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There Is You, And Then There Is The Natural You

Wayne Walker is well-known Hypnotherapist and Master hypnotist. He is the founder of Reflective Mind Hypnosis, a hypnotherapy practice, creator of Pounds Away online weight loss group, and the host of the “The Hypno Lion’s Roar” podcast.

Executive Contributor Wayne Walker

In our journey through life, we often ponder the nature of our existence and the essence of our being. We ask questions such as, "Who am I?" and "What defines me?" These inquiries lead us to explore the "Natural You" concept, the authentic self that resides within each individual. My goal for this article is to delve into the intricacies of the Natural You and how it shapes our thoughts, actions, and interactions with others, as well as how and why you may want to consider modifying or enhancing your Natural You. In this article, I will be using the terms "Natural You" and "Natural Self" interchangeably.

Joyful woman standing in front of colored wall

"Let us embrace the Natural You within, embracing the beauty of our uniqueness." Wayne Walker, Master Hypnotist

Your body: The perception of self

The Natural You is a reflection of how we perceive ourselves. It encompasses our beliefs, values, and the core aspects that make us unique. It is the essence of our being, untainted by societal expectations or external influences. Our perception of self plays a crucial role in shaping our identity and ultimately determines how we navigate life, whether right, wrong, or indifferent.

Authenticity and self-expression

Embracing the Natural You means embracing authenticity. It is about honoring our true desires, passions, and talents and expressing them freely without fear of judgment or societal constraints. Allowing ourselves to be true to who we are creates a space for personal growth and fulfillment. This authenticity radiates through our actions and interactions, attracting like-minded individuals and fostering genuine connections. Having said this, people are rife with hypocritical thoughts and actions based on self-serving beliefs and positions.

The impact on others

While the Natural You is primarily concerned with self-reflection, it also holds the power to influence others. Our thoughts, actions, and energy can impact those around us. When we are aligned with our Natural You, we emit a positive aura, inspiring and uplifting those we encounter. Conversely, when we neglect our authentic selves, we may unknowingly project negativity or dissonance, affecting the dynamics of our relationships.

But I was hoping you could consider this thought. Does your natural self have the right to hurt others? When I refer to adverse impact, I am speaking purposely of hurting others. 

The journey of self-discovery

Discovering the Natural You is not a linear process but rather an ongoing journey of self-discovery. It requires introspection, self-reflection, and a willingness to explore the depths of our being. This journey involves embracing both our strengths and weaknesses as they contribute to our authentic selves. It may also include shedding societal expectations and unlearning conditioned beliefs that no longer serve us.

Overcoming challenges

Embracing the Natural You has its challenges. Society often imposes standards and expectations that can cloud our perception of self. It takes courage to break free from these constraints and embrace our true essence. Additionally, fear of judgment and rejection can hinder our journey towards authenticity. However, we can unlock our true power and potential by recognizing these obstacles and actively working to overcome them.

Changing your natural you

The Natural You is not static; it is fluid and should be ever-changing. Change in the Natural You is indeed possible and can be changed. However, it requires a strong desire to do so and a willingness to explore new perspectives. It requires holding a mirror to oneself and being honest about what you see. Our Natural Self is shaped by our beliefs, values, and experiences, but these are not set in stone. As I said, this is fluid. With a desire to grow and evolve, we can transform and expand our Natural self.

 We must first recognize the areas that require change to change our Natural You. This requires introspection, self-reflection, and a willingness to explore the depths of our being. We must also be willing to embrace both our strengths and weaknesses as they contribute to our authentic selves. We can then work towards changing those aspects that no longer serve us and that hinder our growth.

It is important to note that change must come from within and be true to our authentic selves. Any attempt to change for external reasons or to fulfill societal expectations may lead to a dissonance between our Natural You and our external self. This dissonance can cause anxiety, depression, and a feeling of being unfulfilled.

The journey towards changing our natural self involves shedding societal expectations and unlearning conditioned beliefs that no longer serve us and, in fact, hold us back. It requires us to break free from societal constraints, family dynamics, self-perceptions, and our desires to be right in order to embrace our true essence. This can be challenging, as we may face fear of judgment and rejection or even must admit we were wrong. However, we can unlock our true power and potential by recognizing these obstacles and actively working to overcome them.

How can you change your natural you?

Many people struggle with the idea of changing their innate self. While willpower is one way to make changes, it often requires prolonged focus and is not sustainable. Additionally, relying solely on willpower can and almost always does lead to failure and frustration, which causes us to abandon our desire to change our natural selves. An alternative and highly effective method to alter your natural self is through hypnosis.

Hypnosis, when conducted under the guidance of a qualified hypnotist, can help modify the programming within your subconscious mind. By accessing the subconscious mind, hypnosis can help you make changes to your behavior, beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes quickly and effectively. Unlike relying on willpower, hypnosis does not require prolonged focus or effort; the changes made through hypnosis can be more sustainable.

During a hypnosis session, the hypnotist will guide you into a state of deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility. This state allows the hypnotist to bypass the critical thinking of the conscious mind and access the subconscious mind. The hypnotist will then use suggestion and visualization techniques to help you make the desired changes to your natural self.

Overall, hypnosis is a powerful tool for personal transformation and can help you make changes to your innate self quickly and without relying on willpower. With the guidance of a qualified hypnotist, hypnosis can be a safe and effective way to achieve your personal goals and make lasting changes to your life.

