads her community to clarity through action. She encourages us to {Boss Up} and take ownership of our lives, and that when we’ve done all we can, we must surrender the rest to God and The Universe. Let her take you within, where all of life’s big questions can be answered by your higher self.

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Jamie Dooley is an international award-winning coach and healer, who teaches manifestation through heart activation. She is the co-creator of The Expansion MethodTM, one of the lead instructors of Expansion Coach TrainingTM, and the founder of The Expansion Group for Women. She, and her sister Lisa Freitag, have dedicated their lives to building a community of heart-based coaches who will assist them in impacting the growth and expansion of women worldwide.
Read more about Jamie here!
Neurolanguage Coaching: Brain-Friendly Language Learning - By Rachel Paling
why the brain blocks when learning a language
which coaching and teaching methods are brain-friendly – and which are brain-zappers
how to harness principles of coaching and neuroscience to give your learner fantastic results, every time.
It seems every day an exciting new discovery is made about the human brain. Neurolanguage Coaching is a model that brings together crucial findings in the fields of neuroscience and integrates these into a coaching process to revolutionize language learning as we know it.
As well as highlighting evidence of interest to all practicing and aspiring language coaches, this book offers invaluable insight distilled from years of coaching, and from teaching other coaches, giving practical advice to fit any coaching situation and every highly unique brain.
Within is also a toolkit full of new, tried-and-tested, brain-friendly Neurolanguage coaching models, as well as how and why applying these Neurolanguage Coaching techniques can lead to more happy, fluent, and confident learners.
This is a book for language teachers, educators, language learners, polyglots, coaches interested in languages, and anyone who is interested to discover more about their own brain!

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Rachel Marie Paling is an International Game Changer in Education, in particular, the education of languages. She has created the method and approaches Neurolanguage Coaching which incorporates professional coaching and principles of neuroscience into the learning process. She coaches and trains teachers worldwide, transforming them into certified and ICF accredited Neurolanguage coaches and has created the Neurolanguage Coach network with over 700 NL Coaches in just over 70 countries worldwide and is now bringing the approach to schools and institutions over the world through her licensed trainers and in nine languages. Rachel started teaching language at the age of 17 and has a BA Honours in Law and Spanish, MA in Human Rights, she is a qualified UK lawyer, MA in Applied Neuroscience, and a PCC ICF Life Coach. She is the author of the books Neurolanguage Coaching and Brain-friendly Grammar and has written numerous blog articles about learning, coaching, and neuroscience. She has spoken at many international conferences and her company was awarded the Bronze Award at the Reimagine Education Awards 2019 in the Science in Education category, She is dedicated to the shift in education and is currently establishing an educational foundation to bring coaching, neuroscience, and heart science into educational processes.
Read more about Rachel here!
Dress For Success: Define Your Personal Brand And Elevate Your Lifestyle - By Cydney McMillon
Become An Ultra-High Achiever In Work And In Life (…And Look The Part, Too!)
Dress for Success: Elevate Your Lifestyle is your holistic blueprint for developing yourself.
With a 360-degree approach to self-improvement, Cydney has spent months distilling the professional tips, tricks, and best practices that took over a decade to master… and you can learn it all in just a few hours.
You’ll cultivate an unshakeable, confident presence in every professional endeavor. You’ll harness your habits to work for you instead of against you. You’ll forge a dummy-proof game plan to align your finances and lay the foundation for an enviable future. And most importantly, you’ll discover how to set lofty, breathtaking goals... and internalize the 3 keys to crushing through them.
You’ll reimagine and refine your personal brand in a way that feels authentic, persuasive and unique. You’ll modernize your wardrobe in a way that turns heads in a positive, professional way. You’ll get a litany of untold insider tips on where to shop and how to find insanely affordable deals. You’ll create a timeless yet simple “capsule wardrobe” so you NEVER have to stress about what to wear again for any occasion!

