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Thought Leadership Strategy For 2024

Written by: Allyza Shaine, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Allyza Shaine

To become an authority, you must first establish thought leadership. You may have heard “thought leadership” and “authority” floating around in the online space. It also has become synonymous with each other, where others may have used them interchangeably. But one thing is for sure, if you want to have authority in your industry, you must first establish your thought leadership.

Outdoor photo of Allyza in white pants and blazer

So what is thought leadership? Why is it important? How do you establish your thought leadership to become an authority in your industry? Can you have thought leadership and not have authority?


Thought leadership, what is it?


Thought leaders are the go-to people in their industry. They are industry leaders who create well informative, educational, and inspiring content, that their aligned audience rallies behind while showcasing their expertise.


Thought Leadership is one of the most important marketing strategies that I regretfully say that many, especially brand-new entrepreneurs, overlook. Many are too focused on content marketing, but if you have plans for longevity in your industry that’ll not only outlast “one-hit wonder” companies but create a loyal following that’ll become your die-hard marketers, thought leadership strategy is what you need.


Not only does Thought Leadership build authority, but it boosts your brand awareness, visibility, and credibility and positions you as a subject matter expert.


So how does one become a thought leader? Where does one start?


Anyone can become a thought leader. So where do you begin? Start with forming an opinion about a topic in your industry that goes against common knowledge or common practice. The best way to find that is by saying what others are afraid to say.


Yes, by going “against the grain,” you will ruffle some feathers, but this is how you establish that thought leadership and build that authority piece.

Why is it important?


When you go against the grain and ruffle some feathers, you start weeding out people in your audience that will never buy from you because they simply do not align with you. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather have 100 people in my audience who are loyal and more than happy to pay me in full than have 1 million followers who won’t bother to buy anything I sell. Remember: you are in business to make money, not a charity case filled with an audience who hands out “atta girl” compliments.

So, you have thought leadership. What do you do now?


Become very visible. Anyone can be a thought leader but to make a difference in your industry and become influential, you have to be visible and show up.


This is where many thought leaders stumble. They may have the most innovative thoughts and disruptive ideas, but it will not help if no one knows about them. That’s how one may become a thought leader and not be an authority figure in your industry.

Your thought leadership marketing strategy for 2024

Step 1: Define your goals

What do you intend to achieve when you have established Thought Leadership?


If your goal is to raise brand awareness then create educational content that sheds what your clients may be experiencing while providing solutions or alternatives.

For example, you are a dermatologist who is creating brand awareness around their expertise of simpler daytime/nighttime routine could include why having so many steps in your routine may cause more harm than good, so you offer a 3-step process that is simpler yet covers the essentials for the skin.

Step 2: Determine your audience

Who are you trying to call in? New people in your industry or those with a little more skin in the game? Once you have decided who you are targeting, you need to use the language that they use so that you are speaking directly to them and not anyone else that way you weed out those who aren’t a right fit client or customer.

Step 3: Review existing thought leadership

Do you already have existing thought leadership? You most likely do. The beginning of the year if the perfect time to review all content you(personal platforms) and your company have posted in the past and evaluate what opinions or stances you have taken on your industry's popular or controversial topic. It is perfectly okay to change stances.

Step 4: Create your thought leadership content

Start with saying the thing that others in your industry are afraid to say. Create a list of those topics and try to narrow it down to ONE topic that you will mainly use to call in your audience. The key here is to say something that others are afraid to say, perhaps controversial but once you have chosen that ONE thing…(proceed to step 5)

Step 5: Get super visible

Spread that message out like wildfire. Create evergreen content around it and don’t stop showing up. That is how you start establishing your credibility and becoming known as the authority in your industry. Want to know how to establish your Authority without being on social media? Read here.


So here is where I leave you. Today is the day you have my full permission to stray from the crowd and proudly say what you want.


Challenge the norm in your industry. That is how you start to become a sought-after Thought Leader and an Authority.


You’ll notice your perfectly aligned clients will start to come out of the woodwork and start rallying your message. (psssst peep this article about how to call in your aligned high-caliber clients)


If you want to learn more about attracting aligned high-caliber clients through disruptive marketing using Mesmerizing Messaging™, then I invite you to join my FREE email series called Influentially Disruptive for Powerhouse coaches who want to position themselves as the Go-To Thought Leaders in your industry. Simply click here to start you on your way.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Youtube, or visit my website for more info!

Allyza Shaine Brainz Magazine

Allyza Shaine, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Allyza Shaine, the pioneering Authority & Marketing Coach and Founder of the A.T.M Method™, is a true unicorn in her field. With a former US Marine background, she brings a fresh perspective and unique approach to coaching. Her insights on women's wealth have been featured on CBS News, ABC News, and shared alongside influential figures like Sally Krawcheck and Monique Idlett-Mosley. As the founder of The Qavah Company, she specializes in positioning powerhouse coaches as industry leaders. Living the military lifestyle while traveling with her three girls, Allyza embodies resilience and empowers others as the generational wealth catalyst for female entrepreneurs. Her transformative journey inspires women worldwide to break generational barriers and achieve unimaginable success on their own terms.



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