Let's consider Motivational seminars for a moment. To call these events or programs "motivational" is a misnomer. They should be referred to as "Inspirational Seminars" because motivation comes from within; you can be inspired, which can spark your internal motivation to act and move forward. These inspirational seminars, led by self-help gurus, can be a valuable experience for many of the attendees. However, many attendees will in all likelihood, find it challenging to implement the advice given even though they have been inspired to take the information and want to utilize it to make changes in their lives. Why is this? The reason is that the subconscious mind has yet to be reprogrammed or set up correctly to embrace new ways of thinking and then implement this new information. A person can have all the motivation they wish, but if they have to fight themselves, i.e., the old programming, emotional shutdown, or failure, as many call it, is inevitable.

Look at it like this. If you have a gas engine, it must have the correct fuel, which is gasoline. But if one day you discover that this gas engine is not as sturdy and efficient at pulling your hefty trailer, you decide you need a different vehicle. One that can do the job better, easier, and more efficiently. Through your research, you find out that the diesel engine is what you need and you buy a vehicle with a diesel engine. But because you only have access to gasoline, you put gasoline in the vehicle that is designed to run on diesel, and when your new, better vehicle with the diesel engine does not run, you do not understand why. You are putting fuel into it, but as you know, it's the wrong type of fuel.

This is the story of how inspiration and motivation can lead to failure when we're stuck in old ways. Imagine a car with a powerful engine, ready to conquer new roads. We have the desire to change and improve, and we gather all the information and motivation we need to move forward. But here's the catch: we're still using the wrong fuel, the old programming that no longer serves us. As a result, we find ourselves stuck in a never-ending cycle of disappointment. It's time to break free from this vicious cycle and embrace new possibilities. Let's find the right fuel, reprogram ourselves, and unlock our true potential. Only then can we truly experience the joy of progress and growth. So let's ignite our engines with the right fuel and embark on a journey of transformation and success. The road may be challenging, but with determination and the willingness to evolve, we can break free from the cycle and create a future filled with triumph and fulfillment. The subconscious mind is a powerful force that drives our habits and behaviors, often without awareness. It can be challenging to change deeply ingrained habits and beliefs, especially if they have been a part of our lives for a long time.

Even after attending an inspirational seminar and feeling motivated to change, individuals may encounter challenges in maintaining the new information presented to them. Initially, they may want to to implement the advice they received, but over time, the inspiration fades, and the internal motivation tires from the effort; emotional shutdown occurs, and very quickly, they revert to their old ways.

However, change is possible with the right tools and mindset. It requires dedication, perseverance, and a deep understanding of one's subconscious mind. The journey of personal growth and transformation is not easy, but the rewards are profound. It can lead to a more fulfilling life, greater self-awareness, and a sense of purpose. By reprogramming the subconscious mind to create a “New natural you” through hypnosis, thus embracing new ways of thinking and doing things, individuals can achieve lasting change and transform their lives beyond what they thought possible.


In a world that often rewards conformity, it is crucial to acknowledge and celebrate the uniqueness within each of us. Embracing authenticity, self-expression, and self-reflection can unlock the power to lead a life that aligns with our true essence. This path of self-discovery brings personal fulfillment and inspires those around us to embark on their own paths of self-realization.

The concept of the Natural You is not a static entity but rather a fluid expression of our beliefs, values, and experiences. It reflects who we are at a given moment yet holds vast potential for growth and transformation. With a desire to evolve and a willingness to explore new perspectives, we can shape and redefine our Natural Self, opening up endless possibilities for personal development.

 We grant ourselves permission to be fully seen and heard by embracing our authenticity. This could mean expressing our true feelings in a conversation or sharing our unique perspective in a meeting. We break free from societal expectations and find the courage to express ourselves in ways that align with our most profound truths. This cultivates a sense of liberation and empowerment that inspires others to embrace their own uniqueness.

Self-reflection is a guiding compass on our journey of self-discovery. It allows us to unravel the layers that obscure our true essence and gain clarity on our values, passions, and purpose. Through introspection, we make choices that align with our authentic selves, forging a path toward a more meaningful existence. It provides us with a sense of direction and reassurance in our self-exploration.

In the limited scope of this article, I can only touch upon the surface of the vast expanse of topics that have the potential to be explored in more comprehensive pieces. These areas demand further examination, as they hold the potential to unravel a myriad of intriguing insights and captivating narratives. Given that each subject deserves its dedicated exploration, it becomes apparent that a single article can only introduce the vast tapestry of knowledge waiting to be unraveled. Let us embark on a journey of discovery together, delving deeper into these uncharted territories, unearthing hidden gems and untold stories that lie beneath the surface. We shall embark on an intellectual quest, venturing into the realm of boundless possibilities, where each topic blooms into a captivating tale of its own. So, let us set forth, leaving no stone unturned, as we embark on this odyssey of knowledge and enlightenment. Explore the possibilities and wonders of hypnosis.

Hypnosis is not a silver bullet; however, it is the closest thing to a silver bullet you will ever come close to. – Wayne Walker


Wayne Walker, Seasoned Professional Speaker and Trainer

Wayne Walker is not just a hypnotist; he's a catalyst for positive change, dedicated to guiding individuals towards their desired destinies. Despite facing adversity in a broken home with an alcoholic mother, Wayne's early exposure to hypnosis during kickboxing training sparked a deep-seated passion for helping others unleash their inner potential. As the founder of Reflective Mind Hypnosis, Wayne offers personalized assistance to clients across the country, driven by his relentless mission to make each day better than the last.

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