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Cydney McMillon is a Goal Success Life Coach, Author and Fortune 50 technology expert. She oversees IT for over 100 automobile dealerships and in a constant state of “ON” – so much so that she had to create her own rubric for success and goal setting. If you’re short on time, motivation, or even money, Cydney's books will electrify you with inspiration and motivation. With her technical talents and expertise, Cydney has built the digital corporation Iconic Style Inc with a passion for fashion and a mission for helping women attain success.
Transformational Life Coaching: Creating Limitless Opportunities For Yourself And Others - By Chérie Carter-Scott
Transformational Life Coaching is the ultimate manual for coaching. Whether you aspire to become a coach, are already a professional coach, or use coaching in your work, this is the ultimate “coaching bible” required for anyone who empowers others. Chapter 1 addresses your relationship with yourself and Chapter 10 is about creating community, TLC tells it all is a warm-hearted, spirited manner.

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Dr. Chérie Carter-Scott is the “The Mother of Coaching” since 1974!
She is a behavioral Scientist, thought leader, and a 1 NY Times & Amazon Bestselling author, Master Certified Coach by the ICF (International Coach Federation), and a Ph.D. In OD, and her signature book, If Life is a Game, These are the Rules, translated into 40 languages and sold over 5 million copies worldwide!
Dr. Chérie is an executive producer & featured on-camera coach of LEAP documentary on coaching and a frequent guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show! Dr. Chérie is the Writer, composer & lyricist of The Workshop, A Dress Rehearsal for Life! Musical, and the author of 19 book titles. She has trained thousands of executive and life coaches, corporate executives in Fortune 500 companies, and has been the global CEO of MMS Worldwide Institute since 1974, Training Coaches Globally, now fully online.
Read more about Chérie here!
Behind The Mask - By Andrée Funnell
Learn why it’s important and empowering to be authentic in life. In her book, Andrée Funnell author, speaker, and transformational coach will provide you with the tools to find the 'Authentic You' to help you transform your life forever. It will help you to increase your effectiveness and influence with others and will give you the confidence to present the real you to the world."This insightful self-help book is designed to help individuals discover the secrets of authenticity, success, and happiness to live the life they truly desire. Its short punchy chapters and the use of a mixture of strategies, case studies, and exercises are easy to understand. If you are searching for answers or are looking to make changes to your life in order to be more confident, happy, fulfilled, and successful then this book is for you. It’s an inspirational and interactive book designed to be thought-provoking to help you discover who you really are, the impact you have on those around you, your core values, and whether you are living by them.

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Andrée Funnell is a successful transformational coach and trainer, as well as being an author, speaker, loving wife, and mother of 2 fantastic and authentic kids. (Well, not kids, as they are now adults in their own right.) She had a career in HR and Training in the corporate world spanning 20+ years. During her HR career, Andrée realized she had a passion for helping others develop and grow. This passion coupled with her stress levels and poor quality of life led to a recognition that there was more to life than endeavoring for someone else as an employee. With a yearning to help others, a need for a better work/life balance to spend with her family, she walked away from life in the corporate fast line. In 2002 she set up her own Learning/Development and Coaching consultancy called Aspiring Future Competence.
Read more about Andrée here!
Mindset: The New Psychology Of Success - By Carol S. Dweck
The updated edition of the bestselling book that has changed millions of lives with its insights into the growth mindset
“Through clever research studies and engaging writing, Dweck illuminates how our beliefs about our capabilities exert tremendous influence on how we learn and which paths we take in life.”—Bill Gates, GatesNotes
After decades of research, world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., discovered a simple but groundbreaking idea: the power of mindset. In this brilliant book, she shows how success in school, work, sports, the arts, and almost every area of human endeavor can be dramatically influenced by how we think about our talents and abilities. People with a fixed mindset—those who believe that abilities are fixed—are less likely to flourish than those with a growth mindset—those who believe that abilities can be developed. Mindset reveals how great parents, teachers, managers, and athletes can put this idea to use to foster outstanding accomplishment.
In this edition, Dweck offers new insights into her now famous and broadly embraced concept. She introduces a phenomenon she calls false growth mindset and guides people toward adopting a deeper, truer growth mindset. She also expands the mindset concept beyond the individual, applying it to the cultures of groups and organizations. With the right mindset, you can motivate those you lead, teach, and love—to transform their lives and your own.

