Written by: Alecia Wellen, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Energy is everywhere! Do you ever walk into a room and get a feeling that you can't quite put your finger on it? You cannot see, smell, taste, touch, or hear it, but there is something there.

"Energy is the currency of the universe. When you pay attention to something, you buy that experience." – Emily Maroutian
All things consist of energy at varying degrees of vibration; some are subtle, and some are obvious. Life force energy is within all of us. Some standard terms from different cultures include Chi/Qi, Ki, Mana, Prana, Ruach, and Wakan. Mikao Usui developed Reiki in the early 1900s. Reiki (ray-key) is a Japanese word meaning "universal life energy," the energy found in all things. When connected with Reiki, an individual can heal, awaken, and enliven through the practice. Reiki supports the whole person in whatever journey they are on in their life. Although Reiki does not replace or substitute medical or mental health treatment by a physician or therapist, it is used worldwide, including in hospitals and hospices, to complement traditional health treatments.
So, what is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese stress reduction and relaxation technique that promotes healing. Reiki treats the whole person, including body, emotions, mind, and spirit, creating beneficial effects, including ease, peace, security, and well-being.
We spend so much time on our minds and bodies with therapy, education, exercise, and nutrition that we forget about our energy. Keeping the balance between our minds, bodies, and points of power is essential. As people become more aware, the benefits are becoming more prevalent daily. Connecting and aligning with energy brings our well-being full circle.
Energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or emotional pain. Over time, these energy blocks can cause illness or dis-ease. Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method of energy healing and self-improvement that anyone can use. It can work with other medical or therapeutic techniques to promote recovery and healing and ultimately clear energy blocks and dis-ease.
How does Reiki work?
The goal is to activate a healing process, which means the person's vibration heats up or slows down based on the required energy shift. This shift takes the body from fight or flight to rest and restore, instigating our natural healing abilities to be restored. Reiki is a high vibrational energy force transmitted through a practitioner or Reiki Master, who is trained and attuned to the energy. The energy moves from the universe, through the Reiki Master, into the recipient. Hence, their body is best prepared for natural healing. A Reiki Master acts as a conduit between the recipient and the source of universal life force energy through the Reiki Master's hands. We all have an energy body made up of aura (energy fields), the chakras (energy centers), and the meridians (energy pathways). The energy fields take energy in, the chakras break it down, and the meridians distribute it throughout the body. Meditation occurs to reach the aura; balancing the chakras takes place during the meditation, and the healing is distributed through the energy pathways.
Time and space do not exist when engaged in Reiki, and energy healing is possible from a distance. It is entirely possible to experience the benefits of Reiki without being in the same physical space. Some believe the effects are even more so when the distractions of being in the same space do not exist.
Although we live and breathe in a linear timeline, energy transcends time and space. A few additional examples of this concept include faith, fear, and love. All three are not seen but can be felt without being in the same space.
Reiki is an energetic and spiritual healing, not based on belief or suggestion but rather a subtle and effective form of energy work using the energy that flows through all living things. Everyone can connect with their life force energy and use it to strengthen them when it is prominent and free-flowing, allowing for a positive state of health in mind, body, and spirit.
We spend so much time on our mind and body with things like exercise, diet, education, and therapy that we often forget there is a third component that we bring with us every day: our energy. When looking to harness the next level of potential, Reiki can be used as a new resource to enhance our existing abilities.
Are you ready for the room to feel you before they see you? Reiki is better experienced than explained. To learn more about your energy and how you can be in better balance, email us here or visit our website.

Alecia Wellen, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Alecia Wellen draws upon 20+ years of professional experience in varying roles in the financial sector: compliance, marketing, operations and sales capacities. As the Founder + CEO of her own coaching and consulting firm she offers professional coaching, consulting and Reiki to national and international leaders and high achievers looking to leverage their inflection points to reach a higher potential, whether it be in their personal or professional lives. She is seasoned in helping entrepreneurs, executives and small businesses explore where they are now, how they want to accelerate and elevating them to where they want to go next.