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My work bridges developmental psychology, social psychology, and personality psychology, and examines the self-conceptions people use to structure the self and guide their behavior. My research looks at the origins of these self-conceptions, their role in motivation and self-regulation, and their impact on achievement and interpersonal processes.
Differentiated Leadership: Meeting leaders Where They Are, And Getting Them To Where They Need To Be, Yourself Included - By Kiesha King-Brown
This book provides you with ways to better understand the mindset and behaviors of those you lead. In addition, the book will give you tips to make interviewing, performance management, training, coaching, goal setting, planning, and decision making more effective. This book, as a resource, will enable you to enhance your leadership whether you are a first-time leader or you are tenured in your field.

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Kiesha King-Brown is a business-savvy, customer-centric tech enthusiast. She partners with businesses to maximize the effectiveness of branding, marketing, and strategy with the power of AI. Kiesha also helps Startups and businesses with intuitive go-to-market strategies and the only smart platform, Pillar Five, that functions like a Smart GPS to get businesses from Seed stage through maturity successfully and supports a technology-based ecosystem.
Kiesha has a Bachelor’s in Marketing, an MBA in Management, is a member of the AI Academy for Marketers, and is a Certified Executive Coach. Kiesha has held Sr. Leadership positions in Fortune 200 Retail Companies serving up to the Territory Level and working on company level strategy. She has also helped small businesses improve strategy and profit in own her consulting business.
Read more about Kiesha here!
It Feels Good To Feel Good: Learn To Eliminate Toxins, Reduce Inflammation And Feel Great Again - By Cheryl Meyer
By eliminating all the toxins I could find in my life, I reversed much of my inflammation and eliminated most of my pain. I no longer hurt, have fatigue, have headaches, am puffy, have brain fog, am constipated, have upset digestion, bad skin, annoying hay fever symptoms. I have lost 45 pounds. I feel great again. You can feel great again too. It starts with the toxic food we are eating. but It is also about the toxic cosmetics, over the counter drugs, kitchenware, and storage, cleaning supplies, toxic drinking water, and even the toxins of the mind, stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, toxic relationships, and lack of movement that impact our biomes and create “diseases.” All of this is covered in my book with proactive suggestions for you to lower your toxic impact.

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Cheryl Meyer suffered from autoimmune disease. By eliminating hundreds of toxins, she reversed her pain. Cheryl has a BA from UC-Berkeley and is a health coach from IIN. Cheryl is an award-winning author, international bestseller, health coach, speaker, local tv host and guest podcaster. Cheryl has written four books on health and toxins available here. Her podcast is on Voice America. Cheryl specifically works with clients with chronic illness giving them hope and helping them find solutions. It is never too late to start healthy habits. Cheryl is available to speak about the toxins in our world that are making us ill. She is a sought-after expert on toxins, in our food, cleaning, water, minds, including toxic stress and toxic lack of sleep. She also talks about the impact of toxins on our children and our pet’s health.
Straight Talk To Selling Online: Five Must-Have Blue-Prints To Build A Profitable Digital Business While Working 9-5 - By Natalia Nicholson
Speaking to all the Womenpreneurs out there, who know what they want and know they have the POTENTIAL to get it! If you have been in your 9-5 for some time now and have that entrepreneur spirit, this book is for you!

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Natalia Nicholson is a Serial Entrepreneur, Business and Digital Marketing Coach, and Professional Public Speaker. Natalia has over 20 years of experience working as a digital serial entrepreneur and has had plenty of her own failures as well as success stories. This has perfectly placed her to be able to offer insight and advice to other women aspiring to become digital entrepreneurs, together with those who have already launched their own businesses. Through her mastermind group Women in Digital Business, Natalia teaches them the best way to leverage the potential of digital marketing and helps them to learn the best ways of overcoming the challenges that they are facing when it comes to becoming a successful online businesswoman. Her passion for online business coaching and digital marketing has inspired her to bring inspiration to women from largely overlooked underrepresented